E3 by Jonathan Blow 06/01/2009, 12:50pm PDT 
Location: COLBERT 2008 (bomb this place plz terrorists) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/01/2009, 5:07pm PDT 
jonathan blow doesn't know why terrorists hate us (must capitulate). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/01/2009, 5:08pm PDT 
I wonder what it's like to discourage game creators by Mysterio 11/02/2023, 4:51pm PDT 
He's a good guy after all by Vested Id 11/02/2023, 5:19pm PDT 
Rude to kids, anti vax retard. "He;s a good guy" says NT by christ 11/02/2023, 5:35pm PDT 
Ah he's a good guy NT by Mama Fratelli 11/02/2023, 6:14pm PDT 
People who Deserve to be Punched in the Face by Fortinbras 01/10/2009, 4:00am PST 
I don't think the people that make this website really punch strangers. NT by Fullofkittens 01/10/2009, 6:33am PST 
If said IWC is a representative of the Colbert Nation, please punch them twice NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/10/2009, 1:57pm PST 
Hmmm, let's see... Three unfunny links... *rip* NT by Carnac the Magnificent 01/10/2009, 5:07pm PST 
let me guess, you own a bluetooth headset NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/10/2009, 5:18pm PST 
Re: People who Deserve to be Punched in the Face by Mysterio 04/20/2019, 7:54pm PDT 
Please see my comment on the Discord. NT by pinback 04/21/2019, 4:05pm PDT 
Ladies, these guns are ready and able to punch Nazis (kisses noodle arm) NT by 40+ balding DSA organizer 04/21/2019, 8:37am PDT 
Anyone know what this retard is trying to say? by AngerBot4000 12/23/2022, 8:55am PST 
I'm thinking maybe there could be less software? NT by pinback 12/23/2022, 3:22pm PST 
It's being recreated. by Caltrops News Network 08/09/2020, 10:37am PDT 
Talos Principle is really really really good. by Worm 04/11/2015, 10:28pm PDT 
? Random documents and audio logs ? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 04/13/2015, 9:14am PDT 
Life is Strange super cheap at Newegg by Worm 02/24/2015, 5:49pm PST 
Super Game Jam by fabio 02/21/2015, 11:19am PST 
NEGATIVE! by Steam Reviewer 02/21/2015, 11:33am PST 
Square Enix enters the tumblr genre by fabio 01/29/2015, 4:38pm PST 
fixed link by fabio 01/29/2015, 4:40pm PST 
I fucking bought it, it says it's got puzzles NT by Worm 01/29/2015, 4:49pm PST 
Unlock the ending where they kiss over lense flare by 11/10, Literally Game of the Year 01/29/2015, 8:59pm PST 
First episode has maybe one puzzle, possibly two? by Worm 01/30/2015, 12:16am PST 
You think a game would sell if they looked like ACTUAL lesbians? by Mischief Maker 01/29/2015, 9:09pm PST 
"Maxine Caulfield reunites with her friend Chloe Price (voiced by Ashly Burch)" by Vested Id 01/30/2015, 2:38am PST 
Oh my god by Fabio 01/30/2015, 6:51am PST 
Nothing was that terrible though, I guess I'll replay the first episode again by Worm 01/30/2015, 12:49pm PST 
Compare to the game about the anime planetarium chick by Joystiq 01/30/2015, 2:46pm PST 
I think it's maybe about as good as Planetarian? It's hard to say at episode 1 by Worm 01/30/2015, 4:27pm PST 
Might be best to wait for that sale though. NT by Worm 01/30/2015, 5:04pm PST 
Clicking on that made Stam recommend this guy to me by fabio 02/07/2015, 3:31pm PST 
Get a load of this hipster by diehipster.com 02/01/2015, 11:22pm PST 
Holy shit. Yeah let's just take out the central conflict from the game. by Worm 02/02/2015, 11:55am PST 
A new low? by LAPD 02/14/2013, 12:27am PST 
Another Tale of Tales screensaver. NT by Mischief Maker 02/14/2013, 10:41am PST 
75% off! NT by Worm 03/21/2013, 10:58pm PDT 
Thirty Flights of Loving - I guess I can shove this $2.50 up my ass by Rafiki 12/28/2012, 7:56pm PST 
I don't think he has any idea what the French New Wave was by fabio 12/29/2012, 12:55am PST 
Re: Thirty Flights of Loving - I guess I can shove this $2.50 up my ass by Vested Id 12/29/2012, 3:21am PST 
Re: Thirty Flights of Loving - I guess I can shove this $2.50 up my ass by Rafiki 12/29/2012, 7:42am PST 
Jump cutting by fabio 12/29/2012, 5:06pm PST 
THIS GAME IS IMPORTANT. THIS MEANS SOMETHING. o_o NT by Richard "Tycho" Dryfuss 08/10/2008, 4:20am PDT 
Movie version out in '09! NT by Meryl Streep ^_^ 08/10/2008, 4:28am PDT 
ANyone who doesn't pay $15 for this can shove $5 up their stupid ass. NT by Penny Tycho "Gabe" Arcade Marshall 08/10/2008, 6:13am PDT 
David Hellman sent Tycho a picture of his online persona eating a sub sandwich by Fortinbras 08/10/2008, 4:26pm PDT 
I have sweet internet detective skills, guys. Aren't I awesome? Guys? NT by Arkonbras 08/10/2008, 5:45pm PDT 
You read that post as a brag about Internet Detective skills? NT by mark 08/10/2008, 5:51pm PDT 
Did Jon Blow show up in the comments of every website but this one? NT by www.caltrops.com 06/12/2012, 2:24pm PDT 
DIDN'T HE?!?! NT by ?!?!? 06/12/2012, 4:39pm PDT 
I didn't get all the way through by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/23/2008, 12:29pm PDT 
Braid is "about" shoving five dollars up your ass. NT by Gruman 10/23/2008, 12:31pm PDT 
I'm pretty sure that's not true by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/23/2008, 12:43pm PDT 
It's about nuclear bombs. by Worm 10/23/2008, 4:33pm PDT 
Like I said, I didn't finish Braid, but our takes may be compatible. by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/23/2008, 4:52pm PDT 
All takes are compatible. by Worm 10/23/2008, 5:02pm PDT 
Fuck, I was way off then :( by Jerry Whorebach 09/18/2011, 1:48pm PDT 
That is to say... by Jerry Whorebach 09/18/2011, 2:19pm PDT 
Re: That is to say... by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/18/2011, 2:42pm PDT 
I made the mistake of starting this immediately after completing Sonic 2 by Jerry Whorebach 09/18/2011, 4:30pm PDT 
Re: I made the mistake of starting this immediately after completing Sonic 2 by Mysterio 09/25/2011, 6:00pm PDT 
Re: Fuck, I was way off then :( by Worm 09/18/2011, 3:56pm PDT 
According to that interpretation, the woman is a metaphor, by Jerry Whorebach 09/18/2011, 4:53pm PDT 
an acid drug trip is telling you not to drink and drive NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/23/2008, 4:05pm PDT 
Re: I didn't get all the way through by august and everything after 09/25/2011, 12:43pm PDT 
Braid in 2 minutes by fabio 07/05/2011, 10:09am PDT 
New game from Jonathan Blow: Kids menu mazes in google Sketchup by E. L. Koba 09/12/2010, 5:44pm PDT 
Re: New game from Jonathan Blow: Kids menu mazes in google Sketchup by Mr. Kool 09/15/2010, 5:08am PDT 
If it doesn't have Harrison Ford screaming at a guy what's the POINT!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 09/15/2010, 6:42am PDT 
New game from Tricknology NT by (drowning sounds) 09/15/2010, 4:04pm PDT 
Jokeless joke about gameless game. Very meta. NT by Last 09/15/2010, 7:04pm PDT 
What's ugly and bloated with water? NT by Your brothers corpse! Wakka wakka 09/15/2010, 7:23pm PDT 
Are people still reading this website? NT by Because if so we should all stop. 09/15/2010, 9:51pm PDT 
So edgy! So hilarious! by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/15/2010, 11:13pm PDT 
Re: So edgy! So hilarious! by Your brothers corpse! Wakka wakka 09/16/2010, 3:00pm PDT 
Re: So edgy! So hilarious! by Noi Dau Don 09/16/2010, 3:20pm PDT 
Yeah, naming and shaming. Go Zseni! NT by The SA Catlady Brigade featuring MM 09/16/2010, 5:07pm PDT 
But I am a cat lady. It would be dishonest not to act like one. by Noi Dau Don 09/16/2010, 5:26pm PDT 
Good luck, I'm still waiting for him to remove all mention of me from the forum. NT by Senor Barborito 09/16/2010, 7:04pm PDT 
This thread is getting out of hand. I'm recommending that action be taken by Deputy Interim Administrator Moog 09/16/2010, 7:10pm PDT 
I'm gonna launch Caltrops into outer space, and you can't do shit about it. NT by Senor Barborito 09/16/2010, 7:17pm PDT 
I agree with the mod. Let's have the cat-lady. Real slow and sexy. NT by Souffle of Pain 09/16/2010, 11:19pm PDT 
Re: But I am a cat lady. It would be dishonest not to act like one. by E. L. Koba 09/16/2010, 10:05pm PDT 
The only thing that has happened is posts on a forum, and even that is coming to NT by an end. - NDD 09/16/2010, 10:26pm PDT 
I don't even know what that means by E. L. Koba 09/16/2010, 10:43pm PDT 
Jonathan Blow found his way into my Game Informer this month. by Worm 10/23/2008, 5:04pm PDT 
DON'T SMILE THIS IS SOME DEEP SHIT YOU ARE PONDERING by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/23/2008, 5:45pm PDT 
Yeah, I went through a gamestop once and ended up with a subscript up my ass NT by Worm 10/23/2008, 5:59pm PDT 
subscription >:( having things up your ass is traumatic-like NT by Worm 10/23/2008, 6:00pm PDT 
The same thing happened to us actually. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/23/2008, 8:10pm PDT 
I know I've said this a lot but: so deep it'll put your ass to sleep. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/23/2008, 8:13pm PDT 
Finally played and beat this by Bananadine 10/10/2009, 6:40pm PDT 
so on a scale of 1 to stupid, how stupid is this game? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/11/2009, 9:32am PDT 
That's what I'd like to know! NT by Bananadine 10/11/2009, 10:23am PDT 
soulja boi's review as performed by jeremy piven (I guess) by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/11/2009, 1:18pm PDT 
He gets the bwooooop wrong, fuck that. by Worm 10/11/2009, 2:51pm PDT 
I keep getting this guy confused with Jonathan Mak by Rafiki 10/11/2009, 9:51am PDT 
Belated reply by Entropy Stew 10/11/2009, 4:20pm PDT 
HELLO MR.BRYNNER by up with pod people 10/11/2009, 5:13pm PDT 
Re: Belated reply by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/11/2009, 5:46pm PDT 
Throughout history, virginity has been depicted in many ways. by Jerry Whorebach 10/11/2009, 9:44pm PDT 
Goddamn, dude NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/11/2009, 9:50pm PDT 
JOCKS AND THEIR FUCKING HALO NT by Penny Arcade 10/11/2009, 9:52pm PDT 
it's clearly a good thing by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/12/2009, 6:06am PDT 
Haha it's $5 on Steam (for sale). by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/11/2009, 12:18am PDT 
THIS GAME IS STUPID NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/11/2009, 3:57am PDT 
I don't know what would be more pretentious. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/11/2009, 4:24am PDT 
Finally played and beat this. by mark 05/15/2009, 3:09pm PDT 
Oh yeah by mark 05/15/2009, 3:19pm PDT 
I'm gonna play this, Mark. It's on your head if it's shit. NT by Quétinbec 05/16/2009, 3:27pm PDT 
fyi there is a demo on xbawkslive (way to pay attention there PAL) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/17/2009, 8:37am PDT 
It's 15 USD. How much sewing does that translate to? NT by mark 05/17/2009, 8:59am PDT 
in vietnam that would be like a month or more NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 05/17/2009, 9:13am PDT 
a quarter-million dongs NT by gruman 05/17/2009, 10:58am PDT 
You guys pay for games?! Have you seen the assholes who make this shit? NT by Quétinbec 05/17/2009, 3:20pm PDT 
New about.php page, plz NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/17/2009, 4:39pm PDT 
Whooooooop! NT by Soulja Boy 05/17/2009, 4:21pm PDT 
Someone post the savefile with all stars so I can stop OCDing about them by Pirate 04/14/2009, 12:49am PDT 
PC savefile, that is. nt NT by Pirate 04/14/2009, 12:59am PDT 
Sounds like Braid is playing YOU NT by (=O 04/14/2009, 2:54am PDT 
Whoa just when I was playing the game it is playing me, damn you Jon Blow Rogers NT by Pirate 04/14/2009, 8:15am PDT 
What a country! NT by Mischief Maker 04/14/2009, 8:20am PDT 
tim "cuntflaps" rogers cordially invites you to shove $5 up your stupid asses. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/25/2009, 10:27pm PDT 
anyone who mentions drinking wine in their review needs to stop writing NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/25/2009, 10:57pm PDT 
Can wine reviewers be exempted? NT by Wine & Spirits Magazine 03/25/2009, 10:59pm PDT 
No. 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/25/2009, 11:34pm PDT 
shrimp and white wine NT by Entropy Stew 03/26/2009, 12:11am PDT 
Chartreuse != wine NT by The more you know (ABOUT BOOZE!) 03/26/2009, 8:13am PDT 
It is something more pretentious? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/26/2009, 8:18am PDT 
This is my favorite part of your review of his review by Lizard_King 03/27/2009, 8:11pm PDT 
Good ole Creexul NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/27/2009, 8:17pm PDT 
This was excellent btw and the new How I Introduce People To Creex. NT by Zsenitan 03/28/2009, 12:34pm PDT 
but is it art? by tim rogers james frey, the mashup 03/29/2009, 2:00pm PDT 
It is so art it can reduce a man to tears just by having nothing. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/29/2009, 2:57pm PDT 
Win a copy of Braid by Fussbett 01/10/2009, 3:22am PST 
I recognized two and stopped caring NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/10/2009, 3:46am PST 
Re: Win a copy of Braid by Creexuls, a monster >:3 01/10/2009, 3:49am PST 
1 is Adventure for the Atari 2600 NT by Fussbett 01/10/2009, 4:46am PST 
atari was an inferior console NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/10/2009, 1:59pm PST 
You were an inferior Jhoh NT by moom 01/10/2009, 2:26pm PST 
Post of the Week NT by Caltrops Ombudsman 01/10/2009, 3:26pm PST 
I am the funny one, humor = value (I will be taking that money now) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/10/2009, 3:31pm PST 
The Souljaboy review is better than the caltrops review. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/14/2008, 11:33am PDT 
Thanks for the heads-up. You're a shining city on a hill for us all. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/14/2008, 11:38am PDT 
SHACKTOWN in a HOLE NT by Entropy Stew 10/14/2008, 11:50am PDT 
High five? 8) NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/14/2008, 12:33pm PDT 
I was not shitting you when I called it the only worthwhile Braid review. by Worm 10/14/2008, 1:26pm PDT 
Fuck you. by Theodore Rex DX 10/13/2008, 9:12pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you. by Theodore Rex DX 10/13/2008, 9:30pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/13/2008, 10:11pm PDT 
Art is for fags. NT by Worm 10/13/2008, 10:34pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you. by Theodore Rex DX 10/13/2008, 11:38pm PDT 
half life is pretty much the opposite of everything you said NT by 888 10/14/2008, 1:32am PDT 
So? NT NT by Theodore Rex DX 10/14/2008, 5:50am PDT 
Re: Fuck you. by Quentin Beck 10/14/2008, 2:36am PDT 
Re: Fuck you. by Theodore Rex DX 10/14/2008, 5:49am PDT 
Oh OK, now I see the answer to my question. NT by Quentin Beck 10/14/2008, 11:20am PDT 
Does the name Jonathan Mak mean nothing to you?! NT by I Love Games 10/14/2008, 11:31am PDT 
The only worthwhile Braid review by Worm 09/16/2008, 4:57pm PDT 
Your basic black doesn't like puzzle games NT by pinback 09/16/2008, 6:45pm PDT 
So far your NEW DAY has been pretty underwhelming. NT by Mischief Maker 09/16/2008, 6:49pm PDT 
I like to start small and WORK MY WAY UP! NT by pinback 09/16/2008, 6:54pm PDT 
This is what happen when a nigga buy shit based on the name ALONE. by LL Cool JW 09/16/2008, 9:27pm PDT 
Your standard, garden-variety black tends to buy games on name alone NT by pinback 09/17/2008, 1:46pm PDT 
Microsoft once did an experiment to see if that was true for hispanics, too. NT by It was called Viva Piñata :( 09/17/2008, 3:35pm PDT 
wait, since when did pinback post here NT by caltrops' sense of impending doom 09/17/2008, 5:23pm PDT 
donation MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/17/2008, 6:00pm PDT 
But what does mincing internet faggot Jason Kottke think? by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/17/2008, 9:54pm PDT 
I imagine his eye twitching and *ruwooooooop* *ruwooooooop* playing in his mind. NT by Worm 09/17/2008, 10:09pm PDT 
I can't decide who loses more by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/17/2008, 10:39pm PDT 
btw, whoever loses, I win NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/17/2008, 10:40pm PDT 
Me NT by Caltrops 09/17/2008, 10:53pm PDT 
yatzee was pretty easy on it for his review (lol goon MOTORCITY MAD MANGOSTEEN) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/30/2008, 2:10pm PDT 
btw escapist forumfags pretend that mercs2 isn't the best game release all summe by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/30/2008, 2:17pm PDT 
oh yeah and he also hates gears of war NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/30/2008, 2:23pm PDT 
I can't believe he didn't get that "key can't open one door" puzzle. NT by Worm 08/30/2008, 3:35pm PDT 
Eurogamer gave it a 10/10 by Worm 08/10/2008, 2:10pm PDT 
I think you're wrong about Braid. by bink 08/10/2008, 3:53pm PDT 
The term 'free' is meaningless, you fuckwank. Everything has a price tag. NT by Caltrops Econ 101 08/10/2008, 4:41pm PDT 
Semantics. Blackcats Games = free; Braid = not free. NT by bink 08/11/2008, 7:04am PDT 
Worst possible tracker to mention in the same breath as "free" by Worm 08/11/2008, 8:57pm PDT 
You MONSTER! They have a seed point system! How could you!? NT by bink 08/12/2008, 7:03am PDT 
Not just acclaimed, but pretty motherfucking pretentious. by Worm 08/10/2008, 6:50pm PDT 
So does this justify unfunny arcade's screeching about what games we should buy? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/10/2008, 7:00pm PDT 
No, alls I'm sayin is the game's pretty cool man, is alls I'm sayin. NT by bink 08/11/2008, 7:04am PDT 
Re: I think you're wrong about Braid. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2008, 10:19am PDT 
Re: I think you're wrong about Braid. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/11/2008, 11:01am PDT 
Re: Eurogamer gave it a 10/10 by Worm is a God Damned Moron 08/12/2008, 5:14pm PDT 
Whoa, you're gonna tell me that the demo actually compelled you to buy it? by Worm 08/12/2008, 7:03pm PDT 
No, all the reviews of how groundbreaking it was compelled me to buy it NT by Worm is a God Damned Moron 08/12/2008, 7:13pm PDT 
I bought it for Worm by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/14/2008, 11:47am PDT 
Hey guess who agrees with worm? by Jerry Whorebach 08/14/2008, 5:00am PDT 
Did Tom Chick finish Portal? "Cake is a Lie" comes well before its end. NT by Ray of Light 08/14/2008, 5:43am PDT 
Maybe not, but people sure did make a lot of those jokes after the game came out by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/14/2008, 9:47am PDT 
Re: Hey guess who agrees with worm? by Quétinbec 08/14/2008, 5:54am PDT 
I'm pretty sure that lack of wank is not Tom Chick's problem. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/14/2008, 11:01am PDT 
QB and I have similar attitudes about jerkin' it, chiefly that more is better. by Zsenitan 08/14/2008, 11:40am PDT 
Re: QB and I have similar attitudes about jerkin' it, chiefly that more is bette by Grumah 08/14/2008, 4:33pm PDT 
Re: QB and I have similar attitudes about jerkin' it, chiefly that more is bette by Quentin Beck 08/14/2008, 6:23pm PDT 
FUCK THE FORUM RRGGGGG NT by Zsenitan 08/14/2008, 6:23pm PDT 
Jso and I both enjoyed this. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/14/2008, 7:47pm PDT 
Re: QB and I have similar attitudes about jerkin' it, chiefly that more is bett by Quétinbec 08/15/2008, 8:31am PDT 
Someone explain this "super mario brothers" to me NT by Professional Game Reviewer 08/14/2008, 8:51am PDT 
For all the wrong reasons! by Worm 08/14/2008, 9:01am PDT 
the genius required to solve braids puzzles: by Grumah 08/14/2008, 4:30pm PDT 
Solved that on my own =\ by FABIO 08/15/2008, 10:28am PDT 
Pal, PAL... Don't make me tell you what you can do with that $15... NT by Psycho Tycho 08/15/2008, 3:48pm PDT 
OUR SHIT IS ABOUT TO BE RUINED NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/15/2008, 4:29pm PDT 
Re: the genius required to solve braids puzzles: by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/15/2008, 4:37pm PDT 
Guess who else? by Worm 08/17/2008, 8:03am PDT 
I posted that then put on a pot of coffee so I could try to read it. by Worm 08/17/2008, 9:03am PDT 
Re: I posted that then put on a pot of coffee so I could try to read it. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/17/2008, 11:51am PDT 
Re: I posted that then put on a pot of coffee so I could try to read it. by FABIO 08/17/2008, 12:43pm PDT 
Re: I posted that then put on a pot of coffee so I could try to read it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/17/2008, 12:45pm PDT 
Worm, I am also glad to see you drinking coffee. I give it five stars (out of 5) NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/17/2008, 12:46pm PDT 
I enjoyed some of it, but that's no reason not to fucking hate it. NT by Worm 08/17/2008, 3:27pm PDT 
Tom Chick memorial stuck-on-a-puzzle high score thread by Entropy Stew 08/14/2008, 3:47pm PDT 
what the fuck is the POINT NT by Grumah 08/14/2008, 4:19pm PDT 
The Longest Journey by FABIO 08/17/2008, 1:22pm PDT 
It's mildly amusing by FABIO 08/14/2008, 9:34am PDT 
Jso played the demo yesterday. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/14/2008, 9:52am PDT 
PS about Bionic Commando Rearmed. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/14/2008, 9:54am PDT 
This is what will happen to Mr. Braid if you SICK FUCKS have your way. by Jerry Whorebach 08/11/2008, 8:45pm PDT 
Trolls win, goodbye future games and internet friends forever. *blam* NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/12/2008, 6:44am PDT 