by Rafiki 10/27/2009, 11:31am PDT |
I went into this game knowing virtually nothing about it other than a few screenshots and that it's sort of like Diablo with guns, and............................. it's pretty good. It's like an FPS Diablo. With guns! And dune buggies (anyone that doesn't color it pink or purple is banned from my games)! Or it's a slightly more action-oriented Fallout3 with random ground drops. Overall it runs really well for me, even when I'm hosting a game. Normally my cable connection is too shitty to host games, but Borderlands seemed to run fine with 2 other people connected. It did crash like 4 times trying to start up the first time, but then everything ran fine. And this is the second game that made me sit through a DirectX install because it called bullshit on DX11.
I'm liking it so far, but I'm only level 13 or so, so there's still time to go all Warhammer and turn to shit mid-game. There's also some annoyances, some of which I hope get patched:
-CHAT! They placed the [small] chat box over in the middle of the right side of the screen. I get their idea. Don't obscure the action in the middle of the screen, and place everything around it. In practice, this has been incredibly irritating for me, because it's extraordinarily easy to miss what someone says in the middle of a firefight. This is made worse by the fact that there doesn't appear to be a chat log. Didn't see someone's message in the 5 seconds it was on the screen? Gone forever. The text is also a very generic white font so it doesn't stand out, and when you change weapons the [large] weapon icon actually pops up over the chat box. I really hope they give you the option to move or otherwise restyle the chat box. Give it a temporary background while there's text in it or something, because damn.
Entropy Stew wrote:
Gamespy ID [to play online]?? Fuck that
-Everybody but MMO developers and the Left 4 Dead team still hate windowed with no frame in the resolution settings. Why they gotta be like that? I'm gonna have to make this a new thing. Ever since id turned the lights on like I was some kind of vampire end boss, I've had nothing. Just wildly flailing, I mean look at this shit. So now, motherfuckers gotta stop forcing me to minimize to desktop. Maybe I wanna cheat on Gamefaqs real quick. Maybe I never threw my old monitor away and I got other programs running on it that I wanna switch to for a second while keeping track of what's going on in the game so I don't die. Just sayin'.
-some menus have a mouse pointer, some menus are keyboard only or at least the mouse pointer doesn't show up sometimes. Probably a bug.
-Since opening a menu can't pause the game in multiplayer it would be nice if it didn't take over control. If something sneaks up on me while I'm checking my inventory, I'd like to be able to close it while I'm running for cover.
Some people will also be interested in this thread. There's some tweaks, such as enabling vsync, disabling startup movies, and disabling mouse smoothing which supposedly has an enormous impact on gameplay and responsiveness. |
Just got done playing Borderlands 4hrs straight.... Need I say more?? Dope! NT by Ice-T 10/22/2009, 9:29pm PDT 
can't tell if this looks interesting or gay by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 7:04am PDT 
it's coming to the pc soon and yea you can sell weapons by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 9:54am PDT 
Deus Ex meets Fallout 3? Psh, more like Hellgate London meets hey wait I already NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/24/2009, 6:09pm PDT 
Meets Killing Floop. O_O NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/24/2009, 6:16pm PDT 
by deus ex I might have meant deus ex 2 NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 6:17pm PDT 
We will have to play this delightful game to know for ourselves. ^_^ by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/24/2009, 6:26pm PDT 
I figure if it's a sr2/rf:g level bad port we will know after a month by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 6:38pm PDT 
Again, you two worthless faggots can just SAY your dumb shit to each other by Caltrops 10/24/2009, 7:09pm PDT 
wait............................................................................ NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 7:27pm PDT 
Uh oh looks like we made someone mad, better not laugh and high five............ by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/24/2009, 7:32pm PDT 
indeed, this is such a minor victory best not to gloat about it anymore today NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/24/2009, 7:33pm PDT 
Sorry, just getting up from a nap (why didn't anyone wake me? >:0 ) by Jrdano, the Cable family blacksheep 10/25/2009, 5:00am PDT 
Just got done playing Borderlands 5hrs straight.... Need I say more?? Dope! by Rafiki 10/27/2009, 11:31am PDT 
Re: Just got done playing Borderlands 5hrs straight.... Need I say more?? Dope! by Hans Clastorp 10/27/2009, 11:55am PDT 
I'm running into the equivalent of a Red MMO quest right now. by Worm 10/27/2009, 12:42pm PDT 
so, how unplayably buggy is this broken game? by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/29/2009, 1:00pm PDT 
The main problems are that the game menus were designed for a console and that by Entropy Stew 10/29/2009, 3:03pm PDT 
Yeah, menus are getting on my nerves and aren't very responsive by Rafiki 10/29/2009, 4:32pm PDT 
Jso is enjoying it very much so far. ^_^ by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/29/2009, 9:14pm PDT 
the steam forum's ports to forward list by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/30/2009, 2:27pm PDT 