Forum Overview :: Star Wars: Battlefront
Played some of this at Best Buy by The Joosh 09/24/2004, 6:52pm PDT
I thought it was kinda neat being all BF1942y with huge maps and armies, altho I didn't get to check out the vehicles. Shooting was pretty fun in singleplayer aside from the fact that even on the xbox there were some storm troopers running into walls (they shouldnt do that). Well, one storm trooper. Also, the AI for both sides was clearly far better than BF1942, which should be a requirement for all singleplayer games.

And there's ragdoll. So as far as I can tell this game is worth a minimum of 7 out of 10. And I got to shoot the fuck out of like 50 badguys in the 3 minutes I played because I was applying my Vietnam skills.
Played some of this at Best Buy by The Joosh 09/24/2004, 6:52pm PDT NEW
    APPLY THEM TO YOUR MOTHER NT by Entropy Stew 09/24/2004, 6:58pm PDT NEW
    NO RAGDOLLS by Tycho of Penny Arcade fame 09/24/2004, 7:16pm PDT NEW
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