by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/15/2009, 11:46pm PDT |
My mission was to remove a cow from the path of some cars.
A cow is blocking a line of cars. A butcher awaits on the far side of the screen. The first thing I tried to do was give the cow some grass - sort of lead it on. That worked just fine. The butcher saw the cow and HACKED HIM TO BITS. The line of cars, now completely free from any obstruction, proceeded to run over the butcher, killing him.
For some reason, the game didn't consider the end result of that mission a success.
I dorked around a couple more times before putting the game down. When I returned, I started up the mission and saw something I hadn't noticed before: when the level begins, there is an icon to the left of the "Level Start" text.
The icon is that of an active volcano.
Everyone is trying to get the hell out of dodge because they built their fucking town next to a lava-spewing precipice from hell. But there's no volcano anywhere other than the little square that quickly disappears after the level start text goes away. What a neat little detail. And with that in mind, I guess that makes it sort of okay if the cow gets chopped up. I mean, I have no illusions that the cow's destiny involved cattle decapitation, but look, I wasn't just given that hat for nothing - I'm a Scribblenaut. I knew I could save the cow and the day. (And, in real life, I *wasn't* given that hat. After an EB refused to sell me Doom 3 on release day, I made sure to never pre-order anything, out of spite. Well, it cost me big-time, no Scribblenaut hat for me. As someone who is ordering crocheted Berzerk pillows off the Internet, I want that hat. As someone who got six days of autumn in 2009 before it fucking snowed, I literally need that hat.)
I had read that a lot of puzzles could be solved with the UFO, and I needed something to help me fly over traffic. I couldn't go around the cars, since Scribblenauts has no concept of left and right along a z-axis. However, there was still more room to maneuver here than at any point during the average evening commute on I-25. Anyway, when I positioned the UFO over the cow, the cow started to levitate.
I'm not sure if it does that for all things. But I do know that UFOs like to beam two things up: cows and rednecks. So I was surprised, but then very happy, as it made sense. This cow was a fatty filled with beef patties, however, and the tractor beam of the UFO was not sufficient to get the thing completely up. The cow ended up on the roof of a nearby building. Now, I have no idea how, but the butcher somehow got up on to the roof of *another* building after I ditched the UFO in an attempt to get the starite. I suspect the butcher climbed up the UFO to get at the cow. Which is just - I mean, I wish I cared about my job as much as this butcher did, to just ignore alien technology casually discarded by some rooster-headed kid so I could get Bessie to the chopping block and make quota or however one tells the good butchers from bad. The butcher and cow then fell off the roof and got run over, which caused the mission to fail.
I don't want to give into hyperbole, and I am admittedly prone to liking things, but this is one of the greatest games ever made.
the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey! |
The Crazy Shit That Happens in Scribblenauts, a thread by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/15/2009, 11:46pm PDT 
Psh, that's all just bad game design ROLLING MY EYES AS HARD AS I CAN NT by Yahtzee 10/15/2009, 11:56pm PDT 
I did that mission in like 5 seconds. :( by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/16/2009, 3:03am PDT 
From what I can tell from people's posts, the jetpack is too cheap. NT by Fullofkittens 10/16/2009, 4:40am PDT 
Yeah it is, IT WORKS. 8( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/16/2009, 5:25am PDT 
I dropped a meteor from a small height onto an insect, which sort of pinned it by Entropy Stew 10/16/2009, 7:52am PDT 
Re: I dropped a meteor from a small height onto an insect, which sort of pinn by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/16/2009, 7:57am PDT 
MAYBE YOU SHOULD GIVE THE NINJA A JETPACK by Fullofkittens 10/16/2009, 8:02am PDT 
No you can't give a ninja a jetpack. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/16/2009, 8:06am PDT 
then this game sucks! NT by Fullofkittens 10/16/2009, 8:09am PDT 
Yes it sucks. O_________O NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/16/2009, 8:16am PDT 
Re: I dropped a meteor from a small height onto an insect, which sort of pinned by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/16/2009, 1:31pm PDT 
Hmm, I should spawn a flood NT by Entropy Stew 10/16/2009, 2:48pm PDT 
pshyawn, I WISH I had these baby-level problems. I'm on genius mode now by bombMexico 10/17/2009, 4:41am PDT 
I've pretty much wiped out genius mode. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 4:45am PDT 
Also if you put in "Edison" it makes a T-rex with a bandana. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 5:16am PDT 
In the Scribblenaut world, retards do not even EXIST by bombMexico 10/17/2009, 6:10am PDT 
It's called working smarter, look into it. 8( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 9:32am PDT 
You'll never get into college with that kind of attitude, son NT by Or any attitude, really. :( 10/17/2009, 9:36am PDT 
Thanks wrom but no one's really impressed that you're planning a school shooting by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 9:37am PDT 
Get off my cock one day in the future. NT by Worm 10/17/2009, 10:01am PDT 
I did not know you were a homosexual that's interesting. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 10:32am PDT 
I wish there was another conclusion with you on my cock all around the clock. by Worm 10/17/2009, 4:43pm PDT 
Do you remember what it was like..... when you first came out? by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 5:02pm PDT 
blah blah blah downtown blah blah blah something else NT by Worm 10/17/2009, 5:11pm PDT 
worm's dreams falls like rays/all upon a downtown gay NT by Fullofkittens 10/17/2009, 5:44pm PDT 
Well ain't you got nufin to say? by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/17/2009, 1:06pm PDT 
it's so funny to see non geniuses attempt to guess what geniuses do by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/17/2009, 3:09pm PDT 
Re: it's so funny to see non geniuses attempt to guess what geniuses do NT by Shut the fuck up 06/05/2024, 9:12pm PDT 