Xenoblade Chronicles first impressions by fabio 05/04/2012, 4:15pm PDT 
Idiot who wrote the review. by Me, fool. 03/21/2003, 6:59pm PST 
Did we linked to from GameFAQs? -nt- by Entropy Stew 03/21/2003, 7:11pm PST 
GET linked to -nt- by Entropy Stew 03/21/2003, 7:12pm PST 
The Saga continues...TO KICK ASS! 10/10!!! -NT NT by FABIO 03/21/2003, 7:14pm PST 
IT'S JAPANESE, A HUNDRED OUT OF 10!!!!!!!!! by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 7:44pm PST 
Re: IT'S JAPANESE, A HUNDRED OUT OF 10!!!!!!!!! by FABIO 03/21/2003, 7:48pm PST 
Re: Idiot who wrote the review. by TMA 04/30/2010, 8:55pm PDT 
I wrote it. ^_^ by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/01/2010, 5:35am PDT 
this is pretty much what anyone who disagrees with us on anything sounds like NT by Sword of Justice 05/02/2010, 10:31pm PDT 
I guess I missed this on actionbutton. O_O by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 5:47am PDT 
bactionutton's final score, 3 1/2 stars :( NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/31/2009, 11:06am PDT 
Actually it is 1 star, which is at least good. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 12:33pm PDT 
From the hoary netherworld of the gamespot community. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/11/2008, 7:46pm PDT 
Ha ha if only you guys could just trade neckbeard pics and get along, amirite? NT by Zsenitan 03/11/2008, 10:04pm PDT 
I just heard of this neckbeard thing a couple days ago and I'm gonna drive it ri NT by zentisitan 03/11/2008, 10:22pm PDT 
I thought this was going to be about their Army of Two review :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/12/2008, 1:24am PDT 
Checking back on this (HEADS UP, I'm unprofessional). by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/02/2008, 12:40pm PDT 
If you could profession that up a little and resubmit it, that would be great, t NT by Gamespot middle manager 06/02/2008, 1:12pm PDT 
The guy who complained, his own review is quite PROFESSIONAL. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/02/2008, 1:45pm PDT 
Re: The guy who complained, his own review is quite PROFESSIONAL. by Bananadine 06/02/2008, 2:30pm PDT 
or he is a 30 year old and it's already too late NT by Grumah 06/02/2008, 2:57pm PDT 
that was my favorite part too by FABIO 06/02/2008, 6:21pm PDT 
It's like watching James Lipton Interview Sharon Stone. NT by Trust me 06/02/2008, 3:01pm PDT 
9.1 masterpiece NT by Grumah 06/02/2008, 3:16pm PDT 
hoary and fel NT by nether 06/02/2008, 5:38pm PDT 
maelfic frost nether primal NT by Grumah 06/02/2008, 8:20pm PDT 
of the me :) NT by bear 06/03/2008, 9:18am PDT 
Pokemon, your my best FRIEND ^____________________^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/03/2008, 9:56am PDT 
average run of any xenoqueers game NT by Grumah 06/02/2008, 8:21pm PDT 
They're so deep (you can't comprehend them). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/03/2008, 5:22am PDT 
runs so deep they put your ass to sleep NT by Grumah 06/03/2008, 3:22pm PDT 
dammit the first time I posted it said it didn't post it NT by Grumah 06/03/2008, 3:25pm PDT 
runs so deep they put your ass to sleep NT by Grumah 06/03/2008, 3:23pm PDT 
Sort of out of nowhere I figured I should redo my review. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 11/11/2008, 10:45am PST 
Damn you are dumb...... by some dumb ass guy 08/15/2008, 11:55pm PDT 
My favourite novelist is Friedrich Nietzsche, he wrote about life love human rig by Jerry Whorebach 08/16/2008, 12:09am PDT 
Re: My favourite novelist is Friedrich Nietzsche, he wrote about life love human by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/16/2008, 12:27am PDT 
Like string theory. NT by Gruman 08/17/2008, 3:10am PDT 
Apparently I forgot to reply to this, so: fag. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/16/2008, 9:25pm PDT 
Are You o.k.? by Peace Brother! 07/31/2003, 3:36pm PDT 
I'm OK. You're a Drone. NT by foogla 07/31/2003, 3:49pm PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by s10 07/31/2003, 4:43pm PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by Flurgendorf J. Creexul 07/31/2003, 5:38pm PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by McMoo the anti-drug cow 08/01/2003, 10:14am PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by Chairman Mao 07/31/2003, 6:21pm PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by laudablepuss 07/31/2003, 10:24pm PDT 
Re: Are You o.k.? by Verby McNoun 07/31/2003, 6:55pm PDT 
I wish I lived in a utopia where nudity wasn't arousing. by Fussbett 07/31/2003, 10:15pm PDT 
Re: I wish I lived in a utopia where nudity wasn't arousing. by bringmethehorizon@when.com 04/08/2008, 3:00pm PDT 
Well they can just GET FUCKED by Fussbett 04/08/2008, 10:35pm PDT 
I know a place not too far from here. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/08/2008, 10:42pm PDT 
Wait, so if you don't care ... by AX23 11/11/2007, 4:43pm PST 
did it take you 5 years to come up with that post? NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/11/2007, 5:00pm PST 
I'm pretty sure the correct spelling is "RFLRFLFLF." NT by Fullofkittens 11/11/2007, 5:40pm PST 
Some pretty terrible things have produced trilogies too NT by Ethan Steele 11/11/2007, 6:14pm PST 
"_I_ just wanted to correct that _ASIDE_ from your multiple grammatical errors." NT by Mischief Maker 11/11/2007, 6:44pm PST 
THIS IS WHAT ANIMOO FAGS ACTUALLY BELIEVE NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/11/2007, 7:09pm PST 
Re: Wait, so if you don't care ... by Fussbett 11/11/2007, 7:48pm PST 
Re: Wait, so if you don't care ... by laudablepuss 11/12/2007, 10:58am PST 
Re: Wait, so if you don't care ... by Eyo 11/12/2007, 11:35am PST 
Re: Wait, so if you don't care ... by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/12/2007, 11:46am PST 
Would you like to watch some video clips? NT by WOPR 11/12/2007, 2:00am PST 
Hey I get this now. :( by Jhoh Cable o_O 03/31/2007, 7:27pm PDT 
Xenosaga art censored for America by Flavio 09/09/2006, 11:18pm PDT 
"art" by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/10/2006, 12:19am PDT 
Asshole... by mysterio 03/21/2003, 9:36pm PST 
We've got to start putting up more Creexul reviews -nt- NT by Entropy Stew 03/21/2003, 9:42pm PST 
Yeah seriously... by Chairman Mao 03/21/2003, 9:44pm PST 
too late (nt) by foogla 03/22/2003, 6:54am PST 
Obviously, you are a pedophile. by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 10:00pm PST 
Re: Asshole... by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/22/2003, 1:26pm PST 
Re: Asshole... by Jhoh Creexul 03/22/2003, 8:48pm PST 
In other words... by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2003, 11:42am PST 
Re: In other words... by An observer of sorts. 11/21/2005, 3:43pm PST 
Another satisfied customer. by laudablepuss 11/21/2005, 3:58pm PST 
Re: Another satisfied customer. by An observer of sorts. 11/21/2005, 4:06pm PST 
My, what an ego you have. by laudablepuss 11/21/2005, 4:26pm PST 
Oh wait. by laudablepuss 11/21/2005, 4:34pm PST 
Re: Another satisfied customer. by Entropy Stew 11/21/2005, 4:27pm PST 
Goddamn you're a fag. by Mysterio 11/21/2005, 4:04pm PST 
You've convinced me of your smartness! by Fussbett 11/21/2005, 4:18pm PST 
"randome nonsense that isn't properly spelled" NT by Indeed. 11/21/2005, 4:25pm PST 
Re: In other words... by Mister Helper! 11/21/2005, 5:54pm PST 
Tuesday isn't until tomorrow. =( NT by Fullofkittens 11/21/2005, 6:39pm PST 
Ha ha you're a fuckin faggot. NT by Creexul :( 11/21/2005, 6:27pm PST 
You are so unethical. NT by MM 11/21/2005, 7:57pm PST 
the highschool debate club sure does fire off them zingers NT by FA-BI-OH! 11/21/2005, 9:22pm PST 
*cough* NT by Irony 11/23/2005, 7:27am PST 
*explain* NT by Irony's friend who does get things. 11/23/2005, 10:19am PST 
OMG BIRD FLU NT by laudablepuss 11/23/2005, 10:26am PST 
*cough* NT by Dictionary 11/24/2005, 11:28pm PST 
Two Laudable's and a (typically) weak Fabio. It just gets better. NT by Irony 11/25/2005, 1:07am PST 
weak NT by Mysterio 11/25/2005, 1:52am PST 
*cough* NT by Irony 11/25/2005, 2:01am PST 
OMG SHUT UP BITCH!!111!!!11!1one LOLZ NT by OMG LOL UR SUCH A N00B 11/21/2005, 9:42pm PST 
Box quote! by Wow! 11/21/2005, 11:33pm PST 
unfortunately, I must join the crowd on this one. by casual observer 11/22/2005, 1:55am PST 
My observations of sorts by Ray of Light 11/22/2005, 12:40pm PST 
mysterio produces a snowglobe for convenient throwing against countertops NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/22/2005, 8:24am PST 
NICE REPLY NT by Creexul :( 11/22/2005, 8:24am PST 
lol by me 01/30/2005, 7:24pm PST 
he's got you there NT by FABIO 01/30/2005, 7:41pm PST 
Zingo wingo. NT by Creexul :( 01/31/2005, 7:09am PST 
For a guy who hates their writing... by Allen (Stop ignoring me!) 02/01/2005, 4:01am PST 
For a guy who ridicules bad writing... by Fussbett 02/01/2005, 5:19am PST 
Re: For a guy who hates their writing... by Creexul :( 02/01/2005, 10:20am PST 
Re: For a guy who hates their writing... by Souffle of Pain 02/01/2005, 10:32am PST 
My View On This by Uchuujin-san 09/07/2003, 4:20am PDT 
You're hired. NT by Whimsical Irony 09/07/2003, 4:35am PDT 
Re: My View On This by Lizard_King 09/07/2003, 1:50pm PDT 
Christ, this game is boring. by TheVacillator 06/25/2003, 6:56am PDT 
Re: Christ, this game is boring. by Lizard_King 06/25/2003, 10:08am PDT 
I agree with both of you. by Jhoh Creexul 06/25/2003, 4:31pm PDT 
Re: I agree with both of you. by Thunderbunny 06/26/2003, 2:47am PDT 
Re: I agree with both of you. by TheVacillator 06/26/2003, 4:32am PDT 
Somebody please do a short review of Bloodmoon by Entropy Stew 06/26/2003, 5:14am PDT 
Re: Somebody please do a short review of Bloodmoon by TheVacillator 06/26/2003, 11:11am PDT 
Speaking of which... by Lizard_King 06/26/2003, 12:23pm PDT 
Re: Speaking of which... by FABIO 06/28/2003, 1:46pm PDT 
It does? by Lizard_King 07/01/2003, 6:05am PDT 
and you thuoght FFX was good? by catmaneatscoffee 06/14/2003, 2:06pm PDT 
Re: and you thuoght FFX was good? by Lizard_King 06/14/2003, 2:51pm PDT 
Re: and you thuoght FFX was good? by Fussbett 06/14/2003, 2:58pm PDT 
Re: and you thuoght FFX was good? by Jhoh Creexul 06/14/2003, 4:35pm PDT 
HOLY GAY by Entropy Stew 04/07/2003, 4:22am PDT 
Vag? by Nixon 04/07/2003, 4:55am PDT 
Re: HOLY GAY by Jhoh Creexul 04/07/2003, 6:13am PDT 
Hey, Creex by Entropy Stew 04/04/2003, 2:48am PST 
Re: Hey, Creex by Jhoh Creexul 04/04/2003, 2:54am PST 
The SNES BoF games were pretty good. -NT- NT by Damocles 04/04/2003, 2:54am PST 
The first one????? by FABIO 04/04/2003, 8:15am PST 
Re: The first one????? by Mysterio 04/04/2003, 12:48pm PST 
Fuck, (Atored?) -NT- NT by Damocles 04/04/2003, 12:50pm PST 
Mysterioed. NT by Entropy Stew 04/04/2003, 1:48pm PST 
Re: The first one????? by FABIO 04/04/2003, 2:03pm PST 
Re: The first one????? by Damocles 04/04/2003, 9:00pm PST 
Re: The first one????? by FABIO 04/04/2003, 10:17pm PST 
Re: The first one????? by Entropy Stew 04/04/2003, 10:54pm PST 
Gaming Intelligence Agency, now defunct NT by FABIO 04/05/2003, 1:25am PST 
The GIA. by Damocles 04/05/2003, 1:49am PST 
Re: Hey, Creex by Bunyip 04/04/2003, 12:17pm PST 
Re: Hey, Creex by niche 04/04/2003, 1:14pm PST 
Re: Hey, Creex by Jhoh Creexul 04/04/2003, 2:54pm PST 
Does that count as a mini-review? NT by Chairman Mao 04/04/2003, 1:49pm PST 
So who is going to join me on this board? by Jhoh Creexul 04/04/2003, 2:56pm PST 
You aren't gonna believe this... by Damocles 04/04/2003, 9:06pm PST 
How can you be anymore hypocritical! by Nanaki Red 04/04/2003, 9:00am PST 
Game for Friday morning: Find the allegation of hypocrisy! by fok 04/04/2003, 9:04am PST 
Re: Game for Friday morning: Find the allegation of hypocrisy! by Nanaki Red 04/04/2003, 10:17am PST 
Obvious by Senor Barborito 04/04/2003, 11:06am PST 
Form is no other than emptiness; emptiness if no other than form. by Mr. Palomar 04/04/2003, 10:58am PST 
Bloody hell. by Damocles, former TXD 04/04/2003, 12:52pm PST 
INSULT! by insults 03/21/2003, 10:01pm PST 
I'd like to take this moment to point out that spamming is bannable -nt- NT by Rear Admiral Stew 03/21/2003, 10:06pm PST 
Is it the same dude? (nt) NT by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 10:13pm PST 
No clue at the moment. Just pointing it out in case it is -nt- NT by Entropy Stew 03/21/2003, 10:28pm PST 
PS, whatever you do, don't delete these threads. by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 10:16pm PST 
I'm jealous that you're negative review is getting all the hate by FABIO 03/21/2003, 10:17pm PST 
YOUR! DUUURRR -NT NT by FABIO 03/21/2003, 10:18pm PST 
I'M JUST SO FUCKING GOOD (nt) by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 11:04pm PST 
Re: INSULT! by Fizzo of Kizzo 03/21/2003, 10:18pm PST 
WHAT THE FUCK. by Fussbett 03/21/2003, 11:05pm PST 
Re: WHAT THE FUCK. by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 11:08pm PST 
Re: WHAT THE FUCK. by laudablepuss 03/25/2003, 1:50pm PST 
No need to get all hot, baby by Rear Admiral Stew 03/21/2003, 11:10pm PST 
Re: No need to get all hot, baby by up with pod people 03/21/2003, 11:53pm PST 
Somebody creating 200 threads WOULD get annoying, don't you think? -nt- NT by Entropy Stew 03/21/2003, 11:55pm PST 
Well, maybe "spamming" needs to be better defined. Quick, make a new rule! [nt] by up with pod people 03/22/2003, 12:07am PST 
ToastyFrog's very own review. by Jhoh Creexul 03/23/2003, 9:33pm PST 
This should be a part of the review score. by Colonel K 03/23/2003, 10:20pm PST 
Re: This should be a part of the review score. by Jhoh Creexul 03/24/2003, 1:30am PST 
Re: This should be a part of the review score. by J. Parish 03/24/2003, 10:52am PST 
One reply maximum at toastyfrog, sorry Creex by Bill Dungsroman 03/24/2003, 11:17am PST 
Re: This should be a part of the review score. by Jhoh Creexul 03/24/2003, 8:30pm PST 
Re: This should be a part of the review score. by Chairman Mao 03/25/2003, 2:21am PST 
Miyazaki, or: How Long Until He Cracks? by Colonel K 03/25/2003, 1:27am PST 
Re: Miyazaki, or: How Long Until He Cracks? by Jhoh Creexul 03/25/2003, 1:42am PST 
Re: Miyazaki, or: How Long Until He Cracks? by SB 03/25/2003, 2:26am PST 
Re: Miyazaki, or: How Long Until He Cracks? by Jhoh Creexul 03/25/2003, 2:47am PST 
He's a really old guy who hates cameras by jeep 03/25/2003, 11:37am PST 
Re: He's a really old guy who hates cameras by Chairman Mao 03/25/2003, 11:44am PST 
BUT WHAT OF THE ROBOT HOOKERS, MAN? WHAT OF THEM? -nt- by Entropy Stew 03/25/2003, 11:55am PST 
Re: He's a really old guy who hates cameras by Jhoh Creexul 03/25/2003, 1:14pm PST 
go to hell! by ??!!!! 03/21/2003, 9:52pm PST 
Is this a meta troll or just a fag? by Jhoh Creexul 03/21/2003, 10:01pm PST 
This game is just boring by jeep 03/16/2003, 7:34pm PST 
Re: This game is just boring by Jhoh Creexul 03/16/2003, 9:36pm PST 
Do I detect a hint of hyperbole here? by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 4:11am PST 
Let me help you by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 4:24am PST 
Re: Let me help you by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 6:18am PST 
0 to sanity in 2 hours and 7 minutes is nothing to be ashamed of by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 6:48am PST 
That beats my personal best. -nt- NT by Chairman Mao 03/12/2003, 11:31am PST 
Anybody else reminded of the "Truthmedia" thing over at SA? Plus, hats. by Damocles (Token Xenosaga Defender) 03/12/2003, 7:53pm PST 
You mean except for being funny of course. by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 11:39pm PST 
Of course, and your screenshots are needlessly and cruelly deceptive by Damocles, TXD 03/13/2003, 3:23am PST 
Re: Of course, and your screenshots are needlessly and cruelly deceptive by Jhoh Creexul 03/13/2003, 4:26am PST 
Re: Of course, and your screenshots are needlessly and cruelly deceptive by Morty McMahon - Caltrops lounge act 03/13/2003, 11:11am PST 
There's no such thing as originality. by Damocles, TXD 03/13/2003, 2:20pm PST 
Re: There's no such thing as originality. by Rob Browning 03/13/2003, 6:50pm PST 
That's nice. Now try reading the post you replied to -nt- by Entropy Stew 03/13/2003, 7:36pm PST 
ROB BROWNNOSING NOOOOOO WHY WERE YOU SO BWAVE by Jhoh Creexul 03/13/2003, 11:43pm PST 
It's your love that makes it all worthwhile -NT- by Damocles, TXD 03/14/2003, 4:04am PST 
There's no such thing as originality IN XENOSAGA YES I AGREE (nt) by Jhoh Creexul 03/13/2003, 11:33pm PST 
Meet Jason Love. (broadband) by motherhead 03/12/2003, 4:27am PST 
Meat Jason Love by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 4:39am PST 
Re: Meat Jason Love by foogla 03/12/2003, 4:58am PST 
Re: Meat Jason Love by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 5:05am PST 
Re: Meat Jason Love by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 5:07am PST 
Re: Do I detect a hint of hyperbole here? by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 5:02am PST 
Re: Do I detect a hint of hyperbole here? by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 6:00am PST 
A Rant by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 6:47am PST 
As if in reply, Slashdot linked a beautiful article on the subject by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 7:40am PST 
"Drink the cool aid" -- Greg Costikyan by Fussbett 03/13/2003, 1:05am PST 
Re: A Rant by Jason Love 03/12/2003, 8:01am PST 
Re: A Rant by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 8:37am PST 
Re: A Rant by FoK 03/12/2003, 9:40am PST 
Re: A Rant by Bill Dungsroman 03/12/2003, 12:14pm PST 
Perhaps by Masked Man 03/14/2003, 9:20am PST 
Re: Do I detect a hint of hyperbole here? by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 6:48am PST 
60 hours???? by FABIO 03/12/2003, 12:18pm PST 
Re: 60 hours???? by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 11:43pm PST 
Re: 60 hours???? by Jason Love 03/13/2003, 3:45am PST 
Re: 60 hours???? by Jhoh Creexul 03/13/2003, 5:03am PST 
*sigh* I miss rfblasco by Wacky Willy 03/13/2003, 9:38am PST 
Jason's misguided fondness for mediocrity revealed! by Bill Dungsroman 03/13/2003, 10:58am PST 
Re: *sigh* I miss rfblasco by Jhoh Creexul 03/13/2003, 11:34pm PST 
Re: *sigh* I miss rfblasco by Jason Love 03/14/2003, 4:01am PST 
Re: *sigh* I miss rfblasco by Damocles 03/14/2003, 4:13am PST 
Re: *sigh* I miss rfblasco by Jhoh Creexul 03/14/2003, 5:25am PST 
Re: *sigh* I miss rfblasco by Jhoh Creexul 03/14/2003, 5:26am PST 
For the record: The parent post is not by me, SB. by jeep 03/12/2003, 2:36pm PST 
Har, Har, You Bastard by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 8:05pm PST 
Re: Har, Har, You Bastard by jeep 03/16/2003, 1:58pm PST 
ONCE AGAIN I WRONG YOU by Senor Barborito 03/16/2003, 3:03pm PST 
WAIT WAIT I REMEMBER by Senor Barborito 03/16/2003, 3:09pm PST 
So will there ever be a game that's good AND has panties? (nt) by CrackerBarrel 03/12/2003, 3:45pm PST 
Planescape Torment? by Mischief Shai-hulud 03/12/2003, 3:59pm PST 
Re: Planescape Torment? by ydrt 03/12/2003, 6:46pm PST 
Prime me up -nt- by Holyfred 03/12/2003, 7:20pm PST 
I thought that was a swimsuit -nt- NT by Entropy Stew 03/12/2003, 8:22pm PST 
Re: I thought that was a swimsuit -nt- by foogla 03/13/2003, 3:56pm PST 
Re: I thought that was a swimsuit -nt- by ydrt 03/13/2003, 4:14pm PST 
QUIT FAGGING UP MY THREAD! I SAID 'PANTIES'!!!!!!11! (nt) by CrackerBarrel 03/13/2003, 7:40pm PST 
it was already gay by ydrt 03/13/2003, 10:44pm PST 
Upgrade that to KER-GAY -nt- NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/14/2003, 11:57am PST 
ATTENTION WORLD PANTY LEADERS!!! by CrackerBarrel 03/14/2003, 6:59pm PST 
Well I'd be celibrating and pasting this to every human I know of. by Jhoh Creexul 03/11/2003, 2:16am PST 
Is it Cyannies house HELGHEGGLEHGJEJ by Bill Dungsroman 03/11/2003, 10:47am PST 
No it is my one friend's house. :( by Jhoh Creexul 03/11/2003, 8:09pm PST 
It's perfect! by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/11/2003, 4:23pm PST 
Re: It's perfect! by Jhoh Creexul 03/12/2003, 9:14am PST 
uuhhhhhh..... by FABIO 03/12/2003, 12:07pm PST 
Or newer... by Chairman Mao 03/12/2003, 2:52pm PST 
ugh by FABIO 03/12/2003, 4:18pm PST 
Re: ugh by Chairman Mao 03/12/2003, 4:30pm PST 
?????? by FABIO 03/12/2003, 4:37pm PST 
Re: ?????? by stabo10 03/12/2003, 4:41pm PST 
Re: ?????? by Chairman Mao 03/12/2003, 7:18pm PST 
One saving grace... by Damocles (Token Xenosaga Defender) 03/12/2003, 7:48pm PST 
Re: One saving grace... by Chairman Mao 03/12/2003, 8:06pm PST 
CONSPIRACY or . . . OBVIOUSLY. (Dreadlocks) NT by Senor Barborito 03/12/2003, 8:37pm PST 
Well... (dreads) by Chairman Mao 03/13/2003, 12:36pm PST 
The only picture on that page I didn't beat off to is the one you posted by SBDMT 03/13/2003, 12:55pm PST 
That's why I picked it. -nt- NT by Chairman Mao 03/13/2003, 1:05pm PST 
Re: Well... (dreads) by FABIO 03/14/2003, 5:49am PST 
Re: One saving grace... by FABIO 03/12/2003, 9:44pm PST 
I like the comparison to "Tomb Raider" -nt- by Bob Violence 03/12/2003, 5:50pm PST 
FIRST POST by ydrt 03/10/2003, 6:19pm PST 
Creexul? nah -NT NT by FABIO 03/10/2003, 6:21pm PST 
re: the review by ydrt 03/11/2003, 12:57am PST 
Re: FIRST POST by Damocles 03/12/2003, 7:40pm PST 
Bitew, no problem with the editing job there. by Jhoh Creexul 03/11/2003, 10:14pm PST 