It's getting a PC release by Entropy Stew 02/02/2016, 1:05pm PST 
Buying this with no hesitation. by Fullofkittens 02/02/2016, 6:32pm PST 
Comes out in an hour. Port is a mess by Entropy Stew 02/24/2016, 1:14pm PST 
Fuck that shit then. It's a horrible waste of time anayway by Eurotrash 02/24/2016, 2:07pm PST 
Actually I'm playing it and its fine by Entropy Stew 02/24/2016, 3:37pm PST 
Darkest Dungeon is scratching my Disgaea itch so well I don't need this yet. NT by Fullofkittens 02/25/2016, 4:32am PST 
They're also kicking out patches pretty quickly by Entropy Stew 03/03/2016, 12:09pm PST 
Well, with a name like Diarrhea... by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 02/25/2016, 12:15pm PST 
literal shitposting by Entropy Stew 02/25/2016, 1:35pm PST 
That wasn't the real me. NT by Captain Tarragon B. Darco 02/25/2016, 3:44pm PST 
THAT wasn't the real me. NT by Colonel Spastic A. Tacos 02/26/2016, 2:06am PST 
Disgaea, Odin Sphere join Sony's "Greatest Hits" line by Jerry Whorebach 08/08/2008, 8:14pm PDT 
That's awesome, because I've been looking for Diagaea for years. by Fullofkittens 08/08/2008, 8:31pm PDT 
In ten years it'll make for a great bonding activity. by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/09/2008, 1:48am PDT 
I found some time to play Disgaea, and I love it. But I have questions! by Fullofkittens 03/26/2009, 10:29am PDT 
Re: I found some time to play Disgaea, and I love it. But I have questions! by Lizard_King 03/26/2009, 1:49pm PDT 
Question I always had by Mischief Maker 03/26/2009, 2:36pm PDT 
Re: Question I always had by Lizard_King 03/26/2009, 5:11pm PDT 
So, should I *not* take out the specialists when I encounter them at low levels? by Fullofkittens 03/27/2009, 2:43pm PDT 
Always take specialists if their talent is useful to you. by Last 03/27/2009, 3:07pm PDT 
Yeah, always subdue when given a chance to by Lizard_King 03/27/2009, 8:05pm PDT 
Also by Lizard_King 03/27/2009, 8:06pm PDT 
They fucked me on Disgaea and they fucked me on Persona 3. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/08/2008, 9:31pm PDT 
Disgaea 3 preview unveils prospect of DLC by Lizard_King 06/14/2008, 9:57am PDT 
Re: Disgaea 3 preview unveils prospect of DLC by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/14/2008, 3:49pm PDT 
Disgaea 4: 100,000 LEVELS NT by Entropy Stew 06/14/2008, 3:54pm PDT 
Disgaea 3 released for the PS3 (in Japan) by Lizard_King 02/05/2008, 12:17am PST 
We can inline youtubes now. NT by Caltrops newsletter 02/05/2008, 1:43am PST 
What the fuck? by Lizard_King 08/31/2006, 12:57pm PDT 
heard the gameplay was better, but the story not as funny by FABIO 08/31/2006, 2:52pm PDT 
Re: heard the gameplay was better, but the story not as funny by Lizard_King 08/31/2006, 7:40pm PDT 
Oh by Lizard_King 08/31/2006, 7:41pm PDT 
how do you hate the best plots videogamedom has to offer by FABIO 08/31/2006, 9:21pm PDT 
Don't exaggerate. For once. by Lizard_King 09/02/2006, 6:20am PDT 
Fabio....owned? by Cannibal Dave 09/02/2006, 8:40am PDT 
You could learn a thing or two from BDR by Flavio 09/02/2006, 8:40pm PDT 
You could have saved everyone a few seconds by Lizard_King 09/02/2006, 9:23pm PDT 
Re: You could have saved everyone a few seconds by Flavio 09/04/2006, 7:07am PDT 
Re: You could have saved everyone a few seconds by Lizard_King 09/04/2006, 10:59am PDT 
In that Excel Saga thread, someone recommends some Chinese bootleg site. by Creexul :( 09/04/2006, 12:51pm PDT 
I can recommend a Chinese booty and leg site. NT by Quentin Beck 09/04/2006, 6:52pm PDT 
I JUST FUCKING LOVE FF TACTICS!!! by Mischief Maker 04/12/2005, 6:31pm PDT 
Here's what you do, FABIO by Entropy Stew 04/12/2005, 6:38pm PDT 
Keep trying =( NT by Daverd 04/12/2005, 6:48pm PDT 
There was some trick to it, but I forget what ^_____^ by FABIO 04/12/2005, 8:16pm PDT 
The naked trick by Mischief Maker 04/13/2005, 8:19pm PDT 
Your characters are too slow, raise speed. NT by Kthor 04/13/2005, 9:24am PDT 
Phantom Brave by Cog 07/26/2004, 11:14pm PDT 
I can't stop playing Disgaea. by Zseni on Windows XP :( 07/20/2004, 1:06am PDT 
Re: I can't stop playing Disgaea. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/20/2004, 12:12pm PDT 
Hmmmmmm... (also thx, Kthor. FOR NOTHING. But for rec too.) by Zseni 07/20/2004, 1:34pm PDT 
Dark Cloud 2 combat... by Mood: Perplexed 07/20/2004, 1:44pm PDT 
precisely why Crystal Chronicles sucked by FABIO 07/20/2004, 2:44pm PDT 
Tales of Symphonia by 0.02$ 07/20/2004, 4:57pm PDT 
Re: Tales of Symphonia by FABIO 07/21/2004, 2:48am PDT 
Re: Tales of Symphonia by newer guy 07/21/2004, 8:12am PDT 
Re: Tales of Symphonia by 0.02$ 07/21/2004, 11:48am PDT 
Re: Tales of Symphonia by newer guy 07/21/2004, 4:39pm PDT 
Cheers, mate by 0.02$ 07/21/2004, 8:04pm PDT 
Re: Cheers, mate by FABIO 07/21/2004, 9:34pm PDT 
Wait for Phantom Brave by K. Thor Jensen 07/20/2004, 12:19pm PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by FABIO 07/21/2004, 2:50am PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by K. Thor Jensen 07/21/2004, 8:19am PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by FABIO 07/21/2004, 12:31pm PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by K. Thor Jensen 07/21/2004, 2:30pm PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by whydurst, caltrops scapegoat 07/21/2004, 10:33pm PDT 
Re: Wait for Phantom Brave by K. Thor Jensen 07/22/2004, 9:08am PDT 
Phantom Brave videos by Helpful Internet Pal 07/26/2004, 1:34am PDT 
Re: I can't stop playing Disgaea. by FABIO 07/21/2004, 3:12am PDT 