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I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 9:14am PST
Hello, everyone.

The title pretty much says it all. In the midst of building three new servers due to switching to an ISP that permits me to run servers, I stumbled across the harddisk of the original Caltrops web server / database. I had thought that the harddisk the original Caltrops server used was a 40GB that I formatted long before the forum deletion and have since given to my grandmother, but it would appear I was incorrect. When I went to format an old 10GB HD thinking it was one of my probably-broken-bad-sectors-everywhere ones, I found that it was in fact fine, booted OpenBSD, and contained a complete copy of the Caltrops archives right up until the moment we switched to pghoster, which would be on September 12th, 2003. The first 21,395 posts to this forum are intact and I have them in a 5MB gzip, right now.

It is also time to come clean about something else - while Veronica certainly didn't try to stop me from deleting Caltrops (she thought it was deserved), it was in fact my original decision to do so. Congratulations on the correctness of your deductions, BDR. I saw people using a forum I'd sunk an awful lot of time and effort into for the purpose of constantly deriding me and calling my wife a whore because she'd dared to commit the outrage of not being a virgin when she met me. How many of you can honestly say that you are your significant other's ONLY sexual partner, ever? Why should Veronica be held to that ridiculous standard? Who honestly cares if she had sex with Umberto before she met me? And no, Maxime Faget, she did not destroy Umberto's marriage - Umberto destroyed his own marriage with an entirely separate, later affair that involved nobody from OMM/GA/Caltrops.

In any case, one day I just decided I had simply had enough and wiped clean the pghoster DB and any archives I had on the network. Veronica offered to take the heat so as not to damage what few friendships I still had amongst the posters here.

I am very sorry about deleting Caltrops. It was an error I regret, and I apologize to all of you for it. You deserved better from me and I utterly failed you. I realize my apology does not in any way compensate for my actions, but hopefully providing you with the archives I now possess will make up for it in some small part.

I honestly thought at the time that I did have backups burnt on CD-R sitting in two AOL tins. However, much as I said earlier, when I went to examine those tins they were both empty. I still have no idea why that is, or what happened to those backup CD-Rs. Despite a very thorough hunt for them during our most recent move, they have not turned up (and they did contain more recent copies of the DB than what is on the harddisk). Because I almost instantly regretted my decision to delete Caltrops, I did in fact email Roj at pghoster and ask for a copy (we paid $5/mo extra for backup service). A reply was, as I said earlier, never forthcoming.

Which leads us to the problem of what to do now. There are two things I would like to happen at this point, and they both stem out of an effort on my part to simply make a clean break with Caltrops.

First and most immediately, before handing the archives over to ICJ I am going to very simply strip out all Senor Barborito posts by setting post_text where pseudonym = "Senor Barborito" to a single space. Obviously people quoted me at several points, but those quotes are just something I and those who honestly would like me to be purged from the record completely will have to live with.

I need to forget about Caltrops, and Caltrops needs to forget about me.

The second part is that I would like people to stop trying to stalk myself and Veronica - posting my Metafilter comments and such over here. A clean break is needed on both sides - if some people honestly care that much and want to IM each other back and forth picking apart and having a good laugh over everything I say, more power to them. But I would ask that you keep it off Caltrops. Not only does it provide for a clean break, but it's a smart policy move for Caltrops in general not to stalk people in that fashion regardless of whether it is me or some other idiot. Were I the type of person who felt like being an asshole twice over (and PLEASE understand this is not meant as a threat, I'm simply making an honest legal vulnerability assessment here), a simple DMCA notification to Caltrops' webhost would probably be sufficient to get ICJ's account, and Caltrops, yanked within 24 hours. This is because under the DMCA webhosts and ISPs suffer equal financial penalty to their customers should their customers be convicted of copyright violation - and most message boards (including Metafilter, for one) grant posters copyright of their posts. Standard operating procedure within every webhost and ISP in the USA is to immediately pull the offending account upon receipt of DMCA notice and ask questions later, for one simple reason - the $15 or $25 a month you pay them is not worth the potential $150,000 per violation penalty of the DMCA.

Therefore, if you must stalk, stalk in private via IM or IRC - don't do it in public like you have been thus far. I can tell you right now that I'm not going to do anything about the Metafilter posts that have been placed here, because I feel horrible enough over my actions thus far. I've wronged you all and I don't wish to compound my error. However, I have proven myself to be untrustworthy and for that reason it would be a good idea to remove them from both a legal perspective and a 'forgetting about Barborito and moving on' perspective. What ICJ actually does here is up to him, of course.

ICJ and ES, obviously I need both of you to contact me on AIM at your earliest convenience - ICJ so I can get this archive to you, and ES slightly before then because I'm very rusty with psql and have quite a history of wiping out Caltrops DBs both accidentally and on purpose.

Once again, to all of you - I'm very sorry about what I did. I can hope you'll forgive, forget, and move on, but I recognize my audience here and understand that this is not likely. Failing that, I hope at least most of you decide to make the mature decision and simply choose to make a clean break with Senor Barborito, past, present, and future. I'll be reading the forums here for the next two or three days to respond with further apologies to the inevitable 'Fuck you!' posts and explain anything which requires further explanation. After that, I don't intend to revisit again for any purpose, regardless of whether people IM me links to Caltrops posts or not.

I'm sorry for what I've done, and moreover for being such an uptight asshole the entire time I was an admin here. Veronica certainly didn't learn anything about the Internet, nor did I in the sense you might think (I knew people would keep talking about her being whore in perpetuity when I made the decision to delete), but I did learn, finally, that trying to steer online communities in a direction they do not wish to be steered is the very height of futility.

I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 9:14am PST NEW
    One other thing by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 9:22am PST NEW
        Re: One other thing by Mysterio 01/17/2005, 9:37am PST NEW
            Re: One other thing by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 9:41am PST NEW
                Re: One other thing by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 10:09am PST NEW
                    Re: One other thing by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:20am PST NEW
                        Re: One other thing by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 6:22pm PST NEW
                            Re: One other thing by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 6:33pm PST NEW
                                Yeah by Motherhead 01/17/2005, 6:41pm PST NEW
                                Good point...... OR IS IT?! by Ray of Light 01/17/2005, 10:25pm PST NEW
                                    Hahahaha [does] NT by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 10:30pm PST NEW
                                        PS by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 10:35pm PST NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by veronica 01/17/2005, 10:05am PST NEW
        Nice Ator by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:12am PST NEW
            How do we know you're not just Zseni fucking around? by Zseni 01/17/2005, 10:34am PST NEW
                A couple things by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:39am PST NEW
                    Oh, duh. The obvious one. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:51am PST NEW
                        Re: Oh, duh. The obvious one. by Zseni 01/17/2005, 12:09pm PST NEW
                No, it's real by Entropy Stew 01/17/2005, 10:39am PST NEW
                Re: How do we know you're not just Zseni fucking around? by Mysterio 01/26/2005, 3:32pm PST NEW
                    Re: How do we know you're not just Zseni fucking around? by Mysterio 01/26/2005, 3:33pm PST NEW
                    Re: How do we know you're not just Zseni fucking around? by Mysterio 01/26/2005, 3:35pm PST NEW
            C'mon SB by Give us the deep dish 01/17/2005, 11:25am PST NEW
        I think veronica is actually dead by Bunyip 01/18/2005, 4:56pm PST NEW
    but how many blowjobs are you getting (daily) AT THIS TIME THE VERY MOMENT (NOW) NT by Kthor 01/17/2005, 10:26am PST NEW
        Not as many as I fantasize about you giving me (daily) NT by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:36am PST NEW
            Me neither. NT by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 10:37am PST NEW
    I'm just on the VERGE of forgetting about that whole ugly incident. by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 11:31am PST NEW
        Re: I'm just on the VERGE of forgetting about that whole ugly incident. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 11:55am PST NEW
            Ha ha, yeah, I got a bit crazy there. by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 12:55pm PST NEW
                Re: Ha ha, yeah, I got a bit crazy there. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:08pm PST NEW
            Re: I'm just on the VERGE of forgetting about that whole ugly incident. by Kthor 01/17/2005, 1:00pm PST NEW
                Actually I was referring to my gerbil's cage. Those guys are the best. NT by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:12pm PST NEW
        And you're an illiterate moron. NT by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 11:58am PST NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by laudablepuss 01/17/2005, 11:55am PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 11:58am PST NEW
            Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by laudablepuss 01/17/2005, 12:21pm PST NEW
                Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 12:28pm PST NEW
        Et tu, laudable?! by I need clarification 01/17/2005, 1:15pm PST NEW
        I just thought the entire internet should know that laudablepuss is awesome. by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 8:51pm PST NEW
    Side note AIM log by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 1:03pm PST NEW
        *SHRUGS* NT by mark 01/17/2005, 1:12pm PST NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by mark 01/17/2005, 1:11pm PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:20pm PST NEW
            Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Kthor 01/17/2005, 1:40pm PST NEW
                Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:48pm PST NEW
                    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Kab(uke) Seme 01/17/2005, 3:24pm PST NEW
                        Wait a minute by Mysterio 01/17/2005, 6:03pm PST NEW
                    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Harry Crews 01/17/2005, 5:38pm PST NEW
                Exactly. by Kab(uke) Seme 01/17/2005, 3:11pm PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 1:22pm PST NEW
            Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:50pm PST NEW
                Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:53pm PST NEW
                    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 1:56pm PST NEW
                        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 2:02pm PST NEW
    The silver lining here... by I need clarification 01/17/2005, 1:16pm PST NEW
    oh NT by whydirt 01/17/2005, 2:10pm PST NEW
    A little note about the DMCA that people should know. by Jack's Inflamed Colon's Law Firm 01/17/2005, 2:26pm PST NEW
        Wonderful by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 2:41pm PST NEW
            Re: Wonderful by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 2:43pm PST NEW
                Because you can't read by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 2:45pm PST NEW
                    Re: Because you can't read by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 2:55pm PST NEW
                        Re: Because you can't read by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 3:02pm PST NEW
                            Re: Because you can't read by Mysterio Lollerson 01/17/2005, 3:10pm PST NEW
                                Re: Because you can't read by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 3:15pm PST NEW
                                    Re: Because you can't read by Bill Dungsroman 01/18/2005, 6:55pm PST NEW
                                Re: Because you can't read by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 3:19pm PST NEW
            Response: In which I remind you you are SB and subject to your own inherent flaw by Jack's Inflamed Colon's Law Firm 01/17/2005, 3:27pm PST NEW
                Re: Response: In which I remind you you are SB and subject to your own inherent by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 6:03pm PST NEW
                    no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Seriously, don't you ever learn? 01/17/2005, 6:54pm PST NEW
                        Clearly you need to read more websites. NT by I need clarification 01/17/2005, 7:13pm PST NEW
                            Haha NT by Matthew Holland 06/02/2013, 4:18am PDT NEW
                        Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 7:14pm PST NEW
                            Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 7:33pm PST NEW
                                You're not a lawyer. I could care less what your opinion of case law is. by Just go away no one wants you here 01/17/2005, 9:11pm PST NEW
                                Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Choson 01/17/2005, 10:35pm PST NEW
                            Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Choson 01/17/2005, 10:32pm PST NEW
                                Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 10:44pm PST NEW
                                    I'm still waiting for a giant banner of that to grace the front page NT by When is that going to happen? 01/18/2005, 12:39am PST NEW
                                        The new front page by Fussbett 01/18/2005, 2:09am PST NEW
                                            if you click no it should also automatically call the DMCA and your mom (NT) by Kthor 01/18/2005, 8:21am PST NEW
                            Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 4:26pm PST NEW
                            Re: no more time to school you, I asked a lawyer. by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/02/2013, 2:04am PDT NEW
        Re: A little note about the DMCA that people should know. by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/02/2013, 2:31am PDT NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Tony 01/17/2005, 3:20pm PST NEW
    Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Bill Dungsroman 01/17/2005, 3:30pm PST NEW
        Time to mention of the GA gang: a record breaking several hours. (nt) by GA Gang. 01/17/2005, 3:44pm PST NEW
            I want a gang too :( NT by Mysterio 01/17/2005, 3:48pm PST NEW
            Can't you just focus your blame onto BDR? NT by We certainly do. 01/17/2005, 9:48pm PST NEW
        Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by I need clarification 01/17/2005, 4:16pm PST NEW
            Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Bill Dungsroman 01/17/2005, 4:39pm PST NEW
                I don't give a damn on dead cockroach about you. >:[ NT by I need clarification 01/17/2005, 4:44pm PST NEW
                FYI by The Friends of spanky 01/17/2005, 4:54pm PST NEW
                    Re: FYI by Bill Dungsroman 01/17/2005, 6:33pm PST NEW
        Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 5:14pm PST NEW
            Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Bill Dungsroman 01/17/2005, 8:00pm PST NEW
                Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 8:50pm PST NEW
                    Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Bill Dungsroman 01/18/2005, 12:03am PST NEW
                        FRONTPAGE NT by Entropy Stew 01/18/2005, 12:47am PST NEW
                            SECONDED NT by Kab(uke) Seme 01/18/2005, 4:43am PST NEW
                            Oh, please by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 10:25am PST NEW
                                Shut your jewhole by Entropy Stew 01/18/2005, 1:08pm PST NEW
                                    I had no idea how you'd work "jew" into your post. Well played. NT by mark 01/18/2005, 3:22pm PST NEW
                                    Vichy Stew, as always, appeasing the SB/BDR reich. :( NT by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 4:16pm PST NEW
                                        In a single thread, you have managed to out-crazy SB and suck more dick than V by Entropy Stew 01/19/2005, 12:21am PST NEW
                                            No one has out-crazied sb. :( NT by Creexul :( 01/19/2005, 12:22am PST NEW
                                                Well, at least we agree about the cocksucking NT by Entropy Stew 01/19/2005, 12:44am PST NEW
                                So, how does it feel? by Bill Dungsroman 01/18/2005, 2:22pm PST NEW
                                    I noticed you didn't deny secretly IMing SB. NT by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 4:16pm PST NEW
                                        SECRET IM CONVERSATIONS, WHEN WILL IT END??? by Mysterio 01/18/2005, 6:30pm PST NEW
                                        I don't bother reading the boring cunty bullshit you type. Fuck you. NT by Bill Dungsroman 01/18/2005, 6:35pm PST NEW
                                            Haha, I don't need SB while I have BDR. NT by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 7:11pm PST NEW
                                            Ink is probably right though, you're constantly IMing sb at this moment. :( NT by Creexul :( 01/19/2005, 12:25am PST NEW
                                                Only crazy people use AIM. NT by whydirt 01/19/2005, 12:42am PST NEW
                                                This is the kind of thinking that guaranteed you an omega-level classload NT by Entropy Stew 01/19/2005, 12:42am PST NEW
                                                    What's omega-level? :( NT by Creexul :( 01/19/2005, 2:56am PST NEW
                                                        Re: What's omega-level? :( by Mister Helper 01/19/2005, 4:28am PST NEW
                                                            Well I'm in the same class and grade levels as everyone else. NT by Creexul :( 01/19/2005, 7:28am PST NEW
                                                No. NT by Bill Dungsroman 01/19/2005, 1:06am PST NEW
                                When, exactly, did you turn into a woman? NT by whydirt 01/18/2005, 5:08pm PST NEW
                                    I know you're kind of dim, whydurst, so I will assume you're referring to BDR by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 7:34pm PST NEW
                                        I'm referring to you, you dumb cunt. by whydirt 01/18/2005, 8:21pm PST NEW
                                            Wow, that's your second-best post this week (and by extension, ever) by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 8:34pm PST NEW
                                                Why doesn't anyone pay attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEEE. NT by I need attention 01/18/2005, 10:30pm PST NEW
                                                    They actually do. Or haven't you been paying attention? NT by I need clarification 01/18/2005, 10:33pm PST NEW
                                                        *clap* *clap* *clap* NT by Mysterio 01/19/2005, 7:39am PST NEW
                            That post was a Hulk transformation. by laudablepuss 01/18/2005, 8:39pm PST NEW
                                Don't you see? We need a foil! SB is it! by Zseni is too gay for it 01/21/2005, 5:46pm PST NEW
                        Senor Barborito: Homosayswhat muse? by Choson 01/18/2005, 6:51am PST NEW
                            Re: Senor Barborito: Homosayswhat muse? by chimp 01/18/2005, 3:50pm PST NEW
                Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 10:15pm PST NEW
            Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 9:59pm PST NEW
        Re: Shut up, give them to ICJ, leave. by Fussbett 01/17/2005, 11:15pm PST NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2005, 4:10pm PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Zseni 01/17/2005, 4:18pm PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 5:31pm PST NEW
            Stop talking about legal liability. There is none in the situation you describe by Don't make me school you again. 01/17/2005, 5:45pm PST NEW
            Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2005, 6:11pm PST NEW
                Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Senor Barborito 01/17/2005, 6:31pm PST NEW
                    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2005, 6:52pm PST NEW
        Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Chairman Mao 01/18/2005, 2:41am PST NEW
    How fucking insane was I to deal with this shit on a regular basis? by Entropy Stew 01/17/2005, 9:20pm PST NEW
        Also by Entropy Stew 01/17/2005, 10:10pm PST NEW
    Bipolar people: barely human. by Creexul :( 01/17/2005, 10:07pm PST NEW
    DMCA TERRORISM by Maxime Faget 01/17/2005, 11:00pm PST NEW
    here SB, you wanted to know why people still get mad at you? by Kapow 01/17/2005, 11:10pm PST NEW
    Re: I found archives of the first 9 months by Souffle of Pain 01/17/2005, 11:40pm PST NEW
        This will mysteriously get overwritten when the old posts are restored NT by Entropy Stew 01/17/2005, 11:49pm PST NEW
            Yeah, kind of regret posting that these days. NT by Souffle of Pain 07/06/2007, 7:23pm PDT NEW
    Talking points by foolio, late riser 01/17/2005, 11:45pm PST NEW
    Pretty huge, guys. Pretty huge. by Mysterio 01/18/2005, 2:09am PST NEW
    Moron. by The One, Natural One, Make It Easy 01/18/2005, 3:49am PST NEW
    What an asshole by Roop Dirump 01/18/2005, 5:00am PST NEW
    Something I forgot about until I read your post. by Fullofkittens 01/18/2005, 1:19pm PST NEW
        This thread has improved my opinion of so many posters. by Zseni 01/18/2005, 1:26pm PST NEW
            barbie is everybody's fat friend by Kthor 01/19/2005, 8:51am PST NEW
    Holy shit by Matthew Holland 06/02/2013, 4:19am PDT NEW
        Re: Holy shit by Roop 06/03/2013, 6:32am PDT NEW
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