Forum Overview :: No Stairway to Heaven
Top [some] scariest bands by I need clarification 05/12/2009, 12:33am PDT
I have no idea when I'm going to run out of ideas or just get bored and hit Post, and I probably will forget to go back and edit the title to reflect however many entries are in the list (this is why I ATOR so goddamned much). But anyway, here we go everyone:

So as a young, violin-playing nerdlinger growing up, I didn't know much about rock music, and what I did know scared the shit out of me. It wasn't that I was scared of Gene Simmons or had nightmares about Alice Cooper - what got me was the images of rock stars half-cloaked in darkness onstage, a visual representation of the essential truth about the appeal of rock music - that it is a world accessible and appreciated by a select few, while the rest of us could only try to catch glimpses of it between the endless stream of pop music we otherwise filled our ears with. My mom's office was next door to Tom Petty's drummer's dad's office (KIND OF a big deal), and he had the Heartbreakers album covers up on his walls. I'd stare at them and try to imagine what it was like to understand what was going on there - the cover of Long After Dark is simple enough, but it's all red and Tom is holding his guitar upside-down. For someone only passingly familiar with rock iconography, that was weird and off somehow.

That's the feeling all good rock music strives for - the idea that understanding and inclusion is just around the corner if you try hard enough and listen to the right music at the right time. The flip side of that is abject fear of the unknown, of course. A lot of people channel that fear into learning the minutiae of rock history and current events as closely as the most dedicated Trekkie (I did this in high school and college to make up for lost time), but that simply cements your position on the outside - you've stopped loving rock music, instead determined to prove that if you just know EVERYTHING about it, you'll be in by default.

I'm off-track a bit, let's go.

The Pixies/Frank Black
I'm famous for loving the Pixies and Frank. But when I first started listening to their albums I was petrified. Screaming about space aliens, whores, mutilation, monkeys going to heaven, while this little girl's voice chimed in on the choruses. Not seeing them live helped, maybe, but I'm not sure. I think this would still have been a lot for me to handle:

Interestingly, Nirvana never scared me at all despite their best attempts, but I can't tell if it's because the lyrics were so accessible or because I saw the Teen Spirit video before I'd heard the album, so I already knew they were kind of a goof. Would I feel the same way about the Pixies if their videos weren't also kind of creepy?

When I finally did see the Pixies during the reunion tour a couple of years ago, they were really just a bunch of fat and/or bald middle-aged guys (and girl) who still played the shit out of their song but didn't really scare anyone anymore. Still good, though. Frank solo is still scary, though. You get the feeling he's on a tightrope of some sort, like any minute he's going to smash his acoustic guitar on my head and storm off the stage.

The Clash
Did any rock music movement market itself as well as punk? They almost did too good a job, not just scaring the parents and stiffs, but also a lot of music fans who probably would like the simple chord progressions and accessible lyrics if they could just get past the mohawks and spikes. But it only takes one guy killing his girlfriend and then himself to make you suspect that maybe none of them were kidding around, and that WKRP episode in which the punk band got into a fistfight with Johnny, Andy, and Venus didn't help things with me, either. Ironically the Clash were probably threatening only to each other, but I kept my distance, just loving the hits they played on the radio until I was much older and could listen to a whole album and realize they were more interested in stopping violence than starting it. But so what? Still scary, guys!

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
I know, this is ridiculous! I ought to be ashamed of myself. But this was before I really heard any of their music beyond Born to Run, and just knew album titles like "Darkness on the Edge of Town" and "Nebraska," albums that sounded like they were about serial killers or something. But mostly it was about the look of the band, some sort of cross between a bunch of homeless veterans and pimps:

In a million years I couldn't have figured out what was going on in that picture at that age. What kind of music are they even playing? Why is there a black guy there? And what's with four hour concerts I keep hearing about? This was also my first touch with fanatics, long before the Born in the USA hit. That's essential, as I said earlier: what was the big deal about this band that I was missing?! Unknown!

TV on the Radio
Frightening! I heard "Wolf Like Me" on the radio in my car and knew I was way out of my league. Somewhere there were people who not only knew these guys but probably hung out with them in artsy parties in the Bronx! All I knew was the barely-heard lyric fragments, talking about gutting fish and transforming into werewolves! I thought maybe if I just saw them live things would be better, but no:

Maybe the greatest live performance on TV since whatever the last greatest live performance was, and still terrifying. The rhythm guitarist alone is enough, never mind the lead singer. And let's not get started on the bass player. These guys are awesome.

Runners-up/honorable mentions:
Wendy O. Williams
Leon Redbone
Vic Chesnutt

Which musicians scare you, Caltrops?
Top [some] scariest bands by I need clarification 05/12/2009, 12:33am PDT NEW
    Re: Top [some] scariest bands by H1N1 05/12/2009, 5:38am PDT NEW
        Got that for ya. by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/12/2009, 9:23am PDT NEW
            oh shit gg allin NT by mark 05/12/2009, 10:05am PDT NEW
                I thought I posted GG Allin already but apparently I did not post anything. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/12/2009, 10:45am PDT NEW
    gary glitter NT by gruman 05/12/2009, 10:15am PDT NEW
    Tori Amos, Pantera, uhhhh Pantera again. Also Tori Amos. by Zsenitan 05/12/2009, 3:13pm PDT NEW
        lol NT by Fullofkittens 05/12/2009, 3:36pm PDT NEW
        Fuck's sake, Zseni. NT by Quétinbec 05/12/2009, 3:38pm PDT NEW
            I so know, man. "lol" is basically the ideal response. NT by Zsenitan 05/12/2009, 3:44pm PDT NEW
        Gang Raped by 6 Year Olds: The Zensy Story. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/12/2009, 3:44pm PDT NEW
        eine kleine rapemusik by up with pod people 05/12/2009, 7:20pm PDT NEW
            Agoraphobia, Jerry. Is that what they call your 'disease'? Bond with this girl! by Quétinbec 05/14/2009, 5:42pm PDT NEW
                Agoraphobia is the fear of leaving one's apartment, or "agoring" as the Romans by called it. 05/14/2009, 9:30pm PDT NEW
                    If the coffee shop only had one person in it, the cashier, is that one too many? by Fussbett 05/14/2009, 9:57pm PDT NEW
                        Followup: Can you have pizza delivered? by bombMexico 05/14/2009, 10:20pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Followup: Can you have pizza delivered? by Quétinbec 05/15/2009, 4:34pm PDT NEW
                                This is an interesting hypothesis! by Fullofkittens 05/15/2009, 6:56pm PDT NEW
                                    Putting a bezel around the emoticons was a nice detail on an A+ post. Congrats! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/16/2009, 12:06pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: This is an interesting hypothesis! by Quétinbec 05/16/2009, 3:12pm PDT NEW
                                        I always think I will be asked to prove that my belongings are actually mine. NT by Zsenitan 05/16/2009, 4:52pm PDT NEW
                                            Speaking of which do you have AIM/yahoo/MSN or just gay skype NT by Zsenitan 05/16/2009, 4:55pm PDT NEW
                                        Listen, your precious thing might be little, but mine is so big it will leave a by Fullofkittens 05/16/2009, 6:51pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Listen, your precious thing might be little, but mine is so big it will le by Quétinbec 05/16/2009, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                                Yes, I too want nude photos of Fullofkittens WAIT NO fuck ABORT by bombMexico 05/16/2009, 9:57pm PDT NEW
                                                    It's especially cutting to Zseni who was the one clearly offering. Ouch. NT by Fussbett 05/17/2009, 11:26am PDT NEW
                                                        If I had a nickle for every time someone on Caltrops ignores me on purpose, I'd NT by Zsenitan 05/17/2009, 11:44am PDT NEW
                                                            You already have my email, Zseni. You can say private things on that. NT by Quétinbec 05/17/2009, 3:22pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Listen, your precious thing might be little, but mine is so big it will leav by Entropy Stew 05/17/2009, 12:47pm PDT NEW
                                                Aw. =) NT by Fullofkittens 05/17/2009, 7:41pm PDT NEW
                                                    Great. You had to go and bring attention to it it by responding NT by Entropy Stew 05/17/2009, 7:48pm PDT NEW
                                                        d'oh, we should take this to IM. NT by Fullofkittens 05/17/2009, 7:49pm PDT NEW
                                I had a bad experience with fast food, once. by Jerry Whorebach 05/16/2009, 9:19am PDT NEW
                                    This story is less believable than your mom's Datsun! Shaking fries onto the fl by Fussbett 05/16/2009, 9:48am PDT NEW
                                        I don't understand, in your mind what does my mom drive? NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/16/2009, 12:01pm PDT NEW
                                            Can't blame Jerry for not taking shit from someone who can't nail an NT post NT by bombMexico 05/16/2009, 8:55pm PDT NEW
                                            It's POSSIBLE what you say is true, but so unlikely it's like a reverse lottery. by Fussbett 05/16/2009, 9:29pm PDT NEW
                                                Taking a 30-year-old Datsun to the mechanic, now who's living in fantasy land? by Jerry Whorebach 05/16/2009, 10:58pm PDT NEW
                                                    Yeah, I sure see a lot of Sanford and Son on TV these days... by Fussbett 05/17/2009, 11:25am PDT NEW
                                                        Datsun made rusty hatchbacks, not hummel figurines :( by Jerry Whorebach 05/17/2009, 12:49pm PDT NEW
                                                            You misunderstand why I think Datsuns are rare by Fussbett 05/17/2009, 2:10pm PDT NEW
                                                                A tow! When you call CAA, do they also send someone to put your monocle back in? by Jerry Whorebach 05/17/2009, 7:47pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Can I call your mom when I next have car trouble? Apparently she can tow too? by Fussbett 05/17/2009, 8:29pm PDT NEW
                                                                        She would probably just push it off the road, then come back with the parts. by Jerry Whorebach 05/17/2009, 8:56pm PDT NEW
                                                                            Yeah she would probably just do that. NT by Fussbett 05/17/2009, 9:51pm PDT NEW
                                    I had a good experience with fast food once (I ate it and it was good). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/16/2009, 10:01am PDT NEW
                                    The world's saddest lie: pretending to have visited a fast food store. NT by Quétinbec 05/16/2009, 3:13pm PDT NEW
    Re: Top [some] scariest bands by Quétinbec 05/12/2009, 3:35pm PDT NEW
        Most musicians (even the famous ones) aren't set for life. by Fullofkittens 05/12/2009, 3:42pm PDT NEW
        And anyone who got rich sure wrote more than 10 minutes... by Fussbett 05/12/2009, 5:26pm PDT NEW
    Re: Top [some] scariest bands by up with pod people 05/12/2009, 7:02pm PDT NEW
    A thread about music nostalgia! I'm in! by Fussbett 05/12/2009, 11:31pm PDT NEW
        Oops, I forgot to talk about my childhood therapy sessions. Sorry ladiez. NT by Fussbett 05/12/2009, 11:33pm PDT NEW
            Well he makes love just like a woman, but he fears Celtic Frost like a little gi NT by Zsenitan 05/13/2009, 1:57am PDT NEW
    Tom (fucking) Waits by Motherhead 05/17/2009, 10:37am PDT NEW
        TOM WAITS IS STRAIGHTEDGE he occasionally likes the occasional drinksy drink. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/17/2009, 11:08am PDT NEW
    TV on the Radio's bassist Gerard Smith, dead at 36. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2011, 9:43pm PDT NEW
        Seth Putnam, lead singer of Anal Cunt, also died today. by Orange Devil Bat 06/12/2011, 9:46pm PDT NEW
    Re: Top [some] scariest bands by Roop 08/19/2011, 9:49pm PDT NEW
        Re: Top [some] scariest bands by Roop 08/19/2011, 10:10pm PDT NEW
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