by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 08/11/2014, 6:55am PDT |
I've lived in the Washington, D.C. area for many years, first living in Southwest DC for a year, then living in Maryland for about 12 years, Virginia for 7, and back in Maryland for the last 6 years or so, and watched with amusement as I saw the antics of the man who probably inspired Toronto's Mayor Ford, our own "Mayor For Life" (as he was nicknamed by the columnist who went under the name "Loose Lips" in the Washington City Paper), Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry Jr.
The nickname "Mayor For Life" was - as I recognized it - was a bit of a snipe at him from the title of "President For Life" which François "Papa Doc" Duvalier, dictator of Haiti, awarded himself, for Barry's constant relection by the residents of DC, and its status as a laughingstock for a number of problems including the horrendous murder rate and other problems including allegations of political cronyism ala Chicago ward-style politics and the city's inability to do almost anything right except issue parking tickets, for which the city executes with such ruthless competence that they put examples such as Auchwicz and Dachau to shame for their sloth and inefficiency.
I was never a Barry hater as much as that I felt for someone who supposedly has a college education as Barry does, he never sounded like he was all that bright. (Barry has a batchelor's degree in chemistry and a master's in organic chemistry.)
Well, CSPAN has rerun his appearance on June 19, 2014 at the National Press Club where he was hawking his autobiography, "Mayor For Life," and I decided to listen to him as well as the questions he was asked. So having heard him I have to admit that he's a brighter than i thought he was, or he's not as stupid as I thought he was, depending on which way you want to put it.