He has a list of his 100 favorite songs, and this is #41. I explain why I think the name is wrong and the lyrics don't work in context.
Ice Cream Jonsey wrote:
#41 Love Will Find a Way - Yes
1. Yes' Owner of a Lonely Heart (his #47) is a much better song.
2. The choice of this title ("Love Will Find a Way") is both not fitting what they are singing and is likely to confuse people into thinking it's a cover of Pablo Cruise's song with the identical name from 9 years earlier:
Pablo Cruise's song is a man talking to {Presumably} a woman who doesn't think she'll find love; his advice is that if she keeps her heart open things will change.
Yes' song is about a man who is telling a woman because he feels bad over his breakup with someone else he's not going to find love. Then, at the same time he is telling her if she believes then his heart will find a place fer her. This is total nonsense; you don't simultaneously believe you're not going to find someone AND that someone who is near you is going to make you love them.
Let's ask one question. If Karen Carpenter, singing I'll Say Goodbye to Love in which you can easily imagine this song is the character's suicide note, were to include lyrics saying she's going to be with someone, would it work? No, and that's why I think Yes's title and even the lyrics, to some extent, don't work.