by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/20/2010, 11:42pm PST |
Congratulations, your PAX East panel submission of “Storytelling in the world of interactive fiction” has been accepted. We tentatively have you scheduled for Friday, March 26th from 5:30pm – 6:30pm in our Wyvern Theatre…
We have the following title and description for your panel:
Storytelling in the world of interactive fiction
Text adventures have been quietly experimenting with narrative gaming for thirty years. Five authors from the amateur interactive fiction community discuss the design ideas in their games — reordered storylines, unreliable narrators, deeply responsive NPCs — and how they apply to other kinds of games. (Rob Wheeler (mod.), Robb Sherwin, Aaron Reed, Emily Short, Andrew Plotkin)
Instead of talking nervously about text games in front of an increasingly-disinterested girl on a first date, I can make a complete ass out of myself in front of hundreds of new strangers. 2010 begins a decade of efficiency. I'll be sharply dressed and wearing a purple tie, I hope some of you who live in the area can attend.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey! |
I'm going to be speaking on a panel at PAX East by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/20/2010, 11:42pm PST 
PURPLE TIE by up with pod people 01/21/2010, 10:15am PST 
I was going to mention this tie also by laudablepuss 01/21/2010, 10:22am PST 
"Haha, Mac Hall Complaints Department. That IF speaker runs such an edgy forum" by PAX attendee 01/21/2010, 1:23pm PST 
The Wyvern Theater? Really? :( NT by The Gaijin 01/21/2010, 10:24pm PST 
Yeah, I did this when I saw that: by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/23/2010, 10:59pm PST 
Is there going to be a number we can text to vote for you? by Jerry Whorebach 01/22/2010, 8:42pm PST 
Does anyone have an example of a good panel, for these sort of things? by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/23/2010, 11:02pm PST 
Why do those Cables hate Tycho and Gabe so much? They donate to children. =( NT by Probable question-asker. 01/23/2010, 11:14pm PST 
Something to do with us being inhuman monster retards. :( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/24/2010, 12:50am PST 
they donate to children, then the children die, COINCIDENCE? NT by irony 01/24/2010, 11:45am PST 
I have an idea, a slideshow of Fabio's pa shoops. :3 by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/24/2010, 12:51am PST 
If it's like a seminar... by N 01/24/2010, 9:55am PST 
This is perfect. Thank you. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/24/2010, 10:56am PST 
Re: This is perfect. Thank you. by The Gaijin 01/24/2010, 11:38am PST 
Re: This is perfect. Thank you. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/24/2010, 11:46am PST 
Re: This is perfect. Thank you. by The Gaijin 01/24/2010, 1:41pm PST 
the main thing on a panel is you're only as good as your moderator. by up with pod people 01/24/2010, 11:31am PST 
UPDATE: I spoke on a panel at PAX East by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/27/2010, 12:17am PDT 
Was there a Q&A? Did you get asked questions? Were they dumb? NT by Fortinbras 03/27/2010, 1:26am PDT 
When's the movie drop (the fif maybe?)? NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/27/2010, 1:40am PDT 
Re: UPDATE: I spoke on a panel at PAX East by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/27/2010, 2:37am PDT 
On a panel for PAX in Seattle, September 3rd by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/15/2010, 11:57pm PDT 
PAX 2010: Jonesy sells out NT by Liked Caltrops before it sold out 08/16/2010, 5:41am PDT 
Re: On a panel for PAX in Seattle, September 3rd by Mischief Maker 08/19/2010, 12:47pm PDT 