Downloaded the entire site just in case by Vested Id 11/11/2019, 5:39pm PST
If the web has taught us anything, it's: you can't joke about being a dumb assho by Fullofkittens 11/12/2019, 5:28am PST
Re: If the web has taught us anything, it's: you can't joke about being a dumb by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/12/2019, 1:42pm PST
I'm actually Melissa McCarthy NT by laudablepuss 11/12/2019, 8:17pm PST
the ICJ character turned much less monstrous over the years tbh NT by Fullofkittens 11/13/2019, 11:51am PST
Many Caltrops people have had a redemption arc over the years. by Ulrachi 11/13/2019, 3:27pm PST
Re: Many Caltrops people have had a redemption arc over the years. by Creexuls, custom software 11/13/2019, 3:46pm PST
The Color Monster by Tease Monster 11/13/2019, 4:01pm PST
Who's got more to lose, Erik or Chet? NT by Mysterio 11/12/2019, 7:48am PST
Sucks than anybody is even thinking this way by Vested Id 11/12/2019, 8:57am PST
You have done a good thing. by Quétinbec 12/03/2019, 12:15pm PST
You're alive! NT by Vested Id 12/03/2019, 2:56pm PST
Re: You have done a good thing. by Mr. 3000 12/03/2019, 4:50pm PST
Take a moment to judge me. by Quétinbec 12/04/2019, 9:39pm PST
Back for more digital self-harm? NT by MM 12/04/2019, 10:27pm PST
My cousin's a professional surfer. by Jerry Whorebach 12/05/2019, 12:24am PST
Re: Take a moment to judge me. by Mr. 3000 12/05/2019, 6:16am PST
Re: Take a moment to judge me. by This is Chris's Blood 12/05/2019, 11:06am PST
My bucks by Quétinbec 12/05/2019, 11:50pm PST
Re: My bucks by MM 12/06/2019, 5:14am PST
I kid! Here's the reply video you were all actually waiting for me to post! by Mischief Maker 12/06/2019, 5:45am PST
I know we give her a hard time on CalTrops but I like the costumes NT by Mysterio 12/06/2019, 6:20am PST
Anyone got a shit wife? by Quétinbec 12/06/2019, 10:38pm PST
A wife and a forum serve different purposes, I think NT by blackwater 12/07/2019, 9:38pm PST
I've done enough divorce mediations to know better than to ever get married. by Mischief Chad 12/08/2019, 6:12am PST
Marry an Asian with "old fashioned" values by Quétinbec 12/08/2019, 3:18pm PST
Marriage is not as bad as doing divorce mediations might make it seem. NT by blackwater 12/10/2019, 9:11pm PST
this post sprouted a fedora from my head NT by this is like progressive MGTOW shit 12/27/2019, 9:01am PST
Re: My bucks by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/06/2019, 6:19am PST
Re: My bucks by Quétinbec 12/06/2019, 10:44pm PST
Re: My bucks by Mysterio Prime 12/08/2019, 9:36am PST
Re: My bucks by Quétinbec 12/08/2019, 3:26pm PST
Re: My bucks by Ulrachi 12/10/2019, 3:47pm PST
Caltrops does not endorse kidnapping. by Jerry Whorebach 12/10/2019, 7:32pm PST
Re: My bucks by Quétinbec 12/28/2019, 12:24am PST
Re: My bucks by Ulrachi 12/28/2019, 12:28pm PST
Re: My bucks by Quétinbec 12/29/2019, 4:54pm PST
Cripes, dude, your life really is one big Sophia Coppola movie. NT by MM 01/06/2020, 6:16pm PST
Re: My bucks by Nintendo Power 01/07/2020, 8:20am PST
how this ends by Donato Dalrymple 12/26/2019, 9:21am PST
Re: how this ends by Mysterio 12/26/2019, 9:31am PST
I'm going to go ahead and think less of him. NT by Donato Dalrymple 12/27/2019, 3:15pm PST
Watch it. He's done nothing to deserve that. NT by Dick Clownshoes 01/07/2020, 1:25pm PST
Re: My bucks by Roop 12/09/2019, 10:01pm PST
UPDATE: Looks like Paul might need that bionic eye too... NT by The Happiness Engine 12/15/2019, 11:33am PST
And fuck let's be honest, and the arm too. Fuck. NT by Roop 12/15/2019, 12:08pm PST
Re: My bucks by Lars 10/21/2024, 7:14pm PDT
Clarification: I downloaded OMM, not Caltrops NT by Vested Id 12/10/2019, 2:35pm PST
Caltrops posts I’m going to miss by Willdog 07/20/2004, 1:15pm PDT
Re: Caltrops posts I’m going to miss by The Happiness Engine 07/20/2004, 4:26pm PDT
Don't worry, I have the old stuff backed up. NT by creativepig 07/20/2004, 4:27pm PDT
More like you fucked veronica while barbie scrubbed the shitter. nt NT by roophie 07/21/2004, 7:14am PDT
I really don't miss the purple gayness by Lurker Shoomoser 07/20/2004, 9:56pm PDT
Some say this is also purple. NT by Danny The No-Refund Gamer 08/05/2024, 8:45am PDT
What's happening to Caltrops? Do I need to donate money to ICJ? NT by *breaks piggybank* 08/06/2024, 11:45am PDT
He's gone, man NT by Yahtzeek 08/06/2024, 3:29pm PDT
huh NT by ??? 08/06/2024, 6:37pm PDT
Re: He's gone, man by hi 09/18/2024, 8:01pm PDT
You're responding to a post from 2004. NT by John Caltrop 08/06/2024, 3:57pm PDT
My favorite lines from Caltrops posters by laudablepuss 09/12/2024, 2:55pm PDT
People discovering Caltrops by Mr. EO 08/06/2024, 6:50pm PDT
Awesome lol NT by laudablepuss 09/12/2024, 2:50pm PDT
Chet is 59 years old. NT by YOU CUNTS ARE OLD SHUT UP 04/03/2024, 4:58pm PDT
Chet is not my hero, but he is in in my top three. I still steal his jokes 8) NT by Jerry Whorebach (39 years old) 04/03/2024, 7:19pm PDT
Re: Chet is not my hero, but he is in in my top three. I still steal his jokes by Niles 04/03/2024, 8:59pm PDT
Boy, are you ever in for a treat! by Jerry Whorebach (39 years old) 04/12/2024, 9:41pm PDT
Damn, I never knew he was THAT MUCH older than me. Now I feel like Knives Chau. NT by Mischief Maker 04/03/2024, 8:50pm PDT
He's a year older than my eldest brother by laudablepuss 04/04/2024, 12:51am PDT
Imagine posting on Caltrops on an Apple II+ by im old cunt fuk u 04/04/2024, 10:42pm PDT
ouch NT by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 1:59pm PDT
Not sure I'm into this new phase of Chet's career as Tiktok bottom-feeder by Mysterio 04/24/2024, 7:34pm PDT
Not sure he cares what some pussy thinks. by Mysterio 04/25/2024, 4:26am PDT
Sorry he didn't run it by you first. NT by You hissy little sperm 04/25/2024, 5:44am PDT
"hissy little sperm" made me laugh :D NT by laudablepuss 04/25/2024, 8:41am PDT
take my upvote good sir NT by A User Awarded you Reddit Gold! 04/25/2024, 10:42am PDT
u r sad and pathetic by you want 2 b a main character so ba 04/25/2024, 6:38am PDT
Cracks me up to see people defend Chet. by i_hate_goons.vbs 04/25/2024, 6:56am PDT
Should've used an Among Us woodblock sound instead of Larry David NT by #trending #relevant #spotify 04/25/2024, 10:47am PDT
The monitor blowing up story by Mysterio 02/06/2024, 8:15am PST
Decathalon for the Atari 2600 ruined one of our joysticks growing up by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/06/2024, 8:51am PST
Re: The monitor blowing up story by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 9:42am PST
Kids these days don't know 'bout the cathode ray tube monitors. by blackwater 02/06/2024, 3:35pm PST
Why Chet left Valve by according to chet 12/23/2023, 11:02am PST
Are we sure he didn't leave because he has a crippling meth addiction NT by whats wrong with your faaaaaaaaace 12/23/2023, 11:15am PST
maybe he has an allergy but he likes it anyway by Feris 12/23/2023, 11:21am PST
He mentions it in the video. I am sure he is working on it. NT by Johnny Fivedicks 12/23/2023, 2:09pm PST
I didn't mean nothing by it Chet sorry by Mysterio 01/11/2024, 10:41am PST
Good video NT by I'd buy an anacrusis from this guy 01/11/2024, 11:25am PST
He's a good man with good games. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/11/2024, 3:09pm PST
He also hates the Mariners NT by Mysterio 01/11/2024, 9:35pm PST
Re: He also hates the Mariners by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/12/2024, 5:23am PST
Re: He also hates the Mariners by Mysterio 01/12/2024, 7:08am PST
Re: He also hates the Mariners by Lars 01/27/2024, 9:02am PST
tl;dw he wants to make games and he was stuck in a rut NT by Fullofkittens 12/24/2023, 3:05pm PST
Left4Dead was so good that its DNA was reproduceable everywhere and now by Vermintide etc do it better 12/25/2023, 7:53am PST
Did Ana-wordplay ever get better? by hope 12/25/2023, 4:42pm PST
Why is his face so blotchy, maybe he should have stayed at Valve? NT by Michaelmas 01/28/2024, 9:34am PST
Chet dishing on Left4Dead by Mysterio 11/22/2023, 12:36pm PST
Imagine being forced to watch Gabe suck at CS as a way of berating you for your NT by game not working 11/23/2023, 7:03am PST
YOURS IS TO CONSUME NT by CALTROP 11/17/2023, 7:57am PST
Chet called out the CoD game for their Rosa Parks quote by Good for him 11/15/2023, 10:18pm PST
WHY is his face all so fucked up by WHY is Chet all fucked up 11/15/2023, 10:37pm PST
"Chet Faliszek stable diffusion" is an initially amusing but ultimately NT by disappointing gis search string 11/15/2023, 11:04pm PST
Drinking, HEY, buddy by Vested Id 11/16/2023, 12:14pm PST
Chet is on TikTok and Youtube doing daily videos. by Your Friendly Neigjbirhood CoSysop 07/11/2023, 9:09am PDT
Thanks... he's nice? I heard the opposite. NT by But according to, well you know 07/11/2023, 12:20pm PDT
If he was nice, this website wouldn't exist. NT by MM 07/12/2023, 9:11pm PDT
Anacrusis is pretty boring though NT by =( 07/12/2023, 5:09pm PDT
What about it don't you like? NT by Superfly 07/12/2023, 8:13pm PDT
Re: What about it don't you like? by Link 07/12/2023, 10:55pm PDT
Interview with Erik by Mysterio 12/05/2021, 9:05pm PST
Re: Interview with Erik by Richard Linklater 12/05/2021, 9:06pm PST
Podcast with Chet by Ray Gun Gunray 09/22/2022, 6:37pm PDT
In this one we get to see his beard by Roop 01/15/2023, 12:58am PST
I've ruined everything myself many times... by Chet 12/18/2022, 12:04pm PST
this is fascinating by laudablepuss 12/19/2022, 3:13pm PST
Re: this is fascinating by laudablepuss 12/19/2022, 4:13pm PST
Someone read this by laudablepuss 04/10/2022, 7:00pm PDT
It's a whole lot of nothing by Rafiki 04/10/2022, 10:55pm PDT
Re: It's a whole lot of nothing by laudablepuss 04/11/2022, 3:11am PDT
Re: It's a whole lot of nothing by Mysterio 04/11/2022, 11:02am PDT
If this game sinks, it ain't gonna change our life at all by blackwater 04/11/2022, 10:31pm PDT
Ray(be powder) NT by gruman 09/02/2021, 10:18am PDT
Stepto has passed away by Entropy Stew 10/27/2017, 8:45am PDT
Caltrops's's Stepto? by Vested Id 10/27/2017, 9:38am PDT
More like OMM's OG's GA's Stepto by Entropy Stew 10/27/2017, 1:33pm PDT
Re: Caltrops's's Stepto? by Indrid Cold 10/27/2017, 6:04pm PDT
Jesus Christ. That's awful. NT by Mischief Maker 10/27/2017, 10:10am PDT
Buried the rabbit by Roop 10/27/2017, 10:21am PDT
Let's pretend this was his last post by laudablepuss 10/27/2017, 1:36pm PDT
He was a good man, an inspiration. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/28/2017, 9:20am PDT
And he drove a Boxster! NT by Mischief Maker 10/28/2017, 9:21am PDT
Re: Stepto has passed away by DidC0tMaSSif 08/24/2021, 2:44pm PDT
Are the Cables still living together in filth? by Delta City planner 08/05/2021, 6:43am PDT
I would assume they are living together and have their house paid off. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/05/2021, 10:49am PDT
Jhoh is in France, Jsoh sleeps in a bare flat on a bed of nails NT by Vested Id 08/05/2021, 11:05am PDT
Re: Are the Cables still living together in filth? NT by Imagine the stench... 08/05/2021, 7:38pm PDT
erik quit Valve NT by Roop 02/17/2017, 5:33pm PST
He can write his own ticket anywhere. NT by - 02/17/2017, 8:10pm PST
Yeah right. What AAA studios give a shit about funny writing? NT by Neil Druckmann (not sharing ND) 02/17/2017, 9:19pm PST
"One of Valve's funnier writers," fuck you Polygon NT by Vested Id 02/17/2017, 8:37pm PST
To work on Psychonauts 2. Erik, slip my movie script to Tim! NT by fabio 02/17/2017, 9:08pm PST
The fucking RPS comments are amazing on this one. by Mysterio 02/27/2017, 9:02pm PST
People just sit around and think of them and get mad at them by rent free 12/26/2019, 12:09pm PST
"Took a run at them" NT by What a creepy lunatic 12/26/2019, 3:35pm PST
Chet quit NT by Rafiki 05/02/2017, 1:42pm PDT
So it had to take this for us to finally find out Chet smells like catass by Roop 05/02/2017, 5:35pm PDT
If they both quit and start writing for OMM again that is fine, but by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2017, 6:20pm PDT
Now hiring edgy video stars to make memes as comedy writers! by UGO Daily Geek News Videos 05/04/2017, 12:51am PDT
Franchise the damn thing! NT by Ray Kroc 05/04/2017, 1:36am PDT
Jay Pinkerton has taken his leave now as well. NT by Kenji Carter 06/07/2017, 7:36am PDT
Valve has zero direction now besides make money off Steam residuals NT by Gabe Newell, "Thought Leader" 06/07/2017, 12:29pm PDT
I think he went back. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/05/2021, 6:07pm PDT
That reminded me to check his Twitter by Rafiki 05/05/2021, 7:26pm PDT
Niece unable to get a Rona loan? NT by :s 05/05/2021, 7:55pm PDT
Observations on things that have gone away by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2014, 7:43am PDT
Re: Observations on things that have gone away by Eurotrash 04/04/2014, 1:57pm PDT
High-concept gamer-dad performance art NT by mark 04/04/2014, 2:24pm PDT
Re: Observations on things that have gone away by Olde Timey Game Carny 04/04/2014, 11:52pm PDT
Re: Observations on things that have gone away by Eurotrash 04/05/2014, 9:56am PDT
Whatever happened to Eurotrash? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/05/2021, 6:25pm PDT
Re: Observations on things that have gone away by blackwater 04/05/2014, 7:50am PDT
Re: Observations on things that have gone away by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/05/2014, 8:50am PDT NT by Cassandra Fowler 04/05/2014, 9:44pm PDT
i am usin my new smar5 cdll 0bons to do this by Roop 04/07/2014, 10:25pm PDT
The Brawl Hall by the janitor 07/24/2004, 3:25am PDT
Can I get a fucking answer on this one? by the janitor 04/19/2020, 10:03am PDT
I remember "Punch Bunch", that's it NT by Thanks for nothing Senor Barbarito 04/19/2020, 7:33pm PDT
OH by laudablepuss 04/19/2020, 11:42pm PDT
Andy McCarthy just shared a 73Q link by Vested Id 04/13/2020, 4:22pm PDT
Where is the thread where Jerry Whorebach gets the moral of Harrison Bergeron co by Mysterio 08/26/2019, 6:05pm PDT
Seanbaby has a little girl now by Vested Id 02/14/2017, 1:12pm PST
Fuck, even Seanbaby lost his mind to that punch nazi faces banality NT by Sad! 02/14/2017, 10:47pm PST
Are you sick of having your face punched? NT by Stallone is... The Facepuncher 02/15/2017, 2:58am PST
One of his Man Comics characters is called The Punchmaster by Vested Id 02/15/2017, 3:28am PST
So he went gay for pay? NT by Fag 02/15/2017, 7:01am PST
"Even Tarantino lost his mind to that Nazi beating banality." by --Basement racist movie reviewer 03/13/2017, 4:50am PDT
Here I destroy this guy's argument AND concept of reality! by that was a fictional movie :( 03/13/2017, 3:45pm PDT
Hitler said some words I don't like by Let's hear him out though. 03/13/2017, 7:36pm PDT
Jesus Christ, people need moderators in their lives badly. by Generation X 03/13/2017, 7:59pm PDT
You guys keep saying this, looking for a fight. by Daniel 03/13/2017, 8:05pm PDT
I'll fight that guy with you. NT by Forum Little Buddy 03/13/2017, 8:07pm PDT
OK. NT by Daniel 03/13/2017, 8:36pm PDT
Daniel licks moderator boots NT by (It's disgusting) 03/13/2017, 8:09pm PDT
How did you end up here then? NT by Vested Id 03/13/2017, 8:35pm PDT
People MOSTLY treat each other with respect. Plus I lurk, usually. NT by Daniel 03/13/2017, 8:37pm PDT
Post your address and I'll come by when you least expect it NT by Internet Tough Guy patrol 03/14/2017, 9:16am PDT
The left seriously compares everything to Hitler now. NT by Kenny Mayne 03/13/2017, 8:00pm PDT
Identity Evropa and Richard Spencer definitely believe in racial science by Worm 03/13/2017, 9:03pm PDT
Then why is he constantly referencing "The Camp of the Saints?" NT by MM 03/13/2017, 9:04pm PDT
Oh sure I'll take that, no one else will though. by Worm 03/13/2017, 10:36pm PDT
Though they'll probably bring up Jesse Owens to prove nazis love black people NT by Worm 03/13/2017, 10:41pm PDT
"Ugh, I can't believe you mentioned Hitler in this discussion about Nazis." NT by "Have you no class?" 03/14/2017, 4:24am PDT
ANYONE could be the next Hitler! by gotta punch em all 03/13/2017, 10:24pm PDT
In the end you've got a choice to be more upset about punching or racial science NT by Worm 03/13/2017, 10:43pm PDT
Why is it either or? by gotta punch em all 03/13/2017, 11:40pm PDT
It's not either/or it's more/less. by Worm 03/13/2017, 11:57pm PDT
Maybe you should stick to shitposting about anime instead of wading into serious NT by Ethical questions with false dilemm 03/14/2017, 8:11am PDT
Oh yeah you guys are really just at the edge of a huge break through. by Worm 03/14/2017, 10:04am PDT
If you're not with the antifascists you're with the fascists NT by Bizarro President George W Bush 03/14/2017, 10:39am PDT
A lack of constant sperging doesn't equal endorsement. by Worm 03/14/2017, 10:55am PDT
*directed Punisher Warzone NT by Worm 03/14/2017, 11:01am PDT
That logic works both ways. Why wring our hands about 4chan edgelords making NT by Jew jokes? Let em be retards 03/14/2017, 11:13am PDT
Ok so follow my example and post as much about punching as I do white surpemacis NT by Worm 03/14/2017, 11:35am PDT
Re: ANYONE could be the next Hitler! by "Have you no class?" 03/14/2017, 4:26am PDT
Re: Here I destroy this guy's argument AND concept of reality! by --Basement racist movie reviewer 03/13/2017, 9:45pm PDT
Words can hurt. Don't be glib. NT by Daniel 03/13/2017, 10:09pm PDT
There are no hard and fast rules on when it's okay to hit somebody. by You have to trust your gut. 03/13/2017, 11:28pm PDT
GenX was just as shitty as Baby Boomers. I'm glad Millennials are revolting. NT by skip 03/04/2017, 1:26pm PST
REALLY though? Were we REAAAAALLY? NT by Generation X 03/13/2017, 5:12pm PDT
I just wish they weren't such crybabies about it by comments in 08/07/2019, 2:25pm PDT
All this thread needs now is a "Piss on you, I'm working for Mel Brooks" NT by Vested Id 03/14/2017, 1:45pm PDT
Is this the new baby thread? by Mumsnet 08/08/2019, 6:07am PDT
Seanbaby editing bad words out of old articles? by Mr. EO 07/08/2019, 11:22am PDT
Forgot to include by Mr. EO 07/08/2019, 11:33am PDT
Seanbaby being worried about a career to save is the real punchline here NT by 5 Reasons His career is a trashfire 07/09/2019, 5:25pm PDT
The North Face has the right attitude toward Wikipedia editors by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/31/2019, 12:06pm PDT
I hit enter too soon! by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/31/2019, 12:07pm PDT
First sentence by Mysterio 05/31/2019, 6:38pm PDT
Re: I hit enter too soon! by The Happiness Engine 05/31/2019, 7:00pm PDT
Re: I hit enter too soon! by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/11/2019, 6:24am PDT
How OMM saved Serious Sam from extinction by Roop 12/01/2018, 6:39pm PST
These ArsTechnica war stories are great by the way - AvP, C&C2, etc. NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 04/12/2019, 6:09pm PDT
Chet is starting a new company by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/18/2019, 10:58am PDT
Who was Umberto Echo? NT by Eury 07/22/2018, 8:41pm PDT
Just another Old Guard. May they live in infamy NT by Roop 07/22/2018, 9:17pm PDT
One of the smartest/funniest of the original OMM Old Guard! NT by Mischief Maker 07/23/2018, 4:45am PDT
What ever happened to Maulana Inyadullah? by Here's his zoominfo 04/17/2018, 10:19pm PDT
Am I wrong or has OMM disappeared by Vested Id 03/13/2018, 1:11am PDT
False alarm, didn't connect thru mobile network for some reason NT by Vested Id 03/13/2018, 1:41am PDT
Erik's top ten games of 2017 by Mysterio, "Thought Leader" 12/28/2017, 7:51pm PST
I'm gonna assume he didn't get a chance to play Cuphead yet by Fullofkittens 12/28/2017, 8:06pm PST
Similarly: what's it gonna cost me by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/28/2017, 9:56pm PST
Also I didn't read the words at first, just the list of games by Fullofkittens 12/29/2017, 9:24am PST
MARK MY WORDS by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/28/2017, 9:52pm PST
That was deeply calming to read by Entropy Stew 12/29/2017, 9:51pm PST
Was he driven to quit by that "OMM caused gamergate" article? NT by Bill in the car 12/30/2017, 6:22am PST
what happened to your carphone? NT by OMM and Caltrops History 12/30/2017, 2:39pm PST
Better question: did he actually quit NT by Vested Id 12/30/2017, 3:47pm PST
Was he FIRED over the "OMM caused gamegate" "controversy" NT by Bill from Hoboken 12/30/2017, 4:03pm PST
Of course not. Come the fuck on. by Mysterio Lollerson 12/30/2017, 4:35pm PST
Confused, so by Vested Id 12/30/2017, 4:54pm PST
All of the writers probably quit because they were bored with nothing to do by Rafiki 12/30/2017, 6:34pm PST
That's what I figured by Vested Id 12/30/2017, 7:14pm PST
He said he had his colon removed by Bill from Hoboken 12/30/2017, 8:30pm PST
Save Erik NT by watertower 12/31/2017, 1:31am PST
Robert Guillaume, voice of Rafiki, has died. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/24/2017, 8:55pm PDT
For a second I thought you meant Rafiki-the-poster died by Entropy Stew 10/27/2017, 10:51am PDT
Erik quoted in recent Reason article on the unemployed 20 something loser demo by GARY JOHNSON 2016 06/13/2017, 10:24pm PDT
Half-Life 3 confirmed by but it's... too good 06/13/2017, 10:36pm PDT
I am good games personified by Mathilda May 06/13/2017, 10:54pm PDT
Erik: Psychotic, misogynist by Mysterio, "Thought Leader" 06/19/2017, 3:26pm PDT
Re-read it again, still fantastic by laudablepuss 06/19/2017, 3:47pm PDT
Listen to me, LOOK AT ME by Vested Id 06/19/2017, 4:43pm PDT
Ecch, we're back to soft brains elegizing on by The original sins of VIDEO GAMES 06/19/2017, 7:48pm PDT
That brain was quite soft. NT by Mysterio 07/07/2017, 10:26am PDT
Thanks for the laugh. by Mysterio Lollerson 06/19/2017, 9:36pm PDT
Re: Erik: Psychotic, misogynist by "Gamer" 06/20/2017, 1:12pm PDT
I've been mostly off-grid for weeks and decided to check a few spots by skip 02/04/2017, 1:18pm PST
Balkanization? by SASS Memory Bank 02/04/2017, 5:01pm PST
All of those except the first line were there from the start NT by Bo knows authoritarianism 02/04/2017, 8:05pm PST
Hi! Forum registration is open to all who apply. by Xiphias 02/27/2017, 9:43am PST
But you're a liberal echo chamber. So that's not it. NT by bo user dont dox me 02/27/2017, 10:16am PST
liberals are our enemy, we are a radical leftist echo chamber now by Xiphias 02/27/2017, 3:58pm PST
if bo is a liberal echo chamber why am i still there by ron 05/30/2017, 6:52am PDT
Just make handle a drop down menu that lists all known fruit by Worm 02/27/2017, 11:06am PST
Re: I've been mostly off-grid for weeks and decided to check a few spots by Mysterio 02/28/2017, 9:14am PST
Valve Snacks by Jack Bauer 04/25/2017, 8:25am PDT
No great inventions have come out of the workshops of Ix for centuries. NT by Frank Herbert 04/25/2017, 8:53am PDT
I like how he sez"nobody is going to eat my whole stick of butter in the fridge" by blackwater 04/29/2017, 2:58pm PDT
Sooo...Fyre Festival. Can we talk about this? Or at least laugh at it? by #1 Bonnaroo fan 04/28/2017, 6:27pm PDT
Never heard about it until today! NT by Ja Rule shaped hole in the wall 04/28/2017, 8:44pm PDT
I posted this to the wrong forum and would like to gracefully bow out NT by #1 Bonnaroo fan 04/28/2017, 9:57pm PDT
I gotchu fam. by The Happiness Engine 04/29/2017, 12:11pm PDT
Liberty Bear flag available on ebay by Vested Id 12/05/2016, 5:49am PST
Any archive of those columns written for Gamespot? Not the reviews, the columns. by mike williams usgamer 07/29/2016, 5:52pm PDT
Why don't you write your own comedy column? You sound like a funny guy. by huddled mass effect fans. 07/29/2016, 6:07pm PDT
You sore about losing the Bioware forums? NT by mike williams usgamer 07/29/2016, 6:24pm PDT
You saw how worked up they got over Tali's sweat, wait'll they see our entire NT by base devoted to Jacob's Dick. 07/29/2016, 6:53pm PDT NT by BioWare's Patrick Weekes 07/29/2016, 7:14pm PDT
Here's Chet leading a VR presentation by Vested Id 07/27/2016, 4:20am PDT
Ooh and some roundtables by Vested Id 07/27/2016, 4:25am PDT
How can they call this VR without any NT by Lawnmower Man sex? 07/27/2016, 1:48pm PDT
give it time. Japan is working on the problem night and day NT by Entropy Stew 07/27/2016, 1:50pm PDT
I wish they had finished the Internet Film Laser Squad thing. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/17/2016, 6:55pm PDT
If any old property deserves a kickstarter NT by it's this 07/17/2016, 9:21pm PDT
I agree NT by Eurotrash 07/18/2016, 1:19am PDT
In 3 months, Seanbaby will turn 40 NT by FUCK! 03/21/2016, 12:22am PDT
SeanMiddleAgedFuck by Oom Shnibble 03/21/2016, 1:20am PDT
I'm two years older than seanbaby? :( by laudablepuss 03/21/2016, 8:55am PDT
Melissa Joan Hart just turned 40 NT by salad boners 04/28/2016, 5:55pm PDT
What's everyone's IM handle these days? by fabio 03/20/2016, 4:39pm PDT
Hey Erik want to come hang out in Virginia City by Vested Id 02/28/2016, 4:14am PST
Totally read that as "Vagina City" and I would like to learn more... NT by The Happiness Engine 02/29/2016, 3:29pm PST
Who was it here who worked in the ad industry? NT by fabio 04/03/2015, 2:13pm PDT
Me. NT by FSBT 04/03/2015, 5:55pm PDT
Wasn't Mark another one? NT by fabio 04/04/2015, 1:25pm PDT
Yes. NT by mark 06/02/2015, 11:33am PDT
I thought Fuss was a technical writer or something NT by WITTGENSTEIN 04/04/2015, 1:58pm PDT
He's a carpenter, and also his facial hair resembles Jesus NT by laudablepuss 06/02/2015, 1:11pm PDT
What kind of carpenter can't even build a set of shelves to impress his girlfrie NT by E. L. Koba 06/02/2015, 7:21pm PDT
That was what I was referring to. Hilarious! Let's never let it go ;) by laudablepuss 06/03/2015, 8:15am PDT
I did this! by laudablepuss 10/04/2015, 10:02pm PDT
Chet fucking with everyone on Steam, says Half-Life 3 won't be VR by WITTGENSTEIN 09/25/2015, 9:46am PDT
Ben Schumin is the proud papa of a trending subreddit by Vested Id 09/16/2015, 11:25am PDT
Stepto is in a coma. by Mysterio 06/11/2015, 2:55pm PDT
Shit. NT by Mischief Maker 06/11/2015, 3:00pm PDT
He is the man by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2015, 9:18am PDT
Fund raiser to help out the family. by Shredder 06/12/2015, 9:02pm PDT
FUcK sTept0 iS a proPAh Gent by Didcot 08/26/2015, 12:58pm PDT
EeH LiVes by Didcot 08/26/2015, 1:23pm PDT
That's a relief! NT by Mischief Maker 08/26/2015, 3:21pm PDT
Re: EeH LiVes by Roop 08/26/2015, 9:55pm PDT
Re: EeH LiVes by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/27/2015, 8:54am PDT
I hate a circle-jerk but.. by Oom Shnibble 08/28/2015, 12:05pm PDT
Yeah, I really appreciate MM's reviews, and everyone else who cares bout a genre NT by blackwater 08/29/2015, 12:54am PDT
Your visits are always a pleasure. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2015, 7:58pm PDT
Whoa NT by Grebble 08/28/2015, 8:52am PDT NT by MAD LOVE from Stepto Remix Service 08/26/2015, 4:48pm PDT
My favorite part of the @caltrops Twitter account by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2014, 9:19pm PDT
They're not terrorists, just Cretious Reprobates NT by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/05/2014, 9:38pm PDT
FINALLY! by Ray!'s anus 05/18/2014, 2:28am PDT
Bidets by Lurker 340924 05/18/2014, 4:18am PDT
Oh hell yea chalk me up as pro-bidet. by Those things are super. 05/18/2014, 8:51am PDT