Yeah this about sums up the series.... by Mysterio 11/10/2023, 6:52am PST 
valve should discontinue dota2 and work full time on trenched aka iron brigade NT by the one who infuriates you 08/17/2012, 10:45pm PDT 
Caltrops is nearly 10 years old now by Mischief Maker 06/21/2012, 5:47am PDT 
This was the original intended ending to Soul Reaver 1 by Mischief Maker 06/21/2012, 6:18am PDT 
Great. Now I have to play this game again. Good thing I still have the DC vers by CattleHumper 06/22/2012, 4:41pm PDT 
Here's one I missed. by Mischief Maker 06/22/2012, 7:17pm PDT 
Ha ha! I've got fans saying at GOG this was the best title in the series now! NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2012, 8:31pm PDT 
Why do you try to argue with the worst "people" on the net? by tits 06/21/2012, 10:47pm PDT 
Target(s) sells ironic t-shirts. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/27/2007, 3:43pm PST 
RE: by Ray of Light 11/27/2007, 4:17pm PST 
Yes, exactly. by Motherhead 11/27/2007, 5:56pm PST 
Did you just get a digital camera? NT by Fussbett 11/27/2007, 4:43pm PST 
NM, I reached the post where you explain it's a $60 cellphone. Congratz. NT by Fussbett 11/27/2007, 4:44pm PST 
Dreamweaver by Mischief Maker 02/09/2005, 7:31am PST 
Re: Dreamweaver by Kthor 02/09/2005, 8:50am PST 
Yes. If they don't want actual HTML knowledge, then by Fussbett 02/09/2005, 10:44am PST 
Man! Of all my reviews I sure am glad you were able to salvage THIS fucking one NT by Mischief Maker 07/19/2004, 9:31pm PDT 
Pulling a Zseni (only with angst instead of granny porn) by Alternate789 09/03/2003, 4:45pm PDT 
Re: Pulling a Zseni (only with angst instead of granny porn) by laudablepuss 09/03/2003, 4:56pm PDT 
Yeah, no shit. Holy shit. What the shit? Shut the fuck up, Laudable. NT by I need clarification 09/04/2003, 1:06am PDT 
Fuck. Above retracted due to INC's agreement. NT by Lizard_King 09/04/2003, 12:21pm PDT 
IOU 1 (one) fatal beating NT by Entropy Stew 09/04/2003, 3:54pm PDT 
I AM POPULAR! by laudablepuss 09/04/2003, 4:07pm PDT 
Done. Let me know if you can still post - you're on a dynamic IP by Senor Barborito 09/03/2003, 9:38pm PDT 
Note - 'some other people' does not equal anyone around here by Senor Barborito 09/03/2003, 9:39pm PDT 
Re: Note - 'some other people' does not equal anyone around here by [NWS] Flurgendorf J. Creexul 09/04/2003, 7:31pm PDT 
Yeah, I can still post by Alternate789 09/08/2003, 7:22pm PDT 
Not anymore you can't. My apologies to any lurkers from 209.210.x.x NT by Senor Barborito 09/08/2003, 9:20pm PDT 
Why can't you just not come here, you miserable faggot? by laudablepuss 09/09/2003, 11:04am PDT 
Re: Why can't you just not come here, you miserable faggot? by bastage 09/09/2003, 1:16pm PDT 
I'll trim it back over time significantly - I really, really hate /16 bans. NT by Senor Barborito 09/09/2003, 1:24pm PDT 
Re: I'll trim it back over time significantly - I really, really hate /16 bans. by bastage 09/09/2003, 1:49pm PDT 
Re: I'll trim it back over time significantly - I really, really hate /16 bans. by curst 09/09/2003, 7:43pm PDT 
Re: I'll trim it back over time significantly - I really, really hate /16 bans. by bastage 09/09/2003, 9:49pm PDT 
Re: I'll trim it back over time significantly - I really, really hate /16 bans. by Fullofkittens 09/09/2003, 10:23pm PDT 
This isn't lawsuit territory. COPA is a serious offense. NT by Senor Barborito 09/09/2003, 10:53pm PDT 
Re: This isn't lawsuit territory. COPA is a serious offense. by bastage 09/09/2003, 11:11pm PDT 
Read by Senor Barborito 09/10/2003, 1:55am PDT 
Re: Read by /16 COPA violation 09/10/2003, 2:44am PDT 
Re: Read by [NWS] Flurgendorf J. Creexul 09/10/2003, 3:06am PDT 
DO THE MATH!!!!!! NT by Creexul's aunt 09/10/2003, 4:19am PDT 
Re: This isn't lawsuit territory. COPA is a serious offense. by laudablepuss 09/10/2003, 3:20am PDT 
Re: This isn't lawsuit territory. COPA is a serious offense. by Master I/O 09/10/2003, 3:39am PDT 
Re: This isn't lawsuit territory. COPA is a serious offense. by [NWS] Flurgendorf J. Creexul 09/10/2003, 6:12pm PDT 
Oh, and to your second question - no, it can't be used to DoS by Senor Barborito 09/10/2003, 1:44am PDT 
I'll believe it when I see the body. by My Stereo 09/10/2003, 1:47am PDT 
Another loser bites the dust! by I need clarification 09/10/2003, 3:56am PDT 
I think it was in Queen of The Damned... by Fullofkittens 09/09/2003, 8:04pm PDT 
You just answered your own question. NT by Senor Barborito 09/09/2003, 11:07pm PDT 
It's because they can't take RESPONSIBILITY for their ACTIONS by Crazed_Elderly_Vampire_Lizard_King 09/10/2003, 6:03pm PDT 
SF Bay area of San Diego area. WHERE SHOULD I MOVE? NT by Mischief Maker calling all fruits 08/26/2003, 2:18pm PDT 
Without even having lived there by Senor Barborito 08/26/2003, 2:38pm PDT 
The office is in Berkeley, but I am poor. Could she elaborate here? NT by MM misses V 08/26/2003, 3:16pm PDT 
Are you working for PIRG again? NT by whydirt 08/27/2003, 3:52pm PDT 
Yes by MM breaks the fourth Wall 08/27/2003, 10:23pm PDT 
Re: Yes by whydirt 08/27/2003, 10:55pm PDT 
Re: Yes by foogla 08/28/2003, 4:58am PDT 
Re: Yes by whydirt 08/28/2003, 1:03pm PDT 
Realtime forums by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:15pm PDT 
Re: Realtime forums by whydirt, PATTY PATTY PATTY 09/05/2003, 1:50am PDT 
I did that... by K. Thor Jensen 08/28/2003, 9:44am PDT 
Re: The office is in Berkeley, but I am poor. Could she elaborate here? by veronica 09/04/2003, 7:41pm PDT 
Thanks! NT by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:13pm PDT 
Bay Area, Berkeley by OGF 08/28/2003, 11:08am PDT 
Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by Language Hitler 08/28/2003, 7:34pm PDT 
Put Slappy on it, too, for that post title below. NT by Choson 08/28/2003, 9:37pm PDT 
And you can climb aboard as well! by Slappy 08/28/2003, 9:57pm PDT 
mrs. johnson - Confused Child. I'm not even sure what to think. NT by mrs. johnson 08/28/2003, 10:55pm PDT 
Re: And you can climb aboard as well! by Choson 08/29/2003, 1:42am PDT 
Isn't San Diego and Oakland seperated by like... many hundreds of miles? by Slappy 08/28/2003, 9:20pm PDT 
I think you may be stupid. Care to confirm? by I need clarification 09/04/2003, 7:15pm PDT 
Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:12pm PDT 
Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by Averyone in CA 09/05/2003, 1:06am PDT 
V says she managed in El Cerito for less than $800/mo. by Senor Barborito 09/05/2003, 1:16am PDT 
Re: V says she managed in El Cerito for less than $800/mo. by OGF 09/08/2003, 9:54am PDT 
Yeah, this was like five years back. NT by Senor Barborito 09/09/2003, 11:21am PDT 
Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by OGF 09/08/2003, 11:27am PDT 
That's it. I'm moving. by Lizard_King 09/08/2003, 12:37pm PDT 
Yeek! Seattle perhaps? by MM in brief 09/09/2003, 11:22pm PDT 
Capitol Hill, the nice gay district, has gone to ghetto & Bellevue is pricey by Senor Barborito 09/10/2003, 1:15am PDT 
Me too by Mysterio 09/09/2003, 7:46pm PDT 
Him, too. by Wan Ker 09/09/2003, 7:49pm PDT 
SW:G is out, and the servers are still unstable. YAY by Entropy Stew 06/30/2003, 8:48pm PDT 
Re: SW:G is out, and the servers are still unstable. YAY by foogla 07/01/2003, 12:48am PDT 
Oh yay! Blizzard does Everquest! *vomit* No thanks. NT by Senor Barborito 07/01/2003, 1:01am PDT 
but WOW will contain the "EXCITING, RICH WARCRAFT STORY"! by FABIO 07/01/2003, 1:03am PDT 
Eight word review. Thanks Barbs. NT by Bill Dungsroman 07/01/2003, 2:09pm PDT 
Blizzard is making it, so it will be delayed till 2006 and end up as an MMORTS NT by Entropy Stew 07/01/2003, 9:56am PDT 
Let's just hop on our spaceship and...oops. by Bill Dungsroman 07/01/2003, 1:05pm PDT 
Hoo hoo hoo hoo! NT by Jabba with a chain 07/01/2003, 1:10pm PDT 
Re: Let's just hop on our spaceship and...oops. by foogla 07/01/2003, 2:02pm PDT 
So, anyone know anything about The Matrix Online? by Damocles 07/01/2003, 4:06am PDT 
Re: So, anyone know anything about The Matrix Online? by FABIO 07/01/2003, 4:54am PDT 
...and you will immerse yourself in the suck on your own dime. NT by Nixon 07/01/2003, 5:01am PDT 
you're not paying for my account? NT by FABIO 07/01/2003, 5:06am PDT 
Not unless I experience spontaneous comedy orgasms from your EtM review. No. NT by Nixon 07/01/2003, 5:11am PDT 
No one can be told BLAH BLAH BAD JOKE YADDA is by Entropy Stew 07/01/2003, 10:15am PDT 
First Post of +4 Gayness NT by creativepig 06/30/2003, 8:47pm PDT 
I'm not gonna have time to post at Caltrops for the next couple weeks by Non-Meta Mischief Maker 04/07/2003, 6:19pm PDT 
SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY NT by Senor Barborito 04/07/2003, 6:24pm PDT 
jus' kiddin' by Mischief Maker 04/07/2003, 6:28pm PDT 
My Valentine's Day Gift to all you faggots by Ai no Tenshi 02/14/2003, 6:22pm PST 
OR ME by anT 02/14/2003, 6:24pm PST 
Well, this forum hasn't been soiled with arguments on Iraq. by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 7:32pm PST 
1 (nt) by creativepig 02/07/2003, 7:33pm PST 
Re: 010001100100000101000111 [nt] by Lufteufel 02/07/2003, 8:28pm PST 
FUCK YOU GUYS!!! by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 9:06pm PST 
#F11C 11 2 by Senor Barborito 02/08/2003, 5:09am PST 