Any of you guys invest at all? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/08/2021, 6:00am PDT 
Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by CattleHumper 04/08/2021, 6:30am PDT 
Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by Dr. Foughtrough 03/23/2023, 7:01am PDT 
Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by CattleHumper 03/23/2023, 7:45am PDT 
Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by E. L. Koba 04/08/2021, 1:01pm PDT 
I personally am not doing the 401(k) thing du eto covid. NT by A FRIEND 04/08/2021, 1:13pm PDT 
?????? NT by Lolol 04/08/2021, 4:25pm PDT 
TBH will any of us live to retirement at the rate the world is spinning out of c NT by E. L. Koba 04/08/2021, 4:31pm PDT 
Trying not to be homeless in a permanent gig to COVID transition economy NT by jerk 04/08/2021, 4:34pm PDT 
Have you tried NT by Cocaine 04/08/2021, 5:38pm PDT 
Long bets: crude oil edition by Ray of Light 01/14/2009, 7:24pm PST 
Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by Choson 01/15/2009, 10:27am PST 
Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by Creexuls, a monster >:3 01/15/2009, 11:30am PST 
Good point! It's more of a fat bet than a long one. NT by tell us which you prefer 01/15/2009, 4:38pm PST 
Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by motherfuckerfoodeater 01/15/2009, 10:47am PST 
Re: Update: scrapped idea by Ray of Light 02/15/2009, 4:41pm PST 
Welp, better start tipping. NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/15/2009, 5:31pm PST 
I've been tipping all along! You probably just read Zseni's post. NT by Ray of Light 02/16/2009, 5:09am PST 
Bitten by contango on futures? NT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2009, 6:05pm PST 
Re: Update: scrapped idea by Choson 02/15/2009, 11:20pm PST 
Re: Update: scrapped idea by Ray of Light 02/16/2009, 5:30am PST 
Re: Update: scrapped idea by Choson 02/16/2009, 7:48am PST 
I'd better not see nickels in my tips from any non-NT poster in this thread. NT by Fussbett 02/16/2009, 8:49am PST 
oil prices up 70% since mid-January, now seems like a good time to take profits NT by Ray of Light 05/22/2009, 8:32pm PDT 
Listen to him boast! He invested thinking instability would drive up his price! NT by Quétinbec 05/23/2009, 1:28am PDT 
QB: does this raise or lower your opinion of Ray, of Light? NT by discuss. 05/23/2009, 2:23pm PDT 
Well, it's no slippery beef grab but... still impressive. NT by Last 05/23/2009, 2:27pm PDT 
Re: Long bets: crude oil edition by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/27/2009, 9:15am PDT 
gasoline will never sell for beyond what americans can afford to pay for it NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/27/2009, 9:48pm PDT 
gas costs more in canada/europe than america NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:19pm PDT 
Look up how many Candians and Euros there are and then Americans, retard NT by discuss. 08/27/2009, 10:36pm PDT 
how old is your arm rest insurance? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:56pm PDT 
about twice as many? NT by gruman 08/28/2009, 12:38am PDT 
gasoline will never sell for beyond what americans can afford to pay for it NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/27/2009, 10:50pm PDT 
so I guess you mean in the future when a gallon of gas will cost like $50 NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/27/2009, 10:54pm PDT 
I think by 'Americans' he doesn't mean welfare recipients. NT by President Barak H. Obama 08/28/2009, 8:54am PDT 
they don't drive cars or have jobs do they NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:04am PDT 
Not cars or jobs that matter. NT by "Mr. President," to you. 08/28/2009, 11:36am PDT 
obama cares about the poor, haha just kidding no he doesn't NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:52am PDT 
Don't be silly, son. I'm proud of you. NT by President Barak H. Obama 08/28/2009, 6:06pm PDT 
this is a riskier bet than the one I made by Ray of Light 08/28/2009, 11:11am PDT 
Re: this is a riskier bet than the one I made by Mischief Maker 08/28/2009, 11:42am PDT 
mm meant per barrel I guess, no wonder he was wrong NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/28/2009, 11:50am PDT 
Did you make money, Ray? NT by Rudeboy 05/26/2010, 7:24am PDT 
Test NT by Fussbett 03/12/2010, 9:55am PST 
Fantastic article about scurvy by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/08/2010, 1:11am PST 
That was great. NT by Eurotrash 03/08/2010, 2:41am PST 
I have a problem with the 90% loss figure by laudablepuss 03/08/2010, 8:43am PST 
Hahaha by laudablepuss 03/08/2010, 9:31am PST 
Re: I have a problem with the 90% loss figure by Lizard_King 03/08/2010, 6:06pm PST 
Now I have the perfect story to tell the produce girl at Safeway by Jerry Whorebach 03/08/2010, 12:18pm PST 
Girls love 3x5 index cards. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/08/2010, 1:33pm PST 
Hey, the Safeway girl gets an awkward story, but you stand up to me? NT by Circuit City Clerk 03/08/2010, 3:35pm PST 
I'm more comfortable talking to people who already hold a low opinion of me. by Jerry Whorebach 03/08/2010, 4:30pm PST by Ray of Light 03/08/2010, 1:07pm PST 
Taleb takes a break from all that deconstruction and try's to build something by Entropy Stew 04/08/2009, 12:33pm PDT 
FUCK. I've really got to add a short edit window or something NT by Entropy Stew 04/08/2009, 12:35pm PDT 
nassim trying to accomplish with words what he couldn't with hijacked airplanes NT by gruman 04/08/2009, 1:15pm PDT 
Former IMF chief economist calls us idiots by Entropy Stew 03/27/2009, 12:54pm PDT 
Well what's he worried about? Barney Frank's going to put his gay boot in their NT by gay asses 03/27/2009, 1:15pm PDT 
Just shut up and pour the drink you fairy FUCK *gay gasps* by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/27/2009, 1:19pm PDT 
The pretty pink pastel jackboot of BROAD REGULATORY OVERSIGHT NT by Fortinbras 03/27/2009, 1:38pm PDT 
Yet another classic stand up show from back in the day. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 12/19/2008, 6:56pm PST 
Holy shit NT by Entropy Stew 09/19/2008, 5:56pm PDT 
HOLY SHIT NT by Entropy Stew 10/10/2008, 1:17pm PDT 
What are you worried about? Apple shares are fine. NT by heh 10/10/2008, 1:34pm PDT 
Obama crashed his rhetoric plane into our 5-digit DJI! NT by Zsenitan 10/10/2008, 1:46pm PDT 
House-buying niggers crashed their nigger-houses into our 5-digit DJI! NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/10/2008, 2:13pm PDT 
No no no. It was the Jew CMOs what did it in NT by BANKAR 10/10/2008, 6:36pm PDT 
Time to buy Apple stock NT by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 2:02pm PST 
Sound advice by Daverd 01/11/2005, 2:53pm PST 
Re: Sound advice by Souffle of Pain 01/11/2005, 3:01pm PST 
HEHEHEHEHE ahahahhah ahhah haaaaaaaahhhh by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 3:26pm PST 
Microsoft Customers: Shrewd Non-conformists. by Blender of Daiquiris 01/21/2005, 6:40pm PST 
Re: Sound advice by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 8:02pm PST 
I am defeated NT by Daverd 01/11/2005, 8:03pm PST 
Some days, it doesn't pay to get out of bed NT by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 1:10am PST 
Unless you're me, then it doesn't matter. NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 1:26am PST 
Those newsgroups wont troll themselves NT by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 1:34am PST 
Actually, at this point, they probably will. NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 1:40am PST 
We're here all week, folks NT by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 1:44am PST 
Zing! NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 3:10am PST 
Re: Time to buy Apple stock by Choson 01/11/2005, 3:07pm PST 
I bought a Creative 30gig Xen or Zen or Xhen or whatever and felt smart by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 3:35pm PST 
Even if we disregard compatibility with your peergroup, I have questions... by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 3:50pm PST 
Re: Even if we disregard compatibility with your peergroup, I have questions... by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 3:55pm PST 
Good luck NT by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 4:04pm PST 
Re: Even if we disregard compatibility with your peergroup, I have questions... by Creexul :( 01/11/2005, 5:50pm PST 
Re: Even if we disregard compatibility with your peergroup, I have questions... by Creexulator 4000 01/11/2005, 6:26pm PST 
KILL YOUR MOTHER NT by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 9:52pm PST 
Then yourself. Don't forget to put your whole head in front of the shotgun. NT by Denis Leary 01/12/2005, 1:44pm PST 
No. ^_^ NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 2:08pm PST 
Me too NT by Me too 01/11/2005, 6:36pm PST 
Also: by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 4:10pm PST 
Yeah, I was talking about the iPod, not Apple software (which isn't a problem!) NT by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 4:30pm PST 
I have an older model Zen with a terrible interface by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 4:58pm PST 
Re: I have an older model Zen with a terrible interface by Worm 01/11/2005, 5:34pm PST 
Additional con: Worm likes it NT by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 8:01pm PST 
I'm glad I could help. ^^ NT by Worm 01/12/2005, 12:39am PST 
When I want to know how you feel, I'll remove the ball gag and ask you NT by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 1:09am PST 
I bought a 20 GB iRiver. by Senor Barborito 01/11/2005, 4:06pm PST 
Binary ability to play music: the final word in mp3 player ranking NT by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 4:12pm PST 
It just seems to be an important component of its functionality, that's all. by Senor Barborito 01/11/2005, 4:14pm PST 
You know why I said nothing? by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 4:23pm PST 
This short review of Zseni should be on the mainpage NT by Mysterio 01/12/2005, 12:27am PST 
Go fuck yourself, anonymously NT by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 12:34am PST 
Zseni by KO'ED 01/12/2005, 11:01am PST 
Re: I bought a Creative 30gig Xen or Zen or Xhen or whatever and felt smart by Choson 01/11/2005, 5:59pm PST 
Yesterday would've been better NT by Siskel and Ebert 01/11/2005, 6:18pm PST 
No by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 6:36pm PST 
Re: No by Choson 01/11/2005, 8:50pm PST 
Re: No by Entropy Stew 01/11/2005, 9:50pm PST 
Re: No by Choson 01/11/2005, 10:34pm PST 
Re: No by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 12:58am PST 
Re: No by Maxime Faget 01/12/2005, 2:49am PST 
Re: No by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 10:51am PST 
Re: No by Choson 01/12/2005, 11:21am PST 
Re: No by Entropy Stew 01/12/2005, 11:32am PST 
Re: No by Mysterio 01/12/2005, 11:49am PST 
Re: No by Choson 01/12/2005, 12:09pm PST 
Been there, done that. by Motherhead 01/11/2005, 10:19pm PST 
UPDATE: You're all fucking idiots by Entropy Stew 01/13/2005, 11:45am PST 
And you're a fucking genius by Choson 01/13/2005, 3:27pm PST 
And you're a stroke. by Mysterio 01/13/2005, 4:20pm PST 
Re: And you're a stroke. by Mysterio 01/13/2005, 4:36pm PST 
Re: And you're a stroke. by Mysterio 01/13/2005, 4:41pm PST 
Re: And you're a stroke. by Choson 01/13/2005, 4:50pm PST 
C'mere you.... by BG 01/17/2005, 4:11pm PST 
Re: And you're a fucking genius by Entropy Stew 01/13/2005, 5:24pm PST 
Re: And you're a fucking genius by Choson 01/13/2005, 6:15pm PST 
Forbes: Dell, Apple best positioned for market share gains by Entropy Stew 01/21/2005, 11:51am PST 
I'M SORRY I WAS SO WRONG ABOUT THAT STOCK HOO BOY EGG 8===D <& MY FACE NT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2005, 10:09pm PST 
YEAH WOOHOO DID YOU SELL? NT by Choson 02/15/2005, 10:15pm PST 
PUSSY! HAH HAH! SCARED YOU THERE, DIDN'T I? NT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2005, 10:21pm PST 
YEAH WOO HOO DID YOU SELL? by Choson 02/15/2005, 10:25pm PST 
NO, I DON'T! AND THANK GOD, BECAUSE, MAN, I WOULD HAVE LOST MY SHIRT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2005, 10:29pm PST 
WELL NO YOU WOULD HAVE MADE SOME MONEY by Choson 02/16/2005, 6:43am PST 
Choson: Still a moron by Entropy Stew 04/13/2005, 4:29pm PDT 
Re: Choson: Still a moron by Choson 04/14/2005, 1:24pm PDT 
Choson: Still fucking retarded NT by Entropy Stew 10/24/2006, 1:02pm PDT 
Re: Choson: Still fucking retarded by Choson 10/24/2006, 1:09pm PDT 
Also, now that you're a millionaire, could ya spare a brother some change? by Choson 10/24/2006, 1:21pm PDT 
That was pretty fucking retarded. Do you also have a webcomic? NT by Entropy Stew 10/24/2006, 3:59pm PDT 
Show me the money NT by Cuba Gooding, Jr. 10/24/2006, 6:03pm PDT 
I do! Also, I'm retarded. I have assburgers disease. Pretty serious. ~_~ NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 10/24/2006, 8:29pm PDT 
Last night's Apprentice by Worm 09/19/2004, 8:12am PDT 
Nintendo, Episode I, and the Olympics by Chemdem 09/21/2004, 12:49am PDT 
Re: Nintendo, Episode I, and the Olympics by Worm 09/21/2004, 6:59am PDT 
Why you are so very wrong by Chemdem 09/21/2004, 4:28pm PDT 