by Bananadine 05/17/2010, 10:23pm PDT |
I ran through most of the .ulx and .blb games in the IF Archive. (The interpreter I've hacked doesn't seem to handle other types well.) That TV game made it pretty clear what would happen, but this was so much easier than making an appropriate game from scratch that I went ahead with it anyway:
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Welcome to Adventure!
You: The Interactive Original
You: By Will Crowther (1973) and Don Woods (1977)
You: Reconstructed in three steps by:
You: Donald Ekman, David M. Baggett (1993) and Graham Nelson (1994)
You: [In memoriam Stephen Bishop (1820?-1857): GN]
You: Release 5 / Serial number 961209 / Inform v6.21(G0.33) Library 6/10
You: At End Of Road
You: You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.
Stranger: The fuck
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Welcome to Adventure!
You: The Interactive Original
You: By Will Crowther (1973) and Don Woods (1977)
You: Reconstructed in three steps by:
You: Donald Ekman, David M. Baggett (1993) and Graham Nelson (1994)
You: [In memoriam Stephen Bishop (1820?-1857): GN]
You: Release 5 / Serial number 961209 / Inform v6.21(G0.33) Library 6/10
You: At End Of Road
You: You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Stranger: quit
Stranger: exit
Stranger: q
Stranger: jfdfjdjfdj
Stranger: help
You: You broke it with quit, nice work
Stranger: thanks
You: Now we will never find out how the adventure ends (or starts).
Stranger: but we'll find out something else...
You: No
You: Not ASL
Stranger: i certainly didn't mean anything so crass.
[long pause]
You: You had your chance
You have disconnected.
That was the greatest success of the night. :(
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: Tunnel-Like Hall
You: You are in your comfortable tunnel like hall. In fact, it's just a dirty hole in the ground, but to you it's home. Gandalf is working on a nasty spell. There is a round, green door set in the eastern wall.
You: You can see a house door, a wooden chest (which is closed) and Gandalf here. .Gandalf is carrying a map.
You: Please report bugs to dbane@gofree.indigo.ie.
You: Ported and extended by Darren Bane from an MS-DOS adventure by Milbus Software
You: Release 1 (2001-09-11)
You: Inform v6.21(G0.37) / Platypus release 3 -SD
You: Tunnel-Like Hall
You: You are in your comfortable tunnel like hall. In fact, it's just a dirty hole in the ground, but to you it's home. Gandalf is working on a nasty spell. There is a round, green door set in the eastern wall.
You: You can see a house door, Thorin, a wooden chest (which is closed) and Gandalf here. .Thorin is carrying a joint. .Gandalf is carrying a map.
Stranger: wow.....
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
[long pause]
You: You'd better hurry. Gandalf is almost finished.
You: You die.
You have disconnected.
How hard is it to type ANYTHING! For Omegle users, it is pretty hard. :(
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: You are locked in a cell.
You: This in and of itself is not a new thing: spending a little time behind bars every now and again is one of the hazards of the job. But up until now it's been for little 50-crown and 100-crown jobs out in the countryside, and you've ended up in decrepit little gaols that managed to hold you for, what, a minute? Possibly two? This, though, this is different. You thought you'd try one last job, land one big score: five thousand crowns. And now you're the newest resident of King Tyrak II's deepest, darkest dungeon. Scream all you like: no one will be coming to rescue you. No one will even be coming to feed you. If you ever want to see the sun again, you will have to pull off an audacious escape -- and soon.
You: Cell
You: It's so dim down here that you can barely make out your surroundings, the only light provided by a few flickering torches (which are actually OUTSIDE the cell -- they must've heard about how you escaped the last time you were in a situation like this.) The cell is absolutely barren, the windowless stone walls are thick and unyielding, and the guard visible through the barred window in the equally thick stone door glowers at you fiercely. He doesn't even appear to be drunk. Wow. You've never actually seen a sober guard before.
Stranger: what are talking about?
You: [That verb is not needed to complete LOCK & KEY.]
Stranger: you sucks
You: [That verb is not needed to complete LOCK & KEY.]
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: You dream you walk in marble halls...
You: Sensory Jam
You: A Quick Glulx Demo
You: by Andrew Plotkin.
You: Release 4 / Serial number 000329 / Inform v6.21(G0.33) Library 6/10 SD
You: Entrance Lobby
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
The room didn't even get described. Is this schtick old yet? :(
I forget exactly but I think this was that same game, with the introduction used up on the previous Stranger:
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: This is Captain James Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise... who is this?
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Stranger: there's no verd in that sentence
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Stranger: *verb
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Stranger: well, if that's all there is to this conversation
You: You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Stranger: You, perhaps?
You: You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Stranger: I think you're double posting
You: I only understood you as far as wanting to inventory.
Stranger: Well, what is there as far as inventory?
You: You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom.
Stranger: Shit. There's an advancing alien ship of some sort.... Kirk out.
You: Real adventurers do not use such language.
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: *** Run-time problem P52: This interpreter does not support Unicode.
You: Zork
You: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game by Infocom -- Ported by Dean Menezes
You: Release 3 / Serial number 080504 / Inform 7 build 5T18 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/12N)
You: West of House
You: You are in an open field on the west side of a white house with a boarded front door.
You: There is a small mailbox here?
You: A rubber mat saying "Welcome to Zork" lies by the door.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
This happened a few times, with Zork. Not even the decency to tell me to fuck off! "One of those Zork spammers," they seem to be thinking. :(
Omegle wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: http://www.paybackNikki.in/?id=evrko24xcovnp3nlqzp5ojjpdrxr4g
You: ** Run-time problem P52: This interpreter does not support Unicode.
You: Zork
You: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game by Infocom -- Ported by Dean Menezes
You: Release 3 / Serial number 080504 / Inform 7 build 5T18 (I6/v6.31 lib 6/12N)
You: West of House
You: You are in an open field on the west side of a white house with a boarded front door.
You: There is a small mailbox here?
You: A rubber mat saying "Welcome to Zork" lies by the door.
You: That's not a verb I recognise.
[long pause]
And that brings us up to the present. (Okay not really I disconnected the spammer.)
SCALA VERDICT: It seems like it's probably awesome and it solves most of the problems I've had with Java but the editors for it suck so right now it's only good for people who can stand programming without a good editor (i.e.: slowly or poorly). |
Omegle by Fussbett 04/07/2009, 6:11pm PDT 
Re: Omegle by Last 04/07/2009, 6:38pm PDT 
I think I contacted the Cables by Fortinbras 04/07/2009, 9:49pm PDT 
Re: I think I contacted the Cables by Entropy Stew 04/07/2009, 10:05pm PDT 
Re: I think I contacted the Cables by Fortinbras 04/07/2009, 10:08pm PDT 
pedobear edition by Entropy Stew 04/07/2009, 10:11pm PDT 
my first time didn't go so well by spam dumpster 04/07/2009, 11:51pm PDT 
QB Skype logs versus Omegle by Fussbett 04/10/2009, 12:03am PDT 
This one by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/10/2009, 12:20am PDT 
Agreed. Fucking awesome. NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/08/2009, 5:53pm PST 
Strangers got on longest with my log! I win! NT by Quétinbec 04/10/2009, 5:19pm PDT 
IRENE WONG 6 is onto you, asshole. NT by Choson 04/10/2009, 6:28pm PDT 
one-upped by Bananadine 12/08/2009, 7:19am PST 
Re: one-upped by Bananadine 12/08/2009, 4:14pm PST 
This technology continues to evolve by Bananadine 03/15/2010, 3:46pm PDT 
Zseni's was better by URL Tags? I need a peer mentor 12/08/2009, 8:14pm PST 
I'll be your peer mentor. by Souffle of Pain 12/08/2009, 9:54pm PST 
What?! I've been using <a href=> this entire time and I didn't have to?! NT by Fortinbras 03/15/2010, 7:06pm PDT 
Musical video version by FABIO 03/24/2010, 1:02am PDT 
it is so tempting to find a way to perform for people via these things by Bananadine 03/24/2010, 8:12am PDT 
I hooked up the part where the game listens but not the part where it talks back by Bananadine 05/08/2010, 11:42pm PDT 
Re: I hooked up the part where the game listens but not the part where it talks by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/09/2010, 7:55pm PDT 
Getting closer! by Bananadine 05/13/2010, 11:22am PDT 
IT'S RUN AMOK by fucking awesome 05/13/2010, 3:03pm PDT 
Ahead of your time by Vested Id 01/11/2012, 3:10pm PST 
I didn't see this until now. This is dynamite. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/13/2010, 4:27pm PDT 
BLOWING THE LID OFF OMEGLE AND CALTROPS by Bananadine 05/17/2010, 10:23pm PDT 
Re: BLOWING THE LID OFF OMEGLE AND CALTROPS by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/17/2010, 11:35pm PDT 
God, it's "Omegle", not "Chatroullette", GRANDPA by Fussbett 05/17/2010, 11:43pm PDT 
Shit! EDITING NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/17/2010, 11:44pm PDT 
Re: BLOWING THE LID OFF OMEGLE AND CALTROPS by Bananadine 05/18/2010, 7:25am PDT 
Illiteracy yes by Bananadine 05/24/2010, 11:29am PDT 
Kitten delivery by Bananadine 05/30/2010, 12:57am PDT 
excellent work NT by Fullofkittens 05/30/2010, 11:45am PDT 
You: You are now full of kittens. Excellent work. NT by Fussbett 05/30/2010, 12:48pm PDT 
Ben Folds appropriated this by Entropy Stew 03/24/2010, 9:08am PDT 