is BG3 good? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/06/2023, 9:51pm PDT 
I can't separate hype from actual game. I think it just flatters nerds priors. by Look mom I'm playing D&D!! 08/08/2023, 11:43am PDT 
Does it have bow and arrows? NT by Oh 08/08/2023, 1:45pm PDT 
They have some of those things. by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/11/2023, 9:41pm PDT 
Does it promote a gay agenda? NT by Ray Gun Gunray 08/12/2023, 1:26pm PDT 
It's promoting something by Roop 08/12/2023, 8:23pm PDT 
That's great by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2023, 8:21am PDT 
Re: That's great by Mysterio 09/24/2023, 7:06am PDT 
Bear Bestiality NT by Warcraft erotic fic come to life 08/14/2023, 8:14pm PDT 
Re: is BG3 good? by John Gulp 09/09/2023, 9:23pm PDT 
It's fine. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/29/2023, 11:22am PST 
I won the first big fight I encountered. It's gone from fine to very good. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/29/2023, 11:22pm PST 
It's not perfect. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/21/2024, 9:48pm PDT 
Larian not making Baldurs Gate IV or any xpacs by Mysterio 03/21/2024, 4:50pm PDT 
They would have made billions. I assume WotC fucked this up. NT by Gaige Grosskreutz 03/21/2024, 8:54pm PDT 
Sam Hyde + Baldur's Gate by Mysterio 09/23/2023, 7:18am PDT 
Liberals have become what they hate. PROOF: by ja 04/06/2016, 5:49am PDT 
Re: Liberals have become what they hate. PROOF: by Mysterio Lollerson 04/06/2016, 7:17am PDT 
Didn't you even have to rotate the Camera to see Tracer's ass? by Worm 04/06/2016, 7:29am PDT 
Can you please address the following on swc by Mysterio 04/06/2016, 11:31am PDT 
I dunno that lady put it pretty well, not sure what they can ad. by Worm 04/06/2016, 1:03pm PDT 
There is no excuse for NT by Farage pics 04/06/2016, 2:59pm PDT 
Farage did nothing wrong. by ja 04/06/2016, 4:32pm PDT 
You do realize nobody calls you a racist, right? by They call you a retard. 04/07/2016, 10:49am PDT 
Hope this gets through. by Nigel 04/07/2016, 10:53am PDT 
How does trans work in the BG world? Just use a "change gender spell" NT by All trannies pass, nobody cares 04/06/2016, 9:01pm PDT 
Roll to pass. NT by Worm 04/07/2016, 5:58am PDT 
Mr. Kool, I moved your post to the SitS base. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/19/2015, 4:27pm PDT 
Excellent by Mr. Kool 09/19/2015, 7:53pm PDT 
D&D: Chronicles of Mystara by fabio 08/18/2013, 2:30pm PDT 
DnD 3.5 SRD released by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 4:19am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by foogla 07/22/2003, 6:35am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by laudablepuss 07/22/2003, 10:33am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by godamit 07/22/2003, 10:50am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by laudablepuss 07/22/2003, 11:05am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by foogla 07/22/2003, 11:30am PDT 
Bored at work, talkin' dnd on company time, jesus what am I doing with my life? by godamit 07/22/2003, 11:29am PDT 
Re: Bored at work, talkin' dnd on company time, jesus what am I doing with my life? by laudablepuss 07/22/2003, 11:57am PDT 
Re: Bored at work, talkin' dnd on company time, jesus what am I doing with my li by godamit 07/22/2003, 12:32pm PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 2:03pm PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by laudablepuss 07/22/2003, 4:11pm PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 7:05pm PDT 
What's to understand? by laudablepuss 07/23/2003, 3:20am PDT 
Re: What's to understand? by foogla 07/23/2003, 5:29am PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 2:00pm PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by foogla 07/22/2003, 6:17pm PDT 
Re: DnD 3.5 SRD released by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 6:59pm PDT 
SRD compiled into pdf files by whydirt, caltrops HALFLIFE2 07/22/2003, 8:53pm PDT 
My impresstion of this thread by Mischief Maker 07/24/2003, 3:11pm PDT 
Re: My impresstion of this thread by laudablepuss 07/24/2003, 5:17pm PDT 
Re: My impresstion of this thread by Callow Sniper 07/24/2003, 7:01pm PDT 
Re: My impresstion of this thread by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/24/2003, 7:43pm PDT 
I'd bet anything they still dont hold a candle to Champions, GURPS, by FABIO 07/24/2003, 10:00pm PDT 
Say, aren't you the guy that hates SS2? NT by Dead Horse 07/25/2003, 3:36am PDT 
Bored, FABIO? by laudablepuss 07/25/2003, 2:38pm PDT 
Re: Bored, FABIO? by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/25/2003, 2:55pm PDT 
Feeding Frenzy by Callow Sniper 07/26/2003, 12:07am PDT 
'Insipid Horseshit' is a bad name for a band by chunguo 07/26/2003, 8:53pm PDT 
just fascinated with your fascination with clunky role playing NT by FABIO 07/25/2003, 3:40pm PDT 
I'll take that as a yes to both questions, then. NT by laudablepuss 07/25/2003, 4:48pm PDT 
MM is the only one who can legitimately say D&D sucks? NT by FABIO 07/26/2003, 12:37am PDT 
I know this means a lot to you. by laudablepuss 07/26/2003, 8:31pm PDT 
Yes NT by The Mischievous Goat of Power 07/27/2003, 2:10pm PDT 
hey jeep by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 4:16am PDT 
Re: hey jeep by jeep 07/22/2003, 12:16pm PDT 
Re: hey jeep by whydirt, caltrops footpad 07/22/2003, 1:57pm PDT 
another one? by FABIO 05/19/2003, 12:16pm PDT 
Re: another one? by Bill Dungsroman 05/19/2003, 5:08pm PDT 
Re: another one? by Bitter 05/21/2003, 3:28am PDT 
Netscape? by foogla 05/21/2003, 4:30am PDT 
Nocturne???!!! by FABIO 05/21/2003, 4:34am PDT 
I count 3 Caltrops windows open. by FoK 05/21/2003, 8:58am PDT 
Re: I count 3 Caltrops windows open. by Entropy Stew 05/21/2003, 2:03pm PDT 
Re: I count 3 Caltrops windows open. by Bitter. 05/22/2003, 1:23am PDT 
Suggestion, re: Terraterm, et al by Senor Barborito 05/22/2003, 1:43am PDT 
Re: Suggestion, re: Terraterm, et al by Bitter 05/23/2003, 8:55pm PDT 
Nocturne by FoK 05/22/2003, 9:14am PDT 
Riddle me this: by Nixon 05/22/2003, 1:37am PDT 
Hey Buttmuffin by Callow Sniper 05/19/2003, 7:20pm PDT 
oregon trail memories by FABIO 05/20/2003, 12:22am PDT 
Same here NT by FoK 05/20/2003, 12:30am PDT 
me too by FoK II 05/20/2003, 12:58am PDT 
Me three. by laudablepuss 05/20/2003, 1:15am PDT 
<Hijack> by Moab 05/20/2003, 1:32am PDT 
oregon trail by mark 05/20/2003, 12:33am PDT 
Shit you beat me to it. NT by Chairman Mao 05/20/2003, 12:38am PDT 
yes. that and Hot Dog Stand formed the majority of my education NT by ydrt 05/20/2003, 1:30am PDT 
Hey whale eye by Bill Dungsroman 05/20/2003, 11:58am PDT 
Murray by Callow Sniper 05/23/2003, 1:25am PDT 
Re: Murray by Bill Dungsroman 05/23/2003, 12:04pm PDT 
Masterbaiter by Callow Sniper 05/23/2003, 1:33pm PDT 
Master Debater by Bill Dungsroman 05/23/2003, 1:41pm PDT 
Master Blaster NT by ...runs Barter Town. 05/23/2003, 7:42pm PDT 
You were warned by Bitter 05/21/2003, 3:40am PDT 
WTF? Baldur's Gate ROOLED. Admit it, fag. by laudablepuss 05/19/2003, 6:23pm PDT 
Re: WTF? Baldur's Gate ROOLED. Admit it, fag. by foogla 05/19/2003, 7:56pm PDT 
Re: WTF? Baldur's Gate ROOLED. Admit it, fag. by laudablepuss 05/20/2003, 6:56pm PDT 
Re: WTF? Baldur's Gate ROOLED. Admit it, fag. by laudablepuss 05/20/2003, 7:00pm PDT 
Hmm. A little retarded today, I guess. by laudablepuss 05/20/2003, 7:02pm PDT 
Re: WTF? Baldur's Gate ROOLED. Admit it, fag. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/19/2003, 11:38pm PDT 
Some people... by False 05/19/2003, 7:40pm PDT 