Pinback's GAMES OF THE YEAR! by pinback 12/25/2016, 2:17pm PST 
Fuck, I should have organized this better. One second... NT by pinback 12/25/2016, 2:18pm PST 
10. Pac Man Championship Edition 2 by pinback 12/25/2016, 2:18pm PST 
An excellent numba ten. NT by The Breadman 12/25/2016, 7:08pm PST 
Nobody will like any of my other picks. I'm glad we had this moment. NT by pinback 12/25/2016, 7:30pm PST 
Why do you say that? I like Pac-Man a lot. I'll like the others? NT by The Breadman 12/25/2016, 7:43pm PST 
I'm really looking forward to an "exciting" list. NT by sigh. 12/27/2016, 1:05am PST 
9. XCOM 2 by pinback 12/27/2016, 6:34am PST 
8. Planet Coaster by pinback 12/27/2016, 6:36am PST 
Now that I have a rig that CAN run it, this should have been much higher. NT by pinback 12/01/2017, 3:31am PST 
7. The Flame in the Flood by pinback 12/29/2016, 8:35am PST 
6. Duskers by pinback 12/29/2016, 8:38am PST 
5. Airport Madness 3D by pinback 12/30/2016, 11:45am PST 
Please note the following by Commander Tansin A. Darcos` 01/03/2017, 6:52am PST 
Thank you. by pinback 01/03/2017, 7:11am PST 
Yes, I said "if you're interested" twice. I trust you to look past th-- ah fuck NT by pinback 01/03/2017, 7:13am PST 
Pinner, are you that stupid? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos` 01/03/2017, 7:55am PST 
Shut the fuck up and stop ruining everything. NT by FRIENDLY ADVICE 01/03/2017, 8:37am PST 
I gotta take pinback's and that other asshole's side on this one. NT by You're being a dick. 01/03/2017, 11:38am PST 
Re: Pinner, are you that stupid? by dr. no 01/03/2017, 12:25pm PST 
Lets examine that usage carefully by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 01/05/2017, 8:44am PST 
putting the ANTIC in pedantic NT by that's our TARDCOS! 01/05/2017, 11:40pm PST 
Oh, it's on now! by dr. no 01/06/2017, 4:33pm PST 
4. Atlantic Fleet by pinback 12/30/2016, 11:48am PST 
3. Stellaris by pinback 01/01/2017, 7:47am PST 
Proof that pinback's opinions are terrible NT by We all knew that 9 months ago 01/01/2017, 10:24am PST 
Proof that every single comment of yours is worthless. by Mysterio 01/01/2017, 11:56am PST 
Suicide is not something to joke around with. NT by Shame on you. 01/03/2017, 2:21am PST 
Neither is shitposting! NT by Mysterio 01/03/2017, 8:34am PST 
Actually, the whole point of shitposting is joking around. NT by just saying. 01/03/2017, 11:40am PST 
Re: Suicide is not something to joke around with. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/03/2017, 8:36am PST 
Your suicide recommendation is what is worthless. by Commander Tansin A. Darcos` 01/03/2017, 7:37am PST 
I thought he was only allowed in his own base. Now he's ruining threads here. NT by pinback 01/03/2017, 8:22am PST 
This is too much autism even for me. NT by Hell has officially froze over. 01/03/2017, 11:55am PST 
You waited too long to get your shots in, this is where the list starts getting NT by really good. 01/03/2017, 2:16am PST 
You should have made this #1 for the ultimate twist ending NT by mark 01/03/2017, 5:01pm PST 
2. Tharsis by pinback 01/01/2017, 7:52am PST 
Re: 2. Tharsis by Mysterio 01/01/2017, 11:57am PST 
But Tharsis WAS fucking terrible and you and pinback deserve each other NT by We all knew that 9 months ago 01/01/2017, 1:57pm PST 
Re: But Tharsis WAS fucking terrible and you and pinback deserve each other by Fortinbras 01/01/2017, 3:00pm PST 
Okay, okay, it wasn't terrible. Maybe 7/10. Not top ten games of the year. NT by We all knew that 9 months ago 01/01/2017, 3:25pm PST 
I usually like seeing people take jabs at pinback, but you are presenting NT by yourself too desperate. It's sad. 01/03/2017, 2:14am PST 
Ah come on, it was pretty fucking good. by Worm 01/03/2017, 1:30pm PST 
If this is one of the ten best games this year we should all call it a bad year by Saltlord 11/29/2017, 11:08am PST 
I don't understand the complaint, sorry. by pinback 11/29/2017, 5:23pm PST 
I'm smart enough to have won it and there's plenty of luck-based games that are by good, it's just a bad game. 11/30/2017, 1:40am PST 
I'm serious, I couldn't understand any of your points. I'd be happy to discuss NT by it with you, though. 11/30/2017, 4:03am PST 
It's one of the 100 best games of all-time. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/29/2017, 9:11pm PST 
It's Papers, Please in space with RNG screw instead of interface screw via pace. NT by Saltlord 11/30/2017, 12:51am PST 
I disagree, friend. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/30/2017, 11:20am PST 
I'm sold! Please give me your top highlights from the World Series of Tharsis. NT by Saltlord 11/30/2017, 3:15pm PST 
1. The Witness by pinback 01/01/2017, 8:48am PST 
At least you finished the list off strong. NT by I was expecting video slots. 01/03/2017, 1:56am PST 
Thanks, man, I will have to check these out by blackwater 01/03/2017, 12:28pm PST 
Honorable Mentions! NT by pinback 01/03/2017, 12:33pm PST 
Pony Island by pinback 01/03/2017, 12:35pm PST 
Pony Island was fun. I wish it had been a bit less linear, though NT by blackwater 01/04/2017, 10:35pm PST 
Sengoku Jidai: Shadow of the Shogun by pinback 01/03/2017, 12:37pm PST 
Polaris Sector by pinback 01/03/2017, 12:45pm PST 
Devil Daggers by pinback 01/05/2017, 5:20am PST 