by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 11:44am PDT |
(2:26:47 PM) Fussbett: Tom Chick stops vetting new users, reverses all bans, stops posting
(2:26:54 PM) Fussbett: BDR threatens to leave!
(2:26:55 PM) Fussbett: http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?t=51849&page=11
(2:28:03 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Haha.
(2:28:11 PM) Juh-howh Cable: So I should register immediately and troll? :(
(2:28:29 PM) Fussbett: Hey man, it's Sunday, right?
(2:28:44 PM) Fussbett: NEVER COMING BACK HERE
(2:28:49 PM) Fussbett: Haha I love it so much
(2:29:24 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Oh I don't have to reregister my account works instantly.
(2:29:42 PM) Fussbett: haha nice
(2:30:09 PM) Juh-howh Cable: I just replied.
(2:30:30 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1
(2:30:35 PM) Fussbett: I think that will not go over well!
(2:30:52 PM) Fussbett: yeah awesome
(2:30:58 PM) Fussbett: That post was three years in the making
(2:31:17 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Served my time, came back and rocked the place like Ozzy did at the Alamo.
(2:31:25 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Returning to rock the holy lands.
(2:32:04 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Also the dude I'm making a porn comic with is already up to page 5. ^_^
(2:32:17 PM) Juh-howh Cable: I mean he's almost done with page 5, that might be done today.
(2:32:48 PM) Fussbett: Clear your whole afternoon schedule for JERKIN IT
(2:33:01 PM) Juh-howh Cable: nice first post, asshole.
(2:33:34 PM) Juh-howh Cable: I was thinking of asking Sparrow what he thought about putting these comix on slipshine or something.
(2:34:00 PM) Fussbett: I dont know what many of those words mean
(2:34:31 PM) Juh-howh Cable: :(
(2:34:35 PM) Juh-howh Cable: Okay hm.
(2:36:57 PM) Juh-howh Cable: I have a good idea for a new thread. ^_^
(2:40:13 PM) Juh-howh Cable: http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/showthread.php?p=1754078#post1754078
Will this thread last?
I said that Kitsune needed to run on all s s six puh puh puh PISS PISS PISS pistons. Also that very post was part of the reason that registration itself became moderated.
What minor infraction were you banned for?
Already a couple replies. ^_^
Oh, God.
News from Fussbett, QT3 bans are over. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 11:44am PDT 
Actual Tom rules change threads. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 11:47am PDT 
9 paragraphs in, admit he hasn't gotten to the point, still doesn't NT by FABIO 05/31/2009, 1:06pm PDT 
9 paragraphs to say he's quitting :( NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/31/2009, 1:09pm PDT 
You guys are going to haunt this man to his grave NT by Fortinbras 05/31/2009, 1:16pm PDT 
Tom Chick? BDR? NT by David Mamet? 05/31/2009, 1:27pm PDT 
Both? Mostly BDR NT by Fortinbras 05/31/2009, 1:41pm PDT 
Good, they do not deserve to be let up on. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 2:42pm PDT 
FABIO was talking about Mamet. I liked his "laugh a minute" self-review. Sure. NT by Fussbett 05/31/2009, 3:38pm PDT 
mamet is indeed one of the best writers to ever live NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/31/2009, 5:04pm PDT 
Maybe, but that essay wasn't exactly his best work. by Jerry Whorebach 06/01/2009, 12:10am PDT 
Can this be true when Red Belt was one of the worst movies ever made? NT by Fussbett 06/01/2009, 12:15am PDT 
yes NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/01/2009, 5:46am PDT 
make a new thread called "BDR, leave right now" NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/31/2009, 11:51am PDT 
I guess because I'm that trolly, I'm still banned. NT by Worm 05/31/2009, 11:56am PDT 
either way, Baroque was awfully tedious NT by Bananadine 05/31/2009, 12:46pm PDT 
The worst part is that I think this excludes me from their Blood Bowl league too NT by Worm 06/01/2009, 9:52am PDT 
Wait! by Mysterious Stranger 05/31/2009, 4:02pm PDT 
Sucks to care about that shit by Quétinbec 05/31/2009, 2:22pm PDT 
Are you sure it's not funny? Because I think it might be. by Fussbett 05/31/2009, 2:53pm PDT 
What?! I thought he wasn't going to ban people. IT'S A TRAP! NT by Admiral Ackbar 05/31/2009, 2:59pm PDT 
It's pretty funny. by Quétinbec 05/31/2009, 6:03pm PDT 
I never thought it wouldn't survive. Only they thought that. NT by Fussbett 05/31/2009, 6:20pm PDT 
By "fine shape" you mean "horrible place with jonathan blow." NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 6:36pm PDT 
I used to do this over IM occasionally by Bananadine 05/31/2009, 3:07pm PDT 
Very cool, Bananadine! That can be the sea for my submarine! by Quétinbec 05/31/2009, 6:07pm PDT 
Submarine Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch by Entropy Stew 05/31/2009, 6:20pm PDT 
Woah, black boxes open so many doors! Web design, baby! It ain't no thing. by Quétinbec 05/31/2009, 9:46pm PDT 
Project cancelled, Caltrops wins again. NT by Zsenitan 05/31/2009, 2:31pm PDT 
The "over" part is now over, I'm the first person rebanned. 8( by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 3:12pm PDT 
"so bad so quick"=one spam post, two cable posts, two worm posts, one fussbett NT by post 05/31/2009, 3:24pm PDT 
Every time a Qt3 meltdown comes up, I think of this by FABIO 05/31/2009, 3:51pm PDT 
My favorite LeisureTown reads like a QT3 post and Caltrops reply by Fortinbras 05/31/2009, 4:28pm PDT 
He didn't get you, did he, Fussbett? NT by Mysterious Stranger 05/31/2009, 4:01pm PDT 
He can still call one more person garbage but then that will be it. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2009, 5:00pm PDT 
Yeah, I'm saving my garbage call for a special occasion. I almost used it on Wo NT by Fussbett 05/31/2009, 6:16pm PDT 
Looking forward to future meltdowns NT by Fortinbras 05/31/2009, 3:38pm PDT 
QT3 just shit the bed on a world wide stage, even the aliens are laughing at the NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/31/2009, 5:09pm PDT 
qt3 posters, big soft doughy infants? (yup) by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/31/2009, 7:49pm PDT 
Re: News from Fussbett, QT3 bans are over. by i_hate_goons.vbs 06/06/2009, 11:27pm PDT 