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Crasher's Go Through the Night by Worm 07/18/2009, 1:39pm PDT NEW
    More Touhou Keyboard Crasher Remixes by Worm 08/05/2009, 10:40pm PDT NEW
    Re: Crasher's Go Through the Night by Worm 01/10/2010, 4:07pm PST NEW

Was this linked? by Entropy Stew 10/07/2009, 6:59am PDT NEW

Touhou by Touhou Foreva v(><)v 05/15/2009, 7:38pm PDT NEW
    Re: Touhou by Fortinbras 05/15/2009, 8:01pm PDT NEW
        v()v NT by Vagina dentata? 05/16/2009, 1:35am PDT NEW
            It read his name as an unclosed HTML tag in the quote ID so I had to change it NT by Fortinbras 05/16/2009, 2:16am PDT NEW
                Heh, this forum is coded for kids. NT by "Heh" guy 05/16/2009, 6:09am PDT NEW
            Re: v()v NT by Vaginnicula 05/16/2009, 11:53pm PDT NEW
    Touhou is just a shooting game with nice music and a good story (supposedly) NT by Fussbett 05/16/2009, 9:50am PDT NEW

So I guess Quentin Beck is on his honeymoon or whatever right now? by Jerry Whorebach 12/11/2007, 10:22am PST NEW

Correction by Mischief Maker 11/30/2007, 6:31am PST NEW
    You could have taken a laser squad turn by now NT by FABIO 11/30/2007, 6:51am PST NEW

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