by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 5:56pm PDT |
Tuesday night around 9 I got home from working a 15-hour shift as an election judge. I unlock the door, then turn on the light so I can see if my cat Runner is any[;ace near the door in case he wants to try to escape. No sight so far, so - because my powered chair does not have enough power to pull me over the threshold - I back up, close the door all but a crack, then turn around 180o and back in the door, using the chair to push it open.
The son-of-a-bitch had watched because if he approached the door while I'm facing it I can grab him and hold him, preventing his escape. The scheming little bastard wayched until I had my back to the door, allowing him to sneak out on one side, which is what he did. I saw the sneaky fucker squeak right past me and out onto the front area, tail standing proudly as he walked right out the door.
I stop and switch to forward traffic but this conniver knew exactly what to do. The only place I can chase him is on concrete, If I go off the pathway stones the wheels can't get back on them in most places and I can get stuck in the grass. Also, all Runner has to be is four feet away on grass and I can't chase him. That's exactly where he parks, 5-6 feet onthe lawn, and he is invulnerable; I can't recapture him and he knows it.
I almost get stuck as I try rolling off the cobblestones to grab him and am just barely able to get back on. (Plus asdditionally there is steeper grass areas next to the edge of the property that I suspect could tip my chair over.
Okay, he wins. He wants to go out he stays out; there is no way I can get him back since he refuses to return when I call his name. So be it; he's outside for the night, good or bad. I'll try again in the morning when he'll probably be hungry. I went back in as I was exhausted. I tried going back a couple of times before I threw in the towel. He never came back. My legs would be too sore to get up again without rest. Once I exit the wheelchair I'm out until morning.
Try again, same result. Later I need to lie down again. By 5 I painfully got back in my chair, then try again, banging cans of cat food as anattempt to brible him. Nothing; I don't even know if leaving some dry cat food that afternoon had any effect on attracting him.
I went to the store in Washington, DC and bought one of Giant's Supreme Pizzas. I ate it to commemorate his death.
It's been 24 hours and he's had no food (or water) nor has he attempted to come back and wheedle for it.
Well, he got what he wanted. Despite my efforts to keep him in and protected, he got out into the real world again ("One More Time" - Daft Punk) to frolic and play. And it killed him.
RIP Runner Robinson, 2018-2018
"I will forget him soon, but I will love him forever." - Natalie Anatov in David Graham's Down to a Sunless Sea |
Runner is dead by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 5:56pm PDT 
Daft Punk - "One More Time" by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 6:03pm PDT 
In Eulogy, my favorite piece of literature, from "The Tempest" by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 6:21pm PDT 
Buddy by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/27/2018, 9:16pm PDT 
Jonsey by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 9:41pm PDT 
It likely got eaten by a coyote, happens all the time. The best thing to do now by would be to get a new cat. 06/29/2018, 5:37am PDT 
A coyote A western US animal.. I live in Maryland, 4 miles from DC. NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/29/2018, 8:51am PDT 
That's not been true for a while. by Coyote Pimps go wherever they want 06/29/2018, 10:12am PDT 
No by Wile E Reprobate 06/29/2018, 10:17am PDT 
Re: Runner is dead by Roop 06/29/2018, 1:41pm PDT 
Re: Runner is dead by Lord Bugslayer 06/29/2018, 1:50pm PDT 
Also: look for him at dawn and dusk NT by Roop 06/29/2018, 1:58pm PDT 
People brake for cats, it's more likely Runner got catknapped. Paul should by search out where poor people live. 06/29/2018, 3:46pm PDT 
We got a Runner! by pinback 06/29/2018, 2:52pm PDT 
Healthy, cute and domesticated cat wandering around lost. It's in someone's by kitchen. Hang a fucking sign. 06/29/2018, 6:29pm PDT 