by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 7:13pm PDT |
Once I went up to Frostburg, MD (circa 1995-6) to go out on a date. Stayed overnight at a motel - long story - then drove home only to have my clutch fail. This was before cell phones were popular, so I hung a "SEND HELP" sign in my back window. Someone was nice enough to stop, and drove me back to the truck stop at Hancock, where I call Geico, who send out a tow truck from a contractor in Warfordsburg,PA. He also owned a garage and as I was explaining what happened he asked me about some things I hadn't told him, and knew what was wrong: the clutch was burned out, and would have to be replaced. He gave me a rough estimate. I decided to have him fix it. As it turns out, what would be the urban equivalent of 2 blocks away is a motel. My ATM card works or I'd have had to sleep in my car.
I call my office from the hotel and tell them the bus wouldn't even get back to Washington until 4:30 so I''d be out the next day.
In neither case did I leave a tip since 1. I didn't think of it, and 2. both stays were one day, basically overnight.
In the morning the tow truck guy drives and drops me at the Breezewood, PA Greyhound. I catch the bus, and as it turns out, by 4 pm it stops at the Silver Spring MD bus station 4 blocks from my office. So I decide to stop in and say hello, and finish a couple of small tasks I might not otherwise have done. A week later I let my boss know I'd be out for the day as I took the bus to Breezewood, then would drive home. The total was about 110% of the estimate, one other part was broken which was about $90.
When I got to Breezewood I called the repair shop in Warfordsburg where the owner drove to the bus station to pick me up to drive back to the garage and the car, and pay him in cash, (about $800) since he doesn't know me he can't take a check, of course, (and did not take credit cards.) Accompanying me on the front seat home, since he hadn't mentioned it and I never asked, was a large box containing a broken clutch and several other broken parts. The brand-new clutch worked great and I had no problems with the car until I was rear-ended about 5 years later and their insurance company declared the car totaled.