Watch dogs is fun by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/18/2014, 9:00pm PDT
Re: Watch dogs is fun by Eurotrash 06/19/2014, 12:12am PDT
Yes by Roop 06/20/2014, 4:51pm PDT
I'm gonna get this for my brother, anyone want to sell theirs? by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/11/2014, 1:39pm PDT
Thread over, he said it looked terrible. Sorry, everybody. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/11/2014, 9:47pm PDT
Probably XBox version could be resold by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/11/2014, 11:03pm PDT
Well, he went to Jack in the Box and hasn't stopped puking yet. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2014, 6:01pm PDT
TDARCOS could use your post as an example for future novels by Entropy Stew 06/13/2014, 11:37am PDT
If Paul wrote a 150 page novel, I'd read the shit out of it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/17/2014, 7:16am PDT
The Caltrops business plan becomes clear. by blackwater 06/17/2014, 11:19pm PDT
Options Screen Controversy! by Roop 06/17/2014, 4:32pm PDT
I wonder if it's more to do with some contractual obligation. by Worm 06/17/2014, 10:49pm PDT
Well the game go restored to it's E3 quality with a 52kb mod by Worm 06/16/2014, 6:46pm PDT
Now we're fucking talking. Try it out Paul! NT by Eurotrash 06/17/2014, 12:09am PDT
Anyone want a free copy? by Donald P. Rogers 06/12/2014, 11:19am PDT
You can stick that game up your ass NT by EuroKramer 06/12/2014, 2:28pm PDT
Surely there's a middle ground. NT by Donald P. Rogers 06/12/2014, 3:29pm PDT
I would, but I hate uPlay. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2014, 9:48pm PDT
Well, you could shove it halfway up your ass NT by dr. no 06/12/2014, 10:48pm PDT
If I had a non-stolen version I'd feel more vindicated in complaining about it NT by Worm 06/12/2014, 9:52pm PDT
Yes by 06/12/2014, 11:21pm PDT
I played it! by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 6:59am PDT
"GTA 3 won't let you kill pedestrians, however." <-- This guy knows what he's ta by lking about! 06/10/2014, 8:31am PDT
Re: "GTA 3 won't let you kill pedestrians, however." <-- This guy knows wh by laudablepuss 06/10/2014, 12:25pm PDT
This is a good game to filter through the lens of not knowing what to expect by Worm 06/10/2014, 10:35am PDT
Commander, please choose one. by Donald P. Rogers 06/10/2014, 12:44pm PDT
Get real and don't be stupid by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 2:37pm PDT
I have Comcast, 50mb down, zero data limit. by Donald P. Rogers 06/10/2014, 2:38pm PDT
well I guess you're paying about 5 times as much as I do. by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 3:02pm PDT
Your DSL is only 10 bucks a month? by Worm 06/10/2014, 3:58pm PDT
Who the hell said DSL? I said I have broadband from Comcasr NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 4:18pm PDT
Your download speed is five times what mine is. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/10/2014, 5:16pm PDT
Actually restart your modem, they most likely put you up to 100mbs. NT by Worm 06/10/2014, 3:50pm PDT
Let me get this straight (up my ass) by EuroKramer 06/10/2014, 12:54pm PDT
When you cure your own Asperger's Syndrome & Autism, then ask me NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 2:16pm PDT
I't OK by E. L. Koba 06/09/2014, 5:46pm PDT
They tie the Watch Dogs bit together at the end in a throwaway line NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/09/2014, 10:33pm PDT
Ambushing convoys was easily the least worst part of Far Cry 2. NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/09/2014, 10:51pm PDT
Didn't Outcast have that as an objective? by Entropy Stew 06/10/2014, 8:37am PDT
I think being a standard open world game is what killed it for me. by Worm 06/10/2014, 10:34am PDT
I can't install Watch Dogs by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/06/2014, 5:58pm PDT
Is WatchDogs trying to run as a 32-bit app for some reason? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/06/2014, 6:12pm PDT
Re: Is WatchDogs trying to run as a 32-bit app for some reason? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/06/2014, 6:36pm PDT
Re: Is WatchDogs trying to run as a 32-bit app for some reason? by Entropy Stew 06/06/2014, 6:45pm PDT
Thank You! by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/06/2014, 7:26pm PDT
You helped the Commander. Are you the new Commander? by Mysterio 06/06/2014, 9:21pm PDT
That has to be a demotion by Entropy Stew 06/07/2014, 12:14pm PDT
yw by Entropy Stew 06/07/2014, 12:16pm PDT
Right now I still can't play by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/08/2014, 12:04am PDT
Your AVATAR shitty pc doesn't even have an internal dvd drive? That's Avatarded by EuroKramer 06/08/2014, 1:41am PDT
How about I wasn't paying attention and failed to notice NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/08/2014, 11:32am PDT
Well that was surprisingly straightforward. Fair enough! NT by EuroKramer 06/08/2014, 2:38pm PDT
Hey, at least you bought "ahead of the curve" NT by The Happiness Engine 06/08/2014, 7:40am PDT
Points to Ubisoft for showing your support rep as non-white. NT by Worm 06/06/2014, 6:26pm PDT
I think I know what was originally wrong by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/10/2014, 3:30am PDT
Sooo... what now? NT by EuroKramer 06/10/2014, 5:46am PDT
it's almost english as a second language in there by jeep 05/29/2014, 2:27am PDT
Re: it's almost english as a second language in there by Jerry Whorebach 05/29/2014, 5:22am PDT
quick save and more articulating watch dogs' failures by jeep 05/29/2014, 12:00pm PDT
The feature you're looking for is a pause button. NT by Game Design Sage 05/29/2014, 1:32pm PDT
There's no reason why any game that supports indefinite pausing... by Jerry Whorebach 05/29/2014, 5:55pm PDT
Re: A SAVE GAME ALLIANCE by jeep 05/29/2014, 10:22pm PDT
THE LOOP IS A SQUARE by Entropy Stew 05/29/2014, 5:29am PDT
Re: THE LOOP IS A SQUARE by Roop 05/30/2014, 9:49pm PDT
It's a roundrect NT by Apple 05/30/2014, 11:19pm PDT
The tracks do actually have crazy angles like that in Chicago though by Roop 05/31/2014, 12:35am PDT
It started as a literal 90 degree angle. Did you miss that part? NT by Entropy Stew 05/31/2014, 4:20pm PDT
Mona Lisa was originally a sketch before he released it. Da Vinci sucks balls. NT by Roop 06/04/2014, 6:41pm PDT
Well it's more a point of the overall process and management. by Worm 06/04/2014, 8:22pm PDT
I couldn't get it to run with Crossfire enabled at all. by Worm 05/29/2014, 9:31am PDT
I broke down and tried it without Crossfire. Could evading police be shittier? by Worm 06/02/2014, 7:51pm PDT
polish by fabio 05/29/2014, 9:12pm PDT
Uplay is worse than Games for Windows Live NT by fabio 05/29/2014, 11:48pm PDT
That is a bold statement friend. A booooold statement. by A FRIEND 05/30/2014, 7:18am PDT
Fucking everyone is STILL trying to still have their own retarded social / achie by Rafiki 05/30/2014, 10:28am PDT
not quite but it's worse than origin by jeep 05/30/2014, 6:38pm PDT
I finally got sick of this. by Worm 06/06/2014, 9:28pm PDT
Re: I finally got sick of this. by WITTGENSTEIN 06/06/2014, 10:46pm PDT
Re: I finally got sick of this. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/06/2014, 11:40pm PDT
I swear they got Final Fantasy writers to do the main plot of that game by fabio 06/07/2014, 9:51am PDT
Re: I swear they got Final Fantasy writers to do the main plot of that game by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/07/2014, 12:03pm PDT
Amazon has shipped it; promised delivery date is today! (May 27) by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 05/27/2014, 5:27am PDT
Well how about a processor with seven? by Kenji Carter 05/27/2014, 7:29am PDT
I think murixcore processors only come in pairs, e.g. 2.4.6.,8.10 etc, no odd NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 05/27/2014, 12:09pm PDT
Bought 7 core machine a few years back, need new Video Card for Watch_Dogs tho NT by Roop 05/27/2014, 3:12pm PDT
I have absolutely no interest in Watch://Dogs... by Jerry Whorebach 05/27/2014, 5:14pm PDT
But it has cars! And you can drive them fast maybe. NT by Roop 05/27/2014, 5:25pm PDT
Yeah man I dunno. by Jerry Whorebach 05/27/2014, 6:11pm PDT
Jerry Whoreback made me feel like a faggot by Roop 05/27/2014, 7:07pm PDT
So how do you like it so far, you fuckan retard? by EuroKramer 05/29/2014, 2:23pm PDT
WELL, pancake nipples? You regret upgrading your piece of shit pc for this turd? NT by EuroKramer 06/01/2014, 9:18am PDT
You actually expect him to press buttons all by himself? NT by He can't even open his own milk! 06/01/2014, 11:24am PDT
I expect a full, unwieldy, rambling report by DARCOS GAME N WATCH+DOGZ SIMULATOR 06/01/2014, 7:00pm PDT
Haha, totally. And in the mean time, Paul still hasn't replied. by EuroKramer 06/05/2014, 3:47pm PDT
EuroZombie, I'm not listening to you. You're dead by Tdarcos Quickverse Replacement Bot 06/05/2014, 9:18pm PDT
Please see: by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/05/2014, 10:10pm PDT
Please see: by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/05/2014, 10:09pm PDT
Please see: by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/05/2014, 10:08pm PDT
It blew another fuse. Why do you assholes even have an Autism Detectortron 3K? by AD3K repairman 06/06/2014, 2:44pm PDT
I legitimately want to know what Tdarcos thinks of WatchDogs by Souffle of Pain 06/05/2014, 10:54pm PDT
Paul is obviously near-traumatized by how bad the game is, how bad he is at it by EuroKramer 06/06/2014, 2:07am PDT
Do you think his chair beeps when he backs up? I bet it does. NT by The Happiness Engine 06/06/2014, 3:14pm PDT
Re: I legitimately want to know what Tdarcos thinks of WatchDogs by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/06/2014, 4:07pm PDT
Would getting it through Steam help? NT by Krista R, Uplay Community Manager 06/06/2014, 5:37pm PDT
Amazon has it on Pre-Order for June 30 by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/17/2014, 11:06am PST
Requirements by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/17/2014, 11:25am PST
It turned into a link to itself; here's the corrected link by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/17/2014, 12:02pm PST
Release date moved forward to May 27, 2014 NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 04/19/2014, 5:23pm PDT
Are you ready to watch some mofuckin DOGS, dude?? GET PUMP'D!!! by Eurotrash 04/20/2014, 2:22am PDT
Another caltrops cretinous reprobate shows his ignorance by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 05/11/2014, 4:59pm PDT
Do you get a dog companion? NT by Roop 05/11/2014, 5:40pm PDT
Can you go in other people's games and pvp the other guys watchdogs with yours? NT by And do they level up like Pokémons? 05/11/2014, 8:25pm PDT
I think the game is actually about watches. Protagonist (the main "dog") has a NT by spy watch that can hack things. 05/11/2014, 6:51pm PDT
I thought it was W@ch Dogs. Can we get confirmation on the spelling? NT by Brandon Flick 05/11/2014, 8:59pm PDT
The package itself says "WATCH DOGS"- No @ sign anywhere NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 05/31/2014, 6:14pm PDT
It's been kinda cathartic for me by Roop 05/30/2014, 10:51pm PDT
Those poor bastards waiting on a train on a hellish freeway median... by Roop 05/31/2014, 12:49am PDT
if you enjoy killing a whole family to avoid a police chase, sure by the truth 05/31/2014, 8:39am PDT
Metacritic score: 80%. User score: 40%. by Last 05/29/2014, 12:08pm PDT
Apparently my Radeon card is magic or something because I haven't had problems NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/29/2014, 4:40pm PDT
CT OS Names by Roop 05/27/2014, 4:02pm PDT
elkewba by E. L. Koba 05/27/2014, 7:07pm PDT
Of course the matchmaking spins forever "Searching for quickmatch". What else wo NT by E. L. Koba 05/27/2014, 7:18pm PDT
IT'S the FUTURE of entertainment possibilities!! NT by MOTHERFUCKER!!! 05/27/2014, 7:22pm PDT
At the moment Ubisoft's servers are completely fucked NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/27/2014, 9:49pm PDT
kjohnstone111 by Roop 05/27/2014, 7:20pm PDT
What kind of sick fuck would ever use Camel_Snake_Case? NT by E. L. Koba 10/06/2013, 11:39am PDT
Thank you for renaming this forum by Tansin A. Darcos (TDARCOS) 03/02/2013, 1:31am PST
Re: Thank you for renaming this forum by Roop 03/02/2013, 2:22am PST
That doesn't sound like something I would have done. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/11/2013, 6:50pm PDT
I gave you a forum here that was over 4 years old with 0 posts to replace NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/11/2013, 8:31pm PDT
As to the content by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/12/2013, 12:05am PDT
I continue to recommend somethingawful's sh/sc parts picking thread by jeep 06/11/2013, 7:25pm PDT
Show some humanity and provide a direct link by Fullofkittens 06/11/2013, 8:06pm PDT
Re: Show some humanity and provide a direct link by Matthew Holland 06/11/2013, 9:51pm PDT
# of cores mean dick for gaming performance, genius. It's all about the gfx card by Eurotrash 06/11/2013, 11:46pm PDT
Fight the power... with your iPhone! NT by Gay. 03/01/2013, 6:10am PST