God bless r/WallStreetBets NT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:18pm PST 
THEY DID IT by Gamestop employee 01/26/2021, 2:53pm PST 
I was just reading about this today also. Craziness NT by laudablepuss 01/26/2021, 3:14pm PST 
Good recap of what's happened since Friday here by Mysterio 01/26/2021, 5:34pm PST 
Gamestop is just such a shitty company, I don't see how it won't backfire NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:03pm PST 
The value is being created by the short squeeze. Options expire on 1/29. NT by They're holding till then 01/26/2021, 9:36pm PST 
Got it. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/26/2021, 9:46pm PST 
In hindsight I should have listened to myself but those dumb retards on WSB by made me hold 'till Monday. Oh well 02/04/2021, 2:47pm PST 
Counter Argument: by Mischief Maker 01/27/2021, 7:21am PST 
Mischief Maker: How do you sleep at night? NT by WSB: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:18am PST 
WSB fucks Wall Street out of more money than the DSA ever dreamed of and he's by jealous with impotent rage 01/27/2021, 8:19am PST 
You didn't read the thread, did you? NT by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:31am PST 
Here's a thread reader link: by Citadel: On top of a pile of money 01/27/2021, 8:34am PST 
Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by That seems counterproductive. 01/27/2021, 8:37am PST 
Sorry I spoiled your meme. NT by Mischief Stinky Gay Hippie in SF 01/27/2021, 8:47am PST 
The idea that poor people shouldn't stand to profit from two whales by screwing each other is peak MM 01/27/2021, 10:08am PST 
Watching the hedge fund thieves cry like cunts about regulation is great. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/27/2021, 10:37am PST 
Re: Citadel just gave Melvin 2.75 billion to go bankrupt. by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 10:04am PST 
That wasn't the start of the thread and what misinformation? by MM 01/27/2021, 11:10am PST 
Re: misinformation? by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 12:44pm PST 
He isn't SAYING the redditors are in the wrong. NT by MM 01/27/2021, 2:24pm PST 
...I shouldn't have used the term "Counter Argument," it implied the wrong thing NT by MMy bad. 01/27/2021, 3:03pm PST 
Also by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 1:00pm PST 
Re: Also by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 3:48pm PST 
Martha Stewart went to jail because she lied to the feds, you moron NT by MM - scored 499th in class of 500 01/28/2021, 1:44pm PST 
"for less" does not mean "identical crime" professor genius. NT by MM 01/28/2021, 1:47pm PST 
I'm afraid there's no way to shoehorn that into making sense by laudablepuss 01/28/2021, 1:55pm PST 
Murder CAN'T be worse than jaywalking THEY'RE UNCONNECTED NT by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:51pm PST 
finished the beer, reread the post, realized I make no sense by what it's like to be laudable 01/28/2021, 7:56pm PST 
WSB Discord was shut down by Invested Id 01/27/2021, 2:48pm PST 
It's like the Borg if they were all morons NT by laudablepuss 01/27/2021, 7:44pm PST 
Uh oh! Oh no!! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2021, 7:45pm PST 
You're still a valued member of our community. NT by https://discord.gg/xZF5PzH 01/28/2021, 6:44am PST 
lmao by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:31am PST 
Hoooooollly shit by hot stock tip 01/28/2021, 10:22am PST 
Massively depressed trading volumes in the legacy stonks today by Mysterio 01/28/2021, 9:46am PST 
Mysterio is correct. by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:30am PST 
We'll put them in that jail we built for rich people who plunder the poor. NT by It's called Buckingham Palace v_v 01/28/2021, 4:55pm PST 
Who do you think invented Dogecoin by John Tamny 01/28/2021, 5:38pm PST 
lol Forbes by dr. no 01/29/2021, 12:31pm PST 
I got out narrowly before it crashed. between AMC, GSE, and BB I got a 15% RI NT by Mysterio 02/02/2021, 5:11pm PST 
Re: God bless r/WallStreetBets by The Sheriff of Nottingham 01/28/2021, 10:33am PST 
GET SHORTY by Elon Musk 01/28/2021, 1:04pm PST 
AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood NT by holy shit 01/28/2021, 2:31pm PST 
Re: AOC, Ted Cruz, Elizabeth Warren, AND Donald Trump Jr all against Robinhood by MM 01/29/2021, 6:09am PST 
She's not wrong. Cruz and Hawley are traitors to the USA. by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/29/2021, 6:48am PST 
Robinhood pays off angry employees with $40 DoorDash coupons. by MM 01/30/2021, 6:13am PST 
Look at this CRYBABY HEDGE FUND BITCH by Mysterio 01/30/2021, 10:59am PST 
POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Dumbshit Redditor 02/03/2021, 11:47am PST 
COUNTERPOINT: They made their employees deal with the public face to face during NT by a fucking pandemic. 02/03/2021, 11:49am PST 
Re: POINT: GameStop is actually a good long term hold! by Jesus 02/03/2021, 11:56am PST 
Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/03/2021, 4:46pm PST 
Well, they have flipped their mgmt and their priorities... $20-50 seems fair? by I Hate Epic 02/04/2021, 9:28am PST 
Earnings tomorrow by I Hate Epic 05/31/2022, 6:31pm PDT 
Re: Earnings tomorrow by Mischief Maker 05/31/2022, 6:56pm PDT 
Fuck the Chewy retard by I Hate Epic 05/10/2023, 3:59pm PDT 
How's it going for Gamestop employees? The "Chewy" guys are really gonna turn it by around!!! 11/25/2021, 7:44pm PST 
They fixed the issue with treating their frontline workers like shit! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/07/2022, 8:55am PST 
They've always been pioneers in this space by blackwater 01/07/2022, 11:47am PST 
NFTs and Gamestop (I was right about every thing) by I Hate Epic 07/23/2022, 9:46am PDT 
Re: NFTs and Gamestop (I was right about every thing) by I Hate Epic 02/19/2025, 9:05am PST 
Redditors frantically reassuring each other that tHiS is gOoD for gAmEStoP by Blackwater 02/20/2025, 8:22pm PST 
I checked. You were not kidding. NT by Gorillaz 02/21/2025, 7:42am PST 
The one at the mall I go to closed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2025, 12:56pm PST 
Should have pre-ordered customers! NT by rest in piss 01/17/2025, 1:05pm PST 
Re: Should have pre-ordered customers! by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:10am PST 
Also, the register jockeys are not blameless. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2025, 10:19am PST 
From what I read, Gamestop had a shitty Christmas by blackwater 01/18/2025, 11:55am PST 
We have a great microbrew scene by Mayor of Gamestop 02/03/2021, 2:29pm PST 
GameStop is this decade's Radio Shack by blackwater 02/04/2021, 3:02pm PST 
But I have a galaxy brain. NT by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/04/2021, 4:44pm PST 
How do I download 60GB of game in Wyoming with an ADSL and a BW cap? NT by The Happiness Engine 02/04/2021, 7:05pm PST 
Blu-Ray was designed solely to stall the conversion from physical to streaming by real conspiracy talk 02/05/2021, 1:50pm PST 
"We'll serve the parts of the country without internet" is a bad business model by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:33am PST 
Which is why that's not their business model by The Happiness Engine 02/10/2021, 5:22pm PST 
Where are we on this? by blackwater 01/18/2025, 12:05pm PST 
GameStop should become 1970's Radio Shack by Roop 02/04/2021, 11:02pm PST 
Sounds nice in theory by BUT... 02/05/2021, 1:44pm PST 
Re: Sounds nice in theory by Vested Id 02/05/2021, 2:25pm PST 
Saw it a little at Best Buy today. by New Character: Galaxy Brain 02/06/2021, 9:31pm PST 
That old guy is now hundreds of NT by Youtube tutorials 02/07/2021, 7:03pm PST 
This was a beautiful post NT by Ichabod 02/07/2021, 10:37pm PST 
I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 8:46am PST 
Re: I would unironically like to see you try to turn around GameStop. by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 10:07am PST 
Nah, we're all going to get hired by hedge funds and let GameStop burn. by blackwater 02/10/2021, 3:41pm PST 
You don't understand, I was being dead siris by Vested Id 02/10/2021, 4:36pm PST 
Guys, it's a solid fucking footprint. NT by Dumbshit Redditor 11/02/2023, 10:31am PDT 
DIAMOND HANDS NT by Caltrops News Network 02/08/2021, 11:03am PST 
I hate the meme leaders almost as much as the hedge funds by I've got balls of diamond 02/11/2021, 5:21am PST 
You're right by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/11/2021, 6:42am PST 
It's going from terrible to more terrible. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/02/2023, 10:01am PDT 
So these wanks all drove the price up again to fuck short sellers. NT by Patrick Johnson 05/17/2024, 9:29am PDT 
We need a thread for being amazed at particular Kickstarters. NT by Worm 02/25/2012, 6:58am PST 
Order of the Stick - $1,254,120 by Worm 02/25/2012, 7:00am PST 
Seriously what the f by 90s lens flare 05/30/2012, 2:17am PDT 
The Show with Ze Frank by Entropy Stew 02/27/2012, 11:33pm PST 
That little shit, didn't he do a donation drive a few months before he ended it? NT by Worm 02/28/2012, 12:15am PST 
No. by laudablepuss 02/29/2012, 2:23pm PST 
No I remember explicitly being indignant about this on the forums! by Worm 02/29/2012, 3:05pm PST 
Re: No I remember explicitly being indignant about this on the forums! by laudablepuss 02/29/2012, 5:09pm PST 
Re: No I remember explicitly being indignant about this on the forums! by Souffle of Pain 02/29/2012, 5:55pm PST 
Re: No I remember explicitly being indignant about this on the forums! by laudablepuss 02/29/2012, 6:55pm PST 
Apparently there is a zefrank wikipedia by Worm 02/29/2012, 8:51pm PST 
Oh wait that was just the LAST DAY of it NT by Worm 02/29/2012, 8:59pm PST 
Re: The Show with Ze Frank by CattleHumper 02/28/2012, 7:23pm PST 
So how is everyone liking it? by Worm 06/13/2012, 10:49pm PDT 
Why $10,000? by 90s lens flare 05/30/2012, 1:07am PDT 
Here's what I buy you by $10,000 06/19/2012, 6:29pm PDT 
fuuuuuuuuuuuck by goddamit 06/23/2012, 5:32pm PDT 
Well since Bruce and Tom's salary is covered the rest goes to the extra people!? by Worm 06/23/2012, 9:23pm PDT 
PC Gamer has been staffed exclusively by douchebags for the last 10 years NT by goddamit 06/23/2012, 9:30pm PDT 
Well since Bruce and Tom's salary is covered the rest goes to the extra people!? by Souffle of Pain 06/24/2012, 11:48am PDT 
Maybe someone can pay Erik to write for this place. by Shredder 06/25/2012, 11:24am PDT 
This is just getting stupid by this is getting stupid 06/26/2012, 12:40pm PDT 
I sure hope no one funded the Tom vs Bruce Kickstarter in hopes of getting by more Erik writing 04/10/2018, 11:46pm PDT 
That will show the guy with cancer trying to make a living for himself NT by Ulrachi 04/11/2018, 7:56am PDT 
Maybe Tom should cook crystal meth instead of scamming Amazon? by Since he has a cancer excuse now 04/11/2018, 10:03am PDT 
Here's what I look like by $500 09/20/2012, 9:31am PDT 
I tried Dune Wars by fabio 09/20/2012, 7:00pm PDT 
All the fashion kickstarters are terrible NT by skip 05/30/2012, 10:21am PDT 
Browsing kickstarter is addicting by skip 06/02/2012, 7:43pm PDT 
Dresden Codak's "Sportball Manager" is going to be the next Madden. Believe it. NT by Mischief Maker 06/02/2012, 8:15pm PDT 
A nerd and his money are soon parted. 150k$ for a bunch of art books by WITTGENSTEIN 08/15/2012, 9:01pm PDT 
Neal Stephenson by Favorite Movie: The Crow 06/10/2012, 11:23pm PDT 
kickstarter as market test by jeep 06/11/2012, 1:02pm PDT 
How much of an ass do you have to be for Wired to take shots? by skip 09/21/2013, 10:27am PDT 
Half a million to make something that looks worse than Die by the Sword. NT by Worm 09/21/2013, 1:34pm PDT 
Officially cancelled by E. L. Koba 09/20/2014, 11:15am PDT 
Making the game fun to play was beyond their control? by Rafiki 09/20/2014, 12:41pm PDT 
No word as of yesterday as to whether it will be open source. Terrible. NT by Mysterious Stranger 09/20/2014, 1:46pm PDT 
Re: Neal Stephenson by Ulrachi 02/18/2018, 1:13pm PST 
Tropes vs Women in Video Games by Mysterio 06/13/2012, 12:30pm PDT 
Wrong on every point. NT by You're FIRED from Caltrops.com 06/13/2012, 1:29pm PDT 
Re: Wrong on every point. by Mysterio 06/13/2012, 1:50pm PDT 
"This stupid cunt is a con artist cunt whore, there is no sexism in video games" by rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! 06/14/2012, 7:25am PDT 
"This stupid cunt is a con artist cunt whore, there is no sexism in video games" by Mysterio 06/14/2012, 9:45am PDT 
C++ coders aren't deciding what the games are going to be about. NT by Fullofkitttens 06/14/2012, 9:57am PDT 
A lot of designers get that job because they could do something technical though NT by Mysterio 06/14/2012, 11:33am PDT 
There's a lot of sexism in rap music, too, because not enough women know how to NT by build microphones. 06/14/2012, 12:41pm PDT 
Wow who hit caltrops with the stupid stick NT by Mysterio 06/14/2012, 2:43pm PDT 
Metaphors are usually stretched beyond their breaking point when arguing by Entropy Stew 06/14/2012, 3:22pm PDT 
Re: Metaphors are usually stretched beyond their breaking point when arguing by matt mysterio 06/14/2012, 9:24pm PDT 
a lot of sexism in rap because women can't deal drugs or credibly lie about deal NT by Mysterio 06/15/2012, 2:29pm PDT 
This is a great part in the thread, where rap is only about dealing drugs NT by or lying about it. 06/15/2012, 11:26pm PDT 
Re: This is a great part in the thread, where rap is only about dealing drugs by the deuce 01/03/2014, 1:40pm PST 
The coders can't draw an elf tit to save their lives. TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! by Entropy Stew 06/13/2012, 1:33pm PDT 
Re: The coders can't draw an elf tit to save their lives. TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! by Mysterio 06/13/2012, 1:52pm PDT 
Re: The coders can't draw an elf tit to save their lives. TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! by Entropy Stew 06/13/2012, 2:15pm PDT 
Re: The coders can't draw an elf tit to save their lives. TO SAVE THEIR LIVES! by matt mysterio 12/05/2012, 8:44pm PST 
This entire thing is a farce. by Worm 06/13/2012, 6:36pm PDT 
Re: This entire thing is a farce. by Mysterio 06/13/2012, 7:18pm PDT 
Kicktraq shows her contributions going up after the harassment article by Worm 06/13/2012, 9:42pm PDT 
Well, Metafilter is ready to discuss this rationally by The Warezwolf 06/13/2012, 10:04pm PDT 
Ha ha ha she puts "[MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING]" in front of all her blog posts NT by TRIGGER WARNING 06/13/2012, 11:07pm PDT 
SHe's pretty hot though, I'd fuck the shit out of her if she wasn't lesbian NT by Mmmmbop, By Hanson 06/14/2012, 12:02pm PDT 
Delete this post. It's not what this thread is about. NT by Mysterio 06/14/2012, 12:12pm PDT 
I'm way more interested in these videos than another fucking Leisure Suit Larry. by Jerry Whorebach 06/15/2012, 8:17pm PDT 
She's an actual real life gypsy, I mean I thought she looked ethnic but ... by Worm 07/23/2012, 7:37pm PDT 
Jesus Fucking Christ NT by Jesus "Fuckin'" Christ 07/23/2012, 8:45pm PDT 
Hey! It's my gypsy! NT by Quentinbec 07/23/2012, 9:46pm PDT 
Re: She's an actual real life gypsy, I mean I thought she looked ethnic but ... by Souffle of Pain 07/24/2012, 7:22am PDT 
aaaahahahahaha her supporters got exactly what they deserved NT by Jessica Alba 07/24/2012, 10:33am PDT 
She took their game research money and bought games to research. by Last 07/24/2012, 12:03pm PDT 
Re: She took their game research money and bought games to research. by Ryan Paul 07/24/2012, 12:29pm PDT 
I wonder if she'll hire someone to play them for her. No way she beats Catherine by Worm 07/24/2012, 12:50pm PDT 
also she can achieve all she wants through watching a playthrough on youtube by Worm 07/24/2012, 1:01pm PDT 
Are you still more interested in this than another LSL, Jerry? NT by Ryan Paul 07/24/2012, 1:28pm PDT 
Like the AVGN needs every NES game ever made just to bitch about Total Recall. by Jerry Whorebach 07/24/2012, 3:00pm PDT 
Re: Like the AVGN needs every NES game ever made just to bitch about Total Recal by Ryan Paul 07/24/2012, 8:01pm PDT 
That would rob her book of the real selling point. by Mischief Maker 07/24/2012, 3:13pm PDT 
If TV commercials are anything to go by, most people pick a lawyer by how many NT by books they're standing in front of. 07/24/2012, 9:06pm PDT 
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, pedantic, dumb, or all three by Jessica Alba 07/24/2012, 2:17pm PDT 
Yeah we've established you can't read. by Last 07/24/2012, 2:19pm PDT 
Re: She's an actual real life gypsy, I mean I thought she looked ethnic but ... by Rafiki 07/24/2012, 1:40pm PDT 
Re: Tropes vs Women in Video Games by Souffle of Pain 11/22/2013, 1:29pm PST 
Then Aaron says "right anita?" turns and sees her walking away with a sportballe NT by JOOOOOOOCKS!!! 11/22/2013, 1:48pm PST 
birds of a kickstarter scam feather... NT by fabio 11/22/2013, 6:47pm PST 
Further proof Anita is a terrible person. by Mysterio 03/06/2014, 10:10pm PST 
This Johnathan Blows valiantly comes out to defend her on this charge by WITTGENSTEIN 03/06/2014, 10:24pm PST 
Yes, Jonathan Blow is an enormous fucking piece of shit. by Kenji Carter 03/07/2014, 7:50am PST 
Re: Yes, Jonathan Blow is an enormous fucking piece of shit. by jeep 03/08/2014, 8:29pm PST 
$500,00 for a MULE remake???? by This is getting stupid 06/26/2012, 9:11am PDT 
Re: $500,00 for a MULE remake???? by This is getting stupid 06/26/2012, 9:12am PDT 
won't make it by jeep 06/26/2012, 10:01am PDT 
30K for an injoke by skip 07/05/2012, 5:59am PDT 
They're basically holding the game hostage until they reach enough preorders. by Worm 07/05/2012, 9:31am PDT 
Obsidian probably will by jeep 07/05/2012, 10:55am PDT 
And they did. by skip 09/15/2012, 6:52pm PDT 
I'm so excited to see if it flops with no one to blame. NT by Worm 09/15/2012, 7:29pm PDT 
It's official: the creators of injoke-fighter Divekick are better human beings by than piglike and bald. 07/31/2012, 4:17pm PDT 
When is Caltrops cashing in on these nerds with too much cash? NT by fabio 07/05/2012, 8:39am PDT 
Penny Arcade jumps into the fray by Worm 07/10/2012, 10:06am PDT 
Oh wait, I'm a moron for giving them credit. by Worm 07/10/2012, 10:09am PDT 
Re: Penny Arcade jumps into the fray by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/10/2012, 10:16am PDT 
I guess hot off their version of Steam crashing and burning they don't want to NT by make giveapennygiveanotherpenny.com 07/10/2012, 4:07pm PDT 
Re: Penny Arcade jumps into the fray by E. L. Koba 07/10/2012, 7:51pm PDT 
Re: Penny Arcade jumps into the fray by skip 07/11/2012, 7:53am PDT 
How many cancer curing video games could that $1.4 million buy for hospitals? NT by fabio 07/10/2012, 12:36pm PDT 
Re: Penny Arcade jumps into the fray by skip 07/10/2012, 2:16pm PDT 
Their video did make me laugh. Credit where credit is due. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/10/2012, 8:38pm PDT 
Fag. by Souffle of Pain 07/10/2012, 10:45pm PDT 
I just watched it, Tycho henpecks!? What the hell. NT by Worm 07/13/2012, 8:38am PDT 
log by fabio 07/11/2012, 7:30am PDT 
frontpage. NT by Mischief Maker 07/11/2012, 8:05pm PDT 
Mark requests we don't by fabio 07/12/2012, 4:47pm PDT 
Even Somethingawful is making fun of them for it by fabio 07/12/2012, 2:21am PDT 
How's this? by conspiracy theorist 08/05/2012, 1:15pm PDT 
They made 528K. They probably could've made it if their rewards hadn't been shit NT by skip 08/16/2012, 8:36am PDT 
Why would they be able to produce additional comics if they made their goals? by E. L. Koba 08/16/2012, 9:52pm PDT 
Re: Why would they be able to produce additional comics if they made their go by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/17/2012, 9:12am PDT 
That's exactly what they're doing right now by not ditcott 08/17/2012, 10:36am PDT 
$5 gets you a chance at dinner with the president NT by airfare included 09/06/2012, 9:17am PDT 
Gabe pays out on the duck by fabio 04/04/2013, 7:08pm PDT 
$150 a pop. NT by Last 04/05/2013, 7:49am PDT 
That video cost $112,800 NT by Last 04/05/2013, 7:51am PDT 
And the ducks didn't even rape him! NT by Mischief Maker 04/05/2013, 8:15am PDT 
Stretching the definitions of "chasing" and "shouting" in the title NT by skip 04/05/2013, 5:26pm PDT 
People are really happy with their rewards. by Souffle of Pain 11/30/2013, 10:15pm PST 
Console no one needs that does nothing at all makes 2 million in one day. by Worm 07/10/2012, 10:25pm PDT 
It's cheaper than a Wii and as functional. NT by skip 07/11/2012, 8:09am PDT 
Psh, it's going to be at best a console that plays Newgrounds.com games. by Worm 07/11/2012, 9:17am PDT 
But hey, it costs more. NT by mark 07/11/2012, 10:23am PDT 
Probably. But the investment point is so low and even if fails, you're left with by an Android based media center 07/12/2012, 8:07am PDT 
If you disregard the game console aspect it's not so bad, but I hate everything. by Worm 07/12/2012, 10:52am PDT 
Just saw this on the front page of Amazon for pre-order by Rafiki 02/08/2013, 4:57pm PST 
"A Tofu Tail"?!?!?! NT by FUKKEN PREORDERED 02/08/2013, 5:37pm PST 
Early reports are that this thing sucks by Rafiki 04/10/2013, 10:07am PDT 
I had a bad feeling about the controller... by Jerry Whorebach 04/10/2013, 12:17pm PDT 
PS: I was enjoying your Wii U coverage. Any chance of an update? NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/10/2013, 12:21pm PDT 
I hope the Bad Dudes 2 guys make it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/14/2012, 9:54pm PDT 
$80,000 to change the copyright notice on Two Crude Dudes?! NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/15/2012, 1:48pm PDT 
It's only a $4,000, but a rough gameplay video is COMING SOON(TM)! NT by Worm 07/21/2012, 11:04am PDT 
Haha by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/22/2012, 10:49am PDT 
Re: Haha by E. L. Koba 07/22/2012, 11:53am PDT 
And people keep giving the game money by skip 07/22/2012, 2:51pm PDT 
Re: And people keep giving the game money by jeep 07/22/2012, 5:07pm PDT 
Re: And people keep giving the game money by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/22/2012, 9:08pm PDT 
Re: And people keep giving the game money by E. L. Koba 07/24/2012, 9:59pm PDT 
Now they're getting ridiculed by their own fans by skip 08/03/2012, 7:28pm PDT 
I bought it today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/11/2019, 9:17pm PST 
Star Command by ASS KICKING BOWL SMOKER 04/04/2013, 8:08pm PDT 
Oculus Rift by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/01/2012, 9:53am PDT 
I can't find a donation level that gets me early access to the fleshlight periph NT by Chillum 08/01/2012, 11:45am PDT 
Yeti Gabe Newell at 2:21 in the video NT by E. L. Koba 08/01/2012, 7:37pm PDT 
Finally, Dactyl terror in the comfort of my own home! NT by Mischief Maker 08/06/2012, 11:21pm PDT 
Excuse me, Dactyl NIGHTMARE. by Mischief Maker 08/06/2012, 11:28pm PDT 
Chris Crawford wants 150k to remake Balance of the Planet by Siskel and Ebert 08/01/2012, 9:34pm PDT 
Uh oh, does this mean Storytron is on hiatus? NT by Go to his website for the answer :( 08/02/2012, 12:26am PDT 
120K for a USB cable by E. L. Koba 08/06/2012, 11:03pm PDT 
Useful resource for this thread by mother#erfood!er 08/10/2012, 9:11am PDT 
I want to Kickstart his hair. NT by I mean just kick 08/11/2012, 11:25am PDT 
Tape an iPhone to an Instamatic by The Happiness Engine 09/11/2012, 10:44am PDT 
No it's totally more than that! Look at the sketch! by Worm 09/11/2012, 4:22pm PDT 
Copy of a copy quality photographs! WOW!!! NT by Mischief Manufacturer 09/11/2012, 5:58pm PDT 
The next kickstarter is for ripping mp3s to vinyl NT by Entropy Stew 09/11/2012, 10:30pm PDT 
$559,232 pledged of $250,000 goal by FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK 12/05/2012, 8:43am PST 
Boys will be Boys by Worm 09/11/2012, 4:23pm PDT 
Lady married to famous man raises 1.2 million, asks for slave labor. by The Happiness Engine 09/14/2012, 2:27pm PDT 
Re: Lady married to famous man raises 1.2 million, asks for slave labor. by Arbit 09/14/2012, 5:08pm PDT 
$120 to blow on a horn for two hours? Surely they must mean $5000. O_o NT by You Are The 1% 09/14/2012, 5:24pm PDT 
I guess I was totally off my rocker on this? by Arbit 09/14/2012, 6:15pm PDT 
You assumed that since the negroes who play at your club wear white tuxedos, by they must be millionaires, too. v_v 09/14/2012, 9:43pm PDT 
Re: You assumed that since the negroes who play at your club wear white tuxedos, by Mysterio 09/14/2012, 9:46pm PDT 
Now explain to him what a coconut is, using one of your homemade cooking videos. by Jerry Whorebach 09/14/2012, 11:18pm PDT 
Re: I guess I was totally off my rocker on this? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/13/2014, 9:00am PST 
AFM union scales, Nashville, 2012 by Fullofkittens 11/13/2014, 9:36am PST 
FoK, that shows the discount but I needed the final price, thanks. NT by Lorini 11/13/2014, 11:17am PST 
Page not found so we are back to not knowing NT by Nostromo 11/10/2021, 6:16pm PST 
Man people got really mad about your polite question... by The Happiness Engine 09/15/2012, 8:41am PDT 
Crazy lady relents in the face of mean-spirited commenters, also: numbers by The Happiness Engine 09/21/2012, 11:30am PDT 
Re: Crazy lady relents in the face of mean-spirited commenters, also: numbers by Doctor Harvey Killdozer 01/14/2025, 9:21am PST 
Re: Lady married to famous man raises 1.2 million, asks for slave labor. by skip 09/18/2012, 10:11am PDT 
new obsidian rpg funded $1.1M in about 24 hours by jeep 09/15/2012, 10:50pm PDT 
I don't even know how to make a joke about this by E. L. Koba 09/25/2012, 1:54pm PDT 
In case this didn't already seem a bit off already by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/25/2012, 6:37pm PDT 
Who has kicked in to Ryan North's CYOA Hamlet? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/26/2012, 4:05pm PST 
I didn't but I intend to buy it and I'm extremely prejudiced. by Fullofkittens 11/26/2012, 5:37pm PST 
Ahahahaha by fabio 12/05/2012, 5:32am PST 
American McGee decides to make another exxxxtreeeeme and dark fairy tale game by skip 01/04/2013, 1:32pm PST 
Well hopefully he rakes in enough to cover court costs by Blizzard Legal Dept. 01/04/2013, 4:06pm PST 
Didn't they already make "The Path?" by Mischief Maker 01/04/2013, 4:34pm PST 
Gas Powered Games' Wildman by jeep 01/19/2013, 10:40am PST 
Has there ever been a single good game to come out of Kickstarter? by fabio 02/20/2013, 8:29pm PST 
Strike Suit Zero is pretty good. by Mischief Maker 02/20/2013, 8:47pm PST 
Volgarr the Viking is looking very promising by Mischief Maker 02/20/2013, 9:16pm PST 
Dreamfall sequel already pushing 1 million. I'm unashamed to say I funded it. NT by skip 02/20/2013, 3:31pm PST 
The Longest Journey rivaled Gabriel Knight 3 by fabio 02/20/2013, 8:27pm PST 
I actually thought the puzzles were overall intuitive. by skip 02/21/2013, 4:57pm PST 
I thought the only bad puzzle was getting past that one cop with soda NT by Entropy Stew 02/22/2013, 8:59am PST 
10 people have given Aaron Diaz $1000 TODAY! by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/26/2013, 8:28pm PST 
Two self-absorbed white people ask for $20,000 to not inconvenience vacation by The Happiness Engine 04/29/2013, 4:25pm PDT 
Looks like they won't make it. NT by Souffle of Pain 05/14/2013, 3:15pm PDT 
This is awesome by Arbit 05/15/2013, 10:56am PDT 
READ THIS by Arbit 05/15/2013, 11:24am PDT 
Re: READ THIS by laudablepuss 05/16/2013, 11:13am PDT 
I read it as an engineless truck being worth more than a year of their lives. by Jerry Whorebach 05/16/2013, 12:41pm PDT 
That's it exactly. by Arbit 05/16/2013, 4:50pm PDT 
I read that awhile back. It was amazing and fascinating. NT by The Happiness Engine 05/22/2013, 6:01pm PDT 
Tim Schafer accounting by fabio 07/08/2013, 1:07pm PDT 
Re: Tim Schafer accounting by E. L. Koba 07/08/2013, 11:00pm PDT 
No fun at all. NT by Cis Cuntslayer 07/08/2013, 11:13pm PDT 
Dresdan Codak wants $700k to update twice a month by fabio 05/14/2013, 1:30pm PDT 
You won the thread. Everybody go home. :( NT by The Happiness Engine 05/14/2013, 4:05pm PDT 
I'd like to see some focus on grifter theory. NT by Worm 05/14/2013, 4:05pm PDT 
"focus on all visual storytelling" by fabio 05/14/2013, 7:26pm PDT 
And I thought the Penny Arcade podcast Kickstarter was the height of arrogance by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 05/14/2013, 8:24pm PDT 
If you thought he was the worst person before... by fabio 05/15/2013, 10:36pm PDT 
more by fabio 05/15/2013, 10:42pm PDT 
It turns out he never finished college but dropped out. It explains a lot. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/16/2013, 9:03pm PDT 
You don't know how hard it is being pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars! by Worm 05/15/2013, 10:58pm PDT 
We sold 100 million iPods instead of just 10. We're RUINED! NT by Apple 05/16/2013, 6:49am PDT 
Cthulhu cashes out his fanbase by fabio 07/25/2013, 9:06pm PDT 
This one was basically an outright scam, but it got solved by jeep 08/23/2013, 3:59pm PDT 
Being rich and untalented doesn't mean you can't run a kickstarter by Mischief Maker 08/08/2013, 9:31am PDT 
The real reason the poor are poor by WITTGENSTEIN 08/08/2013, 2:53pm PDT 
Jack Jeff is going to get like a million dollars to make a record. by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/13/2013, 12:42am PDT 
Caltrops missed the big one: 'Girls' star fails to get $32k for folk album by Vested Id 08/13/2013, 1:25am PDT 
This one is not noteworthy since it's how things should be. NT by Donations to David Mamet's children 08/13/2013, 1:53am PDT 
140,000 dollars NT by i'll be in my garage with my car ru 09/14/2013, 5:53pm PDT 
Harry Knowles wants $100k for a web series by fabio 08/14/2013, 6:13am PDT 
Woman runs off with $17k intended for "Best of Music Writing" book by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 08/22/2013, 1:50pm PDT 
$500k will get us a brand new Boogerman adventure by Siskel and Ebert 10/17/2013, 2:57am PDT 
$375k, sorry by Siskel and Ebert 10/17/2013, 2:59am PDT 
Not really derisive, but there's a Dr. McNinja Kickstarter by Mischief Maker 10/30/2013, 11:41am PDT 
You know what, Engine Heart's kickstarter is interesting compared to all this. by fucking newbie 10/30/2013, 1:01pm PDT 
Updates by skip 02/02/2014, 6:14pm PST 
The jury is definitely still out by WITTGENSTEIN 02/02/2014, 6:20pm PST 
I can't believe anyone seriously thought Star Citizen was going anywhere NT by fabio 02/02/2014, 9:40pm PST 
Anything new smoking guns or is it just continuing to tread water? NT by skip 02/03/2014, 4:43pm PST 
Well, here's some new signs by skip 07/19/2014, 3:53pm PDT 
And one more thing because it wasn't mentioned before by skip 02/02/2014, 6:43pm PST 
Definitely not Banner Saga, I should review it (to everyone's detriment) NT by stupid rookie 02/02/2014, 8:32pm PST 
Coming up on the 10 year anniversary NT by do it! 01/18/2024, 5:26pm PST 
Tom vs Bruce seemed like the biggest "fuck you" by fabio 02/02/2014, 9:52pm PST 
Yep. by Mysterio 02/03/2014, 12:16pm PST 
unfortunately they continue to need some kind of basic management by jeep 02/03/2014, 9:27am PST 
Lufia: The Heroes Legacy by Siskel and Ebert 02/12/2014, 1:13am PST 
Funding Canceled Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator NT by about 4 hours ago. 02/12/2014, 6:18am PST 
Re: Lufia: The Heroes Legacy by E. L. Koba 02/12/2014, 7:14pm PST 
How did this get passed Kickstarter Q&A? Aren't they notorious for being hard NT by asses? --RetroRomper 02/13/2014, 10:05am PST 
Amazed at Darkest Dungeon, but in a good way by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/13/2014, 4:18am PST 
This shit has gone full meta by The Happiness Engine 02/21/2014, 5:10pm PST 
Nothing exposes webcomic artists' insanity like Kickstarter by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 02/27/2014, 4:44pm PST 
Related? by Arbit 02/27/2014, 5:16pm PST 
that sucks by jeep 02/27/2014, 6:11pm PST 
Yeah, poor guy, suicidal AND a con artist NT by WITTGENSTEIN 02/27/2014, 6:58pm PST 
Well at least one problem will solve the other I guess? NT by Worm 02/27/2014, 7:04pm PST 
Shaq-Fu a Legend Reborn by Worm 03/07/2014, 10:18am PST 
IndieGoGo takes the money even if the goals aren't met too. Unbelievable. NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 03/07/2014, 5:13pm PST 
LucreGoGo by Free Throw Choke-Fu 03/08/2014, 12:38am PST 
It looks like Shaq owns the trademark by Siskel and Ebert 03/08/2014, 2:45am PST 
Dark Skyes -- an EPIC brony dating sim - goal is only 7500 but still by "brony dating sim" & an EPIC one 03/09/2014, 1:56pm PDT 
Chaos Reborn by Julian Gollop (who designed Xcom) by jeep 03/17/2014, 7:05am PDT 
lets mention xcom a lot and introduce the guy who made xcom to make a real xcom by bombMexico 03/22/2014, 12:22am PDT 
Wizard Tactics with Bluff and Deception? NT by Sold! 03/22/2014, 1:09am PDT 
GoBe by Healbe 04/06/2014, 2:05am PDT 
More on GoBe/Healbe and IndieGoGo's complicity by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 04/16/2014, 11:52am PDT 
city simulator by jeep 05/22/2014, 5:57pm PDT 
After Goat Simulator and Tree Simulator, yeah maybe. NT by Worm 05/22/2014, 6:23pm PDT 
Yeah, lets fund a game from people who can't even spell or use grammer correctly NT by "more realistic then ever" 05/23/2014, 12:08pm PDT 
Yoggventures, Minecraft clone made by famous youtube Minecraft players cancelled by Worm 07/18/2014, 6:17am PDT 
Beg your pardon? by laudablepuss 07/18/2014, 9:03am PDT 
Okay sure, I guess I do have one possibly related fact by laudablepuss 07/18/2014, 9:09am PDT 
They're also a new series that will get paid based on extra sales by skip 07/18/2014, 2:21pm PDT 
Kickstarted project put on hold to make way for new Kickstarter project by Siskel and Ebert 07/20/2014, 12:18am PDT 
the cybermatrix 100 tu01 by E. L. Koba 08/02/2014, 6:22pm PDT 
Holy fucking shit, the video. Makes me want to kill myself NT by Eurotrash 08/02/2014, 10:50pm PDT 
Pleaseletthisbeaparodypleaseletthisbeaparodypleaseletthisbeaparodypleaseletthisb NT by Entropy Stew 08/03/2014, 3:48pm PDT 
The cat showing up 5 minutes in really saved the video NT by Entropy Stew 08/03/2014, 3:54pm PDT 
There's a lot to laugh at here, but the composite video outs made me LOL hard NT by Y/W/R 08/02/2014, 11:45pm PDT 
Re: the cybermatrix 100 tu01 by Eurotrash 08/03/2014, 2:37am PDT 
$300,000 to port Night Trap to PC by fabio 08/11/2014, 7:52pm PDT 
"1986, desktop computers were just coming out" NT by Wha... what? What the hell is he 08/11/2014, 9:14pm PDT 
This was not a joke :( by fabio 08/21/2017, 9:20am PDT 
Honestly the trailer on Steam is amazing. by Fullofkittens 08/21/2017, 1:56pm PDT 
"We have a vague wish for a laser-watch!": ONE POINT THREE MEEEELION PLUS by The Happiness Engine 09/10/2014, 3:33pm PDT 
Oh hey how is this going? by The Happiness Engine 10/21/2016, 5:03pm PDT 
Mascot RPG by It is resistant to account theft 09/16/2014, 10:08am PDT 
Even if all the goals sell out hes still got £9,900 to go. NT by Worm 09/16/2014, 10:28am PDT 
Still will be 9.9k short if it sells out. NT by Worm 09/16/2014, 10:57am PDT 
Just once I want to see something like this succeed by Rafiki 09/16/2014, 10:49am PDT 
Re: Just once I want to see something like this succeed by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/16/2014, 12:12pm PDT 
Hackers will be prosecuted. FUCK HAXXORZ NT by Eurotrash 09/16/2014, 1:18pm PDT 
Chris Chan's kickstarter by re: 09/23/2014, 10:43pm PDT 
Bob of Bob's Game went insane, got $10,000 anyway by Mysterio 10/04/2014, 7:23pm PDT 
Whoa, maybe trim that story up a little, huh? NT by TDR 11/13/2014, 11:54am PST 
That dude is nuts. NT by Gene Ray 11/13/2014, 12:02pm PST 
The ultimate Link costume by Triforce 11/13/2014, 8:15am PST 
Third most funded Kickstarter ever by skip 03/17/2015, 9:59pm PDT 
This is true by fabio 03/18/2015, 2:50am PDT 
Polygon has a review by skip 04/07/2015, 4:37pm PDT 
Real link inside by skip 04/07/2015, 6:34pm PDT 
Another KS death by skip 04/19/2015, 8:17pm PDT 
Another hyper-funded video game comes along by skip 05/03/2015, 8:34am PDT 
Hardback collection of Ctrl+Alt+Del strips fully funded in a day by Siskel and Ebert 05/04/2015, 12:14pm PDT 
It'll make a nice settlement for the next teenage girl he shows his dick to NT by WITTGENSTEIN 05/04/2015, 2:32pm PDT 
Jesus, he's aged like 30 years in the past 10. by skip 05/04/2015, 4:18pm PDT 
He's up for a LOSS with pricing like that by A Real CAD 05/04/2015, 8:05pm PDT 
#DelightWipes by The Happiness Engine 05/27/2015, 4:41pm PDT 
I just spray myself down with RainX beforehand so everything sloughs off NT by Rafiki 05/27/2015, 6:43pm PDT 
How much does it cost to rebrand baby wipes by Next up, the Premium Ero-HAZMAT 05/27/2015, 8:07pm PDT 
Jetpack 2 by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/16/2015, 11:00pm PDT 
So Tom vs Bruce only ended up doing 6 articles? NT by honest question 09/17/2015, 12:38am PDT 
Yep. NT by Everybody Gives Up 09/27/2015, 7:22pm PDT 
Skarp was such an obvious scam KS closed it by skip 10/15/2015, 12:57pm PDT 
KS for video games seems mostly dead by skip 12/01/2015, 6:10pm PST 
"Open World RPG 'Like' Star Wars Game Called Star Lords" by Siskel and Ebert 01/05/2016, 5:47pm PST 
Project cancelled, "Devin" confirms it was a gag. NT by pinback 01/08/2016, 8:26am PST 
I'm going to start asking for refunds for late stuff. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/07/2016, 8:15am PST 
Re: I'm going to start asking for refunds for late stuff. by CattleHumper 01/07/2016, 10:57am PST 
First update: Jetpack 2 by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/15/2016, 8:31am PST 
There is also a forum for the game there. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/15/2016, 12:24pm PST 
Second update: Temporus by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/22/2016, 11:11am PDT 
Cicret Bracelet by Mischief Maker 09/25/2016, 7:55am PDT 
Seanbaby's Calculords 2 by Roop 10/03/2016, 1:20pm PDT 
Currently 75% short of goal NT by Vested Id 10/21/2016, 8:22am PDT 
I feel weird backing existing businesses doing things they already do. NT by Fullofkittens 10/22/2016, 6:51am PDT 
Yeah, me too, but: Seanbaby NT by 19 hours left :( 10/25/2016, 9:02pm PDT 
The Decembrists are launching a board game by skip 10/04/2016, 6:20pm PDT 
don't forget zombies by fabio 10/05/2016, 5:56am PDT 
Oh man, this is straight out of Portlandia by skip 10/05/2016, 9:47am PDT 
At 600% funding by Vested Id 10/21/2016, 8:27am PDT 
That is depressing. NT by Mischief Maker 10/21/2016, 8:49am PDT 
Calculords 2 is still active, donate $30k to keep it afloat NT by Vested Id 10/22/2016, 2:03pm PDT 
We tried NT by Roop 10/23/2016, 12:11am PDT 
Kickstarter for Lookouts boardgame by fabio 10/06/2016, 1:35pm PDT 
800% funded NT by fabio 05/07/2017, 9:27am PDT 
Reviews by skip 05/07/2017, 4:50pm PDT 
It's not supposed to be out for 4 months? by fabio 05/07/2017, 7:19pm PDT 
That had a print-and-play and rulebook available during the campaign NT by skip 05/07/2017, 11:02pm PDT 
Maybe roleplaying could be about creativity and friends? by Money Hungry Autoclave 05/07/2017, 11:08pm PDT 
A wrist band to check your thirst by skip 11/02/2016, 11:22am PDT 
$1.2 million of $50k pledged NT by fabio 05/07/2017, 9:23am PDT 
Apocalypse Now - The Video Game by MM 01/28/2017, 7:47pm PST 
No competent game uses the word "elements" in its kickstarter pitch by fabio 01/28/2017, 10:59pm PST 
Jimmie Norton fucks over donors by skip 05/06/2017, 1:30pm PDT 
That money went to tranny prostitutes NT by NO REFUNDS! 05/06/2017, 6:30pm PDT 
Direct link to the cartoon teaser so you don't have to fish for it by Rafiki 05/06/2017, 9:47pm PDT 
That needed a NSFL tag by Not Safe For LAUGHS LOLOL 05/07/2017, 9:17am PDT 
He really is a piece of shit worm by John in the car 05/07/2017, 9:25pm PDT 
Alice McGee launched another "twisted fairy tales" Kickstarter by skip 07/31/2017, 11:13am PDT 
Garbage Tale Kids NT by boom! nailed it 07/31/2017, 12:11pm PDT 
This one doesn't look too terrible I suppose ... by Mysterio 11/13/2017, 1:15pm PST 
Archived in case they try to back out of this particular promise by Mysterio 11/13/2017, 1:18pm PST 
Da Share Zone card game got 4x of their goal, 4 days to go by Fullofkittens 02/16/2018, 5:40pm PST 
*is pretty great, sheesh NT by Fullofkittens 02/16/2018, 5:42pm PST 
Devs fucked up the System Shock remaster by Kirahu Nagasawa 02/18/2018, 1:11pm PST 
Incredible by Ulrachi 02/18/2018, 1:12pm PST 
The Buttress by Rey Mysterio Jr. 03/06/2018, 7:15pm PST 
$56k + vendor fees to not produce Gay Black Comic Con. by The Happiness Engine 04/25/2018, 12:32pm PDT 
They fired a guy for trying to unionize by Ulrachi 09/13/2019, 11:14pm PDT 
Sunset period for Kickstarter? by John P. Processor 09/14/2019, 2:09am PDT 
The funniest part was when management said unionizing was cultural appropriation by Mischief Maker 09/14/2019, 6:34am PDT 
Those fucking thieves by Oh 09/14/2019, 9:25am PDT 
On cultural appropriation by Jerry Whorebach 09/16/2019, 12:35am PDT 
Your life is indeed defined by "absence of box" NT by Mysterio 09/16/2019, 6:10pm PDT 
This post just got 10x funnier after yesterday -- and also probably means by Jerry's a Canadian G-Man 09/19/2019, 5:24pm PDT 
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has worn a turban every day of his life, by but he's never worn it THAT well. 09/19/2019, 9:14pm PDT 
Union or death, but I repeat myself NT by RIP Kickstarter 09/14/2019, 10:20am PDT 
Even as satire, fuck these guys by fuckers 05/14/2024, 8:46pm PDT 
Seriously by fuck you 05/14/2024, 9:11pm PDT 
So fuck them for not giving equal representation to Qanon? NT by Free Speech except for satire! 05/14/2024, 10:38pm PDT 
Hey look the Helldivers guy turned out to be an actual fascist NT by fuck you 05/15/2024, 10:19am PDT 
Aaargh! How FUCKING dare you make fun of Jan. 6th patriots!!! by Free Speech except for satire! 05/14/2024, 10:40pm PDT 
It would be great if these subhuman clapping seals kept their shit in one by sub reddit 06/07/2024, 6:56am PDT 
aaaaahhghgghghghghg the dumb asshole lost hundreds of millions by of dollars 06/07/2024, 3:19pm PDT 
Folding Ideas is stupid but he did get one thing right: The people still into NT by GME are cultists 06/19/2024, 1:29pm PDT 
No, Folding Ideas is not "stupid" by Geryk 06/19/2024, 5:18pm PDT 
are you alright? you sound like you're about to have an aneurysm NT by getting mad at the internet is 2003 06/19/2024, 8:31pm PDT 
Re: are you alright? you sound like you're about to have an aneurysm by Geryk 06/19/2024, 9:08pm PDT 
Hey man by Mysterio 06/19/2024, 5:36pm PDT 
Entrapranure by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/13/2024, 8:54pm PDT 
Re: Entrapranure by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/14/2024, 8:55pm PDT 
Re: Entrapranure by Mischief Maker 03/14/2024, 9:09pm PDT 
Thank you. I don't care for these hustle peddlers. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/15/2024, 4:15pm PDT 
Same troupe but different vibe. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/21/2024, 9:51pm PDT 
The rise of gaming revenue visualized by blackwater 07/06/2023, 2:15pm PDT 
Someone needs to bring back a clamshell pocket-sized handheld. NT by Mischief Maker 07/06/2023, 2:53pm PDT 
A new device like that would be wonderful. For old games, have you seen a NT by Miyoo, MM? 07/06/2023, 4:19pm PDT 
I'm still rocking my old DSiXL. NT by Mischief Maker 07/06/2023, 10:07pm PDT 
They did, if you like emulation by CattleHumper 07/06/2023, 6:12pm PDT 
Intel by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/08/2023, 8:50am PDT 
We should post the stocks we all individually own. For fun. by John Gulp 06/11/2023, 11:16pm PDT 
Eat shit, Zuckerberg by Yahtzeek 10/27/2022, 2:07pm PDT 
r/wallstreetbets VS a goldfish. by Mischief Maker 04/18/2022, 1:19pm PDT 
200k to 9k. I lost all the money my grandma gave me before she died. by Yeah these guys are so smart 04/25/2022, 6:46am PDT 
I bought a share of Netflix at $660, it's what, 215 now? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/25/2022, 8:05am PDT 
Kickstarters I would have backed, if the entire platform wasn't a scam by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/03/2022, 4:24pm PST 
All NFT projects are scams. All of them. by Kranos 02/25/2022, 6:01am PST 
BUY THE DIP NT by Mysterio 12/20/2021, 6:53pm PST 
Better.com gets cash, lays off hundreds, still hiring by Kirahu Nagasawa 12/04/2021, 2:42pm PST 
I check my retirement each day, I'm getting crushed! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/05/2021, 10:18am PST 
Re: Better.com gets cash, lays off hundreds, still hiring by E. L. Koba 12/05/2021, 12:13pm PST 
Absolutely fucking incompetent. NT by Mysterio 12/05/2021, 5:05pm PST 
*In* competent? NT by Seems overqualified 12/05/2021, 5:58pm PST 
On the next episode of Deep Space Nine.... by Mysterio 11/26/2021, 5:13pm PST 
OK the wizards of Caltrops, Facebook Stock: Buy or Short? NT by Roop 03/29/2018, 7:38pm PDT 
Short it. It was always destined to be Myspace 2.0 NT by Ulrachi 03/29/2018, 10:05pm PDT 
Poor Friendster NT by Roop 03/29/2018, 10:23pm PDT 
nice call idiot NT by Teun 11/14/2021, 9:28pm PST 
This is the thread for corona layoffs by IPB 05/06/2020, 5:48pm PDT 
I think Kickstarter was firing people for forming a union by Ichabod 05/06/2020, 6:24pm PDT 
30 million claims for unemployment by DoL 05/06/2020, 9:49pm PDT 
Holland America cruise line lays off 2000 workers NT by IPB 05/14/2020, 4:01pm PDT 
What kind of a piece of shit runs a company that can't survive for 2 months? NT by Ichabod 05/14/2020, 4:07pm PDT 
Quartz news site to lay off 80 workers NT by IPB 05/14/2020, 5:07pm PDT 
The state of Michigan furloughs 31K state workers NT by IPB 05/14/2020, 5:08pm PDT 
Uber, Lyft, and AirBnB fire over 15% of staff NT by IPB 05/14/2020, 5:11pm PDT 
Vice lays off 155 staff NT by IPB 05/15/2020, 12:16pm PDT 
From Corona to the sea NT by Journalism will be free 05/15/2020, 1:05pm PDT 
Virgin Atlantic cuts over 3000 jobs NT by IPB 05/15/2020, 12:18pm PDT 
Cirque de Soleil laid off 95% of workers NT by IPB 05/15/2020, 12:20pm PDT 
Cheesecake factory furloughed 41,000 workers by IPB 05/16/2020, 12:00pm PDT 
CUNY laying off hundreds of adjunct professors NT by IPB 05/16/2020, 12:04pm PDT 
Buzzfeed lays off 20 journalists, drops UK/Aus coverage, negotiating with union NT by to fire them -IPB 05/16/2020, 12:14pm PDT 
3000 more at Uber, plus 45 offices by blackwater 05/18/2020, 9:20am PDT 
I have heard stories that Uber workers were really cocky. by Ichabod 05/18/2020, 10:18am PDT 
Re: I have heard stories that Uber workers were really cocky. by Mysteriobama 05/19/2020, 10:00pm PDT 
You escaped COVID-19 and Uber in the same year! by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/27/2020, 8:56pm PDT 
Uber is outsourcing a bunch of stuff to India right now, from what I hear. NT by blackwater 05/28/2020, 6:27pm PDT 
Pier 1 completely shutting down NT by Ichabod 05/19/2020, 8:28pm PDT 
IBM and Hewlett-Packard layoffs in thousands NT by IPB 05/24/2020, 3:23pm PDT 
The Atlantic lays off 20% of staff NT by IPB 05/24/2020, 3:25pm PDT 
Mostly "Events" staff (Aspen Ideas festival, etc.) NT by Vested Id 05/24/2020, 7:01pm PDT 
Boeing lays off almost 7000 people NT by IPB 05/27/2020, 6:35pm PDT 
CBS lays off 300-400 workers NT by IPB 05/28/2020, 12:33pm PDT 
Mark Knoller canned, their most trustworthy journalist NT by Vested Id 05/28/2020, 11:15pm PDT 
MSN replaces dozens of journalists with AI NT by IPB 05/30/2020, 1:41pm PDT 
Sounds like an Office Space situation by Vested Id 05/30/2020, 3:03pm PDT 
My local game store. Riots, not covid. by Kirahu Nagasawa 05/31/2020, 11:06am PDT 
Slavery was a mistake NT by Should have kept them in Africa 05/31/2020, 1:25pm PDT 
Re: Slavery was a mistake by JPG Man 05/31/2020, 1:32pm PDT 
Why can't they riot and set cars on fire over their sports team losing? NT by like good white people 05/31/2020, 2:05pm PDT 
Brazilians are white? NT by IPB 05/31/2020, 2:19pm PDT 
A lot of Minnesotiaians are and I hate them all NT by Non-broken guy 05/31/2020, 4:10pm PDT 
Let's stay on topic. NT by Mr. 3000 and his blob 05/31/2020, 4:34pm PDT 
Arizona D-backs cut a quarter of staff NT by IPB 06/01/2020, 4:33pm PDT 
Playboy lays off editorial staff. Can't be read for the articles anymore NT by IPB 06/01/2020, 8:42pm PDT 
I once felt intimidated by Playboy. Now they can't exist. NT by Breeze 06/01/2020, 9:28pm PDT 
Funko culls 250 workers. Gamestock shares tumble NT by IPB 06/04/2020, 5:17pm PDT 
I... tried... by Greatest president 06/04/2020, 5:35pm PDT 
You do realize that's a sloppy photoshop, right? NT by Mischief Killjoy 06/04/2020, 5:46pm PDT 
It's 100% real NT by That's Barry 06/04/2020, 5:56pm PDT 
The Athletic and SB Nation lay off staff. NBA, NFL, college football mostly NT by IPB 06/06/2020, 6:28am PDT 
The Athletic deserves this by Horus Truthteller 06/06/2020, 8:06am PDT 
BP lays off 10,000 NT by IPB 06/08/2020, 8:39pm PDT 
AEG to have 'significant' layoffs NT by IPB 06/08/2020, 8:46pm PDT 
American Cancer Society lays off 1000 people NT by IPB 06/14/2020, 10:43am PDT 
Lufthansa to cut 22,000 full-time jobs NT by IPB 06/14/2020, 10:44am PDT 
Starbucks to close up to 400 stores NT by IPB 06/14/2020, 10:45am PDT 
US Tennis Association Cuts 110 Jobs, roughly 20% of its workforce NT by IPB 06/14/2020, 10:46am PDT 
La-Z-Boy to cut 850 jobs, close Mississippi factory NT by IPB 06/14/2020, 10:47am PDT 
T-Mobile/Sprint and AT&T laying off thousands NT by IPB 06/16/2020, 4:57pm PDT 
GoDaddy closing Austin location, over 300 people fired NT by IPB 06/25/2020, 3:37am PDT 
WeWork lays off 200 in UK NT by IPB 06/29/2020, 3:57am PDT 
heh NT by irony 01/26/2021, 2:47pm PST 
Sonos lays off 12% of workforce, closing NY store NT by IPB 06/29/2020, 3:58am PDT 
Atlas Obscura lays off 15, digital media taking pay cuts by IPB 06/29/2020, 4:04am PDT 
Caltrops is the new FUCKEDCOMPANY.COM NT by Pud 06/29/2020, 1:29pm PDT 
Real Wealth is Owning Your Time: Why I Walked Away from Half a Million by Mysterio 06/13/2020, 1:10pm PDT 
Yes, but only if you can afford it by Fat Tony 06/13/2020, 8:55pm PDT 
So basically he made some money at a BigCo and is now doing angel investing? by blackwater 06/13/2020, 9:17pm PDT 
Senators Selling Stocks by Geryk 03/20/2020, 7:19am PDT 
Loeffler (and Feinstein) say blind trust, no knowledge of selloff by Vested Id 03/20/2020, 8:34am PDT 
Definitely needs to be investigated by Gallows 03/20/2020, 11:32am PDT 
Not an easy problem to solve by Vested Id 03/20/2020, 11:49am PDT 
Actually, looks like I got a *cough* Trump card by Vested Id 03/20/2020, 11:52am PDT 
I can agree with her, but we know the Speaker doesn't by Gallows 03/20/2020, 2:23pm PDT 
I don't agree with her, a shame my joke didn't land by Vested Id 03/20/2020, 3:01pm PDT 
Burr got pwned NT by Mysterio 05/14/2020, 5:37pm PDT 
Snapchat filing for a 25 billion IPO by skip 11/20/2016, 4:07pm PST 
They'll release a Pro version of the glasses that you can NT by turn up to eleven (seconds) 11/21/2016, 5:22am PST 
Verge gives a worthless tech review by skip 11/21/2016, 9:33am PST 
Snaochat's UI/UX is the worst of any product in history. by Mysterious Stranger 09/03/2017, 12:43pm PDT 
User growth down, below IPO NT by Mysterio, "SNAP short" 09/03/2017, 2:59pm PDT 
Dumber investment right now: Twitter or Snapchat? NT by skip 09/18/2017, 4:31am PDT 
Excuse me? NT by Sharepoint 09/18/2017, 6:13am PDT 
The glasses failed by skip 10/23/2017, 6:09pm PDT 
"Revulsion" NT by Mysterio Lollerson 10/23/2017, 7:03pm PDT 
BUT VR IS THE FUTURE! NT by that lawnmowerman cunt 10/23/2017, 8:20pm PDT 
So where do I get these stupid things discount? NT by Worm 10/23/2017, 9:06pm PDT 
Re: The glasses failed by Angry Stewart Payne 09/14/2019, 2:35pm PDT 
Is anyone buying mutual funds? by Nostromo 10/13/2018, 10:07am PDT 
Re: Is anyone buying mutual funds? by E. L. Koba 10/13/2018, 12:53pm PDT 
Start an IRA, possibly with Vanguard by Rafiki 10/13/2018, 4:35pm PDT 
Seconded NT by Mysterio 10/14/2018, 8:35am PDT 
Yes, just put it in Vanguard. Savings accounts are for chumps. by blackwater 10/14/2018, 3:18pm PDT 
Thornwatch Review: NEGATIVE ! by Mysterio, Pen and Paper RPG Leader 09/01/2017, 6:18pm PDT 
Snooped! by faggots 09/01/2017, 9:57pm PDT 
Kickstarters that ran away with your money. by Mysterio 12/12/2016, 6:29am PST 
$5000 is probably the least that's ever been spent on booze and strippers in NT by game dev history. 12/12/2016, 7:48am PST 
Handheld gaming PC by fag 10/20/2016, 7:57am PDT 
Seems possible NT by Nintendo 10/20/2016, 8:29am PDT 
Video challenge by fabio 07/17/2016, 4:03am PDT 
You got me by Vested Id 07/17/2016, 5:06am PDT 
Whole thing started in March of 2011 and failed in March of 2011, apparently by Worm 07/17/2016, 9:57am PDT 
Be sure to check the alternate ending vid NT by Entropy Stew 07/17/2016, 5:09pm PDT 
Fucking forts? What? I don't understand a single fucking word these people are s NT by Eurotrash 07/17/2016, 5:32am PDT 
Four minutes I guess by Worm 07/17/2016, 9:43am PDT 
Right at the waxed moustache closeup. NT by MM 07/17/2016, 6:25pm PDT 
Neil Young told Steve Jobs these Ipods suck man by Roop 03/23/2014, 5:51pm PDT 
Crap, meant to reply to being impressed with particular Kickstarters NT by Roop 03/24/2014, 4:18pm PDT 
Neil Young springs for your hotel room, unlike Penny Arcade NT by fabio 03/25/2014, 1:49pm PDT 
I have the best new job! It's better than yours but now is no time to boast!... by Quétinbec 03/25/2008, 9:13pm PDT 
They'll see right through you, give up. by Last 03/25/2008, 9:38pm PDT 
Re: They'll see right through you, give up. by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 12:55am PDT 
QB is not impressed by an "obscene amount of money". Any old father has that. NT by Fussbett 03/27/2008, 10:03am PDT 
Constant rotting fish stench, hairy-legged whores... now THOSE is impressive. NT by Last 03/27/2008, 10:09am PDT 
Weak complaints! Give it more thought. NT by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 4:25pm PDT 
You want me to make your case for you? by Last 03/27/2008, 7:39pm PDT 
Re: I have the best new job! It's better than yours but now is no time to boast! by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/25/2008, 11:25pm PDT 
Play to your strengths: procure whores for them by I need clarification 03/25/2008, 11:58pm PDT 
I'll be kinder than INC by Fussbett 03/26/2008, 1:35am PDT 
Re: I'll be kinder than INC by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 1:07am PDT 
just say your role focused on asset gathering and requirements gathering NT by you idiot 03/27/2008, 9:50am PDT 
Re: I'll be kinder than INC by Fussbett 03/27/2008, 10:12am PDT 
Here's a comment that might sound prejudiced (racist) by Fullofkittens 03/27/2008, 3:59pm PDT 
wait, is this job in India or somewhere else? NT by Fullofkittens 03/27/2008, 4:01pm PDT 
Who the fuck needs help getting work in India? I need help lying about it. by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 4:28pm PDT 
Well, Satyam would make a lot of money, maybe not you. NT by Fullofkittens 03/27/2008, 5:27pm PDT 
Quentin Beck you are but a click away from owing me bigtime by Ray of Light 03/26/2008, 11:29am PDT 
I would agree with you if he was going for an interview, which he's not. NT by Fussbett 03/26/2008, 1:04pm PDT 
Thanks Ray. Will read that man. NT by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 1:08am PDT 
I think there is reason for guarded optimism. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/26/2008, 11:39am PDT 
Re: I think there is reason for guarded optimism. by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 1:21am PDT 
You will live your dream, your dream of living in Hong Kong. NT by I believe in YOU. 03/27/2008, 9:52am PDT 
Hong Kong: the best 7 million people on Earth? by Fussbett 03/27/2008, 10:15am PDT 
Would you settle for a yurt in Sheepfuckistan? NT by Fortinbras 03/27/2008, 2:56pm PDT 
Re: Hong Kong: the best 7 million people on Earth? by Quétinbec 03/27/2008, 4:31pm PDT 
Re: Hong Kong: the best 7 million people on Earth? by Mischief Maker 03/27/2008, 4:37pm PDT 
Re: Hong Kong: the best 7 million people on Earth? by Ed Gein 03/29/2008, 10:58am PDT 
Heretical.com is normally such a reliable source... by Fussbett 03/30/2008, 12:36am PDT 
SAM GAMGEE NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/30/2008, 11:25am PDT 
SAM GAMGEE NT by directed by FRUIT CHAN 04/07/2008, 7:24am PDT 
Speaking of that! by Fullofkittens 03/30/2008, 12:07pm PDT 
Re: Hong Kong: the best 7 million people on Earth? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/28/2008, 6:44pm PDT 
Aligning web pages is fairly difficult, I wouldn't beat yourself up about that NT by Harry Knowles 03/26/2008, 1:14pm PDT 
I wish someone would help me with my web site business! by Polar Bear 03/26/2008, 1:33pm PDT 
I got hired based on a pathological resume once. by bink 03/27/2008, 12:08pm PDT 
WRKSYSVAL by McMoo knows that too 03/28/2008, 9:56am PDT 
Their payroll, something-or-another system was all custom written. by bink 03/28/2008, 2:31pm PDT 
Re: I have the best new job! It's better than yours but now is no time to boast! by Zsenitan 03/27/2008, 5:37pm PDT 
Fuck you Zseni. by Quétinbec 04/03/2008, 11:35pm PDT 
What if QB announced his adulthood to the world NT by And the world didn't give a fuck? 04/04/2008, 12:30am PDT 
You mean like this? by Mischief Maker 04/04/2008, 1:34pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you Zseni. by Zsenitan wins! 04/04/2008, 12:04pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you Zseni. by Quétinbec 04/04/2008, 6:10pm PDT 
Re: Fuck you Zseni. by Zsenitan 04/04/2008, 7:35pm PDT 
How many law schools did you actually go to? I mean, personally. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/04/2008, 8:16pm PDT 
Incompetents vs. competents SHOWDOWN by Zsenitan 04/04/2008, 8:33pm PDT 
http://www.caltrops.com/pointy.php?action=viewPost&pid=77327 NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/04/2008, 8:36pm PDT 
Sexy photos, please! by Quétinbec 04/05/2008, 7:55pm PDT 
you really don't look that skinny by bombMexico 04/05/2008, 8:27pm PDT 
Whore memories by Quétinbec 04/06/2008, 7:51pm PDT 
this mirror is my kindred NT by Zseni's carpet 04/06/2008, 9:06pm PDT 
Whore broke snake bottle :( by Quentin Beck 04/07/2008, 6:35am PDT 
more pictures of you beating off to yourself while filming plz :( by bombMexico 04/08/2008, 12:45am PDT 
Re: Sexy photos, please! by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/05/2008, 9:34pm PDT 
Your wishes answered! by Zsenitan 04/06/2008, 11:39pm PDT 
Posting pics of oneself: cowardice. Hiding behind an A&F model: SO BRAVE by Last 04/07/2008, 9:23am PDT 
Those pictures are of you? Mine was of me. And we both have just as much by evidence on the ground. 04/07/2008, 11:00am PDT 
wait, you think it was QB that tried to get her fired for being a racist? NT by suckers 04/07/2008, 11:38am PDT 
Re: Your wishes answered! by Quentin Beck 04/07/2008, 9:35am PDT 
Re: Your wishes answered! by evidence on the ground. 04/07/2008, 11:04am PDT 
hey, I want in on this by Mysterio 04/07/2008, 11:38am PDT 
Re: hey, I want in on this by Zsenitan 04/07/2008, 11:51am PDT 
It's a little late to be setting boundaries =( NT by Fortinbras 04/07/2008, 1:01pm PDT 
It's odd that she would object to something at this stage. NT by Fortinbrasbot 04/07/2008, 1:09pm PDT 
Re: It's a little late to be setting boundaries =( by Souffle of Pain 04/07/2008, 2:35pm PDT 
veronica's real name isn't even veronica? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 2:38pm PDT 
Re: veronica's real name isn't even veronica? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/07/2008, 4:12pm PDT 
She was bipolar too. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 5:09pm PDT 
Don't forget that at first he told everyone it was veroinca's fault. NT by Mischief Maker 04/07/2008, 2:59pm PDT 
So sb shitstormed bdr on AIM just to keep up the ploy. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 3:00pm PDT 
Huh? by laudablepuss 04/07/2008, 3:31pm PDT 
Please people this is about me and Quentin Beck and that other person by Mysterio 04/07/2008, 3:35pm PDT 
Explain it to laudablepuss, AS YOU WOULD A CHILD. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 4:00pm PDT 
Re: Huh? by Souffle of Pain 04/07/2008, 4:05pm PDT 
I don't know Umberto, but he WAS in the Capitol Steps. NT by Last 04/07/2008, 4:24pm PDT 
Umberto was from gamer's angst as far as I know. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 5:10pm PDT 
He was the funniest of the OMM Old Guard. by Mischief Maker 04/07/2008, 7:16pm PDT 
What? NT by Mischief Maker 04/07/2008, 6:22pm PDT 
I know! NT by laudablepuss 04/07/2008, 6:33pm PDT 
Lost. Confused. Posting anyways. NT by Fortinbras 04/07/2008, 10:38pm PDT 
LOOK OUT FOR THE EVIDENCE ON THE GROUND *dives away before it explodes* NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/07/2008, 11:59am PDT 
Well, well, well! by Quétinbec 04/07/2008, 6:53pm PDT 
Re: Well, well, well! by Mischief Maker 04/07/2008, 7:47pm PDT 
Re: Well, well, well! by evidence on the ground. 04/07/2008, 8:58pm PDT 
ator NT by ha ha 04/07/2008, 10:32pm PDT 
No, it's not. by evidence on the ground. 04/08/2008, 5:55am PDT 
your name is only slightly worse than by I Need Clarification 04/08/2008, 9:02am PDT 
That's exactly what an ator is. So........................... NT by ha ha 04/08/2008, 9:21am PDT 
No, an Ator requires that you have been posing as a different person. NT by Mischief Makers 04/08/2008, 9:40am PDT 
Often an imaginary person, Bananadine for instance. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/08/2008, 10:09am PDT 
Re: No, an Ator requires that you have been posing as a different person. by ha ha 04/08/2008, 11:14am PDT 
Re: No, an Ator requires that you have been posing as a different person. by evidence on the ground. 04/08/2008, 11:55am PDT 
Explaining how the message board rules work is very Qt3, both of you NT by I need clarification 04/08/2008, 4:10pm PDT 
Except still not quite as gay as qt3. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/08/2008, 4:20pm PDT 
I'll take over by Backup whore poster 04/07/2008, 9:00pm PDT 
Re: I'll take over by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/07/2008, 11:03pm PDT 
Re: I'll take over by Backup whore poster 04/07/2008, 11:08pm PDT 
OKAY I WILL RETIRE OR ASTOUND YOU AGAIN NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/08/2008, 12:43am PDT 
Not so good, Zseni. by Quétinbec 04/08/2008, 6:39pm PDT 
True, that kind of behavior was more in-line with Omega Supreme NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/08/2008, 6:49pm PDT 
You're wrong about it being Zseni and you're starting to make me sad. :( by Backup whore poster 04/08/2008, 7:40pm PDT 
Re: You're wrong about it being Zseni and you're starting to make me sad. :( by Quétinbec 04/09/2008, 8:06pm PDT 
I'm serious, but I think I'm done. Fuck you for destroying what you say you love NT by Backup whore poster 04/09/2008, 8:56pm PDT 
Jesus fucking christ, I can't get over this shit!!! by Backup whore poster 04/09/2008, 11:15pm PDT 
The drama and sobbing has gotten a lot better lately. NT by laudablepuss 04/10/2008, 12:29am PDT 
Can somebody just recap this? Maybe write a review? by Fortinbras 04/10/2008, 12:32am PDT 
THE STORY SO FAR by Ice Cream Jonsey ITSO Wikipedia 04/10/2008, 1:16am PDT 
*honest life assessment high fives* NT by Zsenitan 04/10/2008, 1:21am PDT 
You missed the best parts: TWO (more) high school dropping out admissions. NT by Fussbett 04/10/2008, 2:21am PDT 
Re: THE STORY SO FAR by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/10/2008, 2:23am PDT 
Re: THE STORY SO FAR by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/10/2008, 11:54am PDT 
Re: THE STORY SO FAR by bombMexico 04/11/2008, 12:13am PDT 
Like the Krogan, too much alike to work towards a common goal by bombMexico 04/10/2008, 2:23am PDT 
I'd hit it. NT by Tony 04/07/2008, 3:48am PDT 
Re: I have the best new job! It's better than yours but now is no time to boast! by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/30/2008, 1:30pm PDT 
He's busy moving to Hong Kong. NT by Fussbett 03/31/2008, 12:48am PDT 
Or a country with a policy of non-extradition NT by Fortinbras 03/31/2008, 12:52am PDT 
nah, I got them fellas too! by Bush 03/31/2008, 1:19am PDT 
Whatever happened to QB? NT by Not QB 12/22/2013, 10:44pm PST 
Tested positive for HIV, arrested trying to sneak back into Bahrain, executed NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 12/22/2013, 11:13pm PST 
It's sad that this is probably the prediction most in line with his behavior NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/23/2013, 7:19am PST 
Wasn't he just Jerry? NT by fabio 12/23/2013, 12:20am PST 
He had to move to smaller and smaller forums in search of gullible audience. by Last 12/23/2013, 4:53am PST 
TaxCox by Roop 10/18/2013, 7:22am PDT 
Thanks for that, Tim and Eric. NT by *shoots you* 10/18/2013, 8:19am PDT 
Dammit. Somebody who sucks made it? NT by Roop 10/18/2013, 9:37am PDT 
Spec Ops The Line and Darkness 2 for 5 bucks by Worm 04/02/2013, 8:43pm PDT 
Wrong forum but holy shit what a great find NT by fabio 04/03/2013, 8:26pm PDT 
What is the deals forum? NT by Worm 04/03/2013, 8:32pm PDT 
Kickass, thanks. FYI to others: just redeem the keys in the confirmation e-mail by Rafiki 04/03/2013, 9:36pm PDT 
and GFDAPR20 is a 20% off coupon I guess NT by Worm 04/03/2013, 11:13pm PDT 
Do you have 50 dollars? by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/18/2012, 2:33pm PDT 
Re: Do you have 50 dollars? by Chillum 08/18/2012, 8:40pm PDT 
My rate of return is -47.06% by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/15/2011, 9:53pm PDT 
Re: My rate of return is -47.06% by Mr. Kool 10/17/2011, 9:42am PDT 
You have to make a bet on the nature of this depression by The Happiness Engine 10/17/2011, 9:20pm PDT 
Re: You have to make a bet on the nature of this depression by N 10/18/2011, 1:07pm PDT 
I drink soda from cans! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NT by laudablepuss 10/18/2011, 4:45pm PDT 
I threw everything into PLASTICS by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/18/2011, 9:42pm PDT 
I put everything I had into bitcoins by Rick Falkvinge 10/18/2011, 10:58pm PDT 
Re: I put everything I had into bitcoins by The Happiness Engine 10/19/2011, 3:06pm PDT 
)) o (( NT by back and forth forever 10/19/2011, 11:34pm PDT 
update by laudablepuss 12/21/2011, 2:01pm PST 
Roth IRA recommendations by Shredder 06/20/2011, 2:38pm PDT 
Vanguard NT by Last 06/20/2011, 3:12pm PDT 
little girls going hard on single ladies, THE MUSIC VIDEO boy those girls sure a by Sword of Justice 05/11/2010, 7:57am PDT 
I've got to agree that there's 5 sets of parents out there by Fullofkittens 05/11/2010, 4:46pm PDT 
Haters by Gonna Hate 05/11/2010, 8:23pm PDT 
Patsy Ramsey? I though you were dead. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/11/2010, 9:20pm PDT 
Just how many kids HAS Madonna adopted? NT by Jay Leno 05/12/2010, 11:10pm PDT 
prospectus by gruman 12/07/2009, 4:11pm PST 
I think I made someone cry AND shit their pants NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/07/2009, 7:00pm PST 
Shit pants moved to step 2. 8( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 12/07/2009, 7:01pm PST 
Dubai by Rev. Sun Myung Moon 12/06/2009, 5:28pm PST 
kneel before sheik zod by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/06/2009, 5:31pm PST 
Same. by Mad Max 12/06/2009, 6:52pm PST 
Re: Same. by Troller Loller 12/06/2009, 7:17pm PST 
This post is great NT by Fortinbras 12/06/2009, 9:53pm PST 
I mean the post above this post. I mean two posts above! Fuck! NT by Fortinbras 12/06/2009, 10:00pm PST 
Thanks fortinbras. ^_^ by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 12/06/2009, 11:09pm PST 
Hahaha this guy is seriously pissed off. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 12/06/2009, 7:50pm PST 
posting on the internet with cuss words! perhaps he'll have a heart attack NT by Jrdano, shuddering with excitement 12/06/2009, 8:25pm PST 
I'm betting on stroke actually. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 12/06/2009, 8:34pm PST 
Re: Dubai by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/06/2009, 7:11pm PST 
I love the dust-covered car someone took the time to write LOSER on NT by Fortinbras 12/06/2009, 9:56pm PST 
Didn't they also do that in Bourne Supremacy? Also Hostel 2 is great NT by Eurotrash 12/07/2009, 1:25am PST 
Let's take this conversation back to Ron Paul by Moog 12/07/2009, 5:48am PST 
Re: Dubai by Quétinbec 12/07/2009, 8:23am PST 
Bum transactions by Ray of Light 04/03/2009, 7:26am PDT 
if you couldn't make it in america where the FUCK did you expect to make a life? by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2009, 7:36am PDT 
How did you find money to move? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/03/2009, 8:47am PDT 
the government recognizes my INCREDIBLE contributions to society NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2009, 9:57am PDT 
You'd be surprised how sophisticated and mobile modern bums are. by Mischief Maker 04/03/2009, 8:48am PDT 
Re: You'd be surprised how sophisticated and mobile modern bums are. by Choson 04/03/2009, 10:23am PDT 
I think it's just the mandatory free 911 service they covet by Fortinbras 04/03/2009, 10:28am PDT 
the same cell phones seen in the wire NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2009, 11:06am PDT 
the wherewithal by Fussbett 04/03/2009, 1:43pm PDT 
Some of them have families and cars and jobs and houses. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/03/2009, 10:38am PDT 
I think you just accidentally implied that Canada is better than America there. NT by Fussbett 04/03/2009, 1:40pm PDT 
canada, the repository of all america's failures... yeah that's a good thing NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2009, 2:26pm PDT 
A statement like "If you can't make it in America..." is supposed to be pro-USA. by Fussbett 04/03/2009, 3:47pm PDT 
Re: A statement like "If you can't make it in America..." is supposed to be pro by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/03/2009, 4:26pm PDT 
Yeah, see, the audience applause mean that no other country is easier than Ameri NT by Fussbett 04/03/2009, 5:13pm PDT 
In another time he may have been called a prophet. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/03/2009, 5:53pm PDT 
You're trying to explain an analogy to a Sam Kinison fan. by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/03/2009, 10:00pm PDT 
THAT SAM KINISON GUY WAS PRETTY STUPID NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/03/2009, 10:01pm PDT 
reminds me of when I tried to listen to bill hicks again recently by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2009, 10:17pm PDT 
Also Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison were quite lowbrow (psh). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/03/2009, 10:58pm PDT 
Ah, yes. The younger, less worldly Jsoh. Where did that innocent naivete go? NT by I need clarification 04/04/2009, 1:17am PDT 
Who's Bill Hicks by the way? NT by I need clarification 04/04/2009, 1:25am PDT 
wow this is really amazing input if only more people posted like this NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/04/2009, 9:22am PDT 
Personal Ads for Objectivists by Fortinbras 11/29/2008, 2:09pm PST 
Do they other kinds of classified ads for objectivists? by Jerry Whorebach 11/29/2008, 6:11pm PST 
Ray is selling an outboard motor? NT by Coronation 12/02/2008, 12:45pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Bananadine 12/02/2008, 12:00pm PST 
Try Murray Rothbard's essay on the Ayn Rand cult for real loopiness by Fortinbras 12/02/2008, 12:45pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2008, 1:04pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/02/2008, 2:09pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2008, 8:52pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Bananadine 12/02/2008, 6:32pm PST 
What? by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/02/2008, 7:00pm PST 
It could be my definition of "neckbeard" is imperfect by Bananadine 12/02/2008, 8:21pm PST 
Yeah, I was gonna say that, the beard and - yeah NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2008, 8:44pm PST 
Re: It could be my definition of "neckbeard" is imperfect by motherfuckerfoodeater 12/02/2008, 9:02pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2008, 8:55pm PST 
The Fountainhead is better written, smaller, and puts across the same point NT by Fortinbras 12/02/2008, 9:03pm PST 
Also there is a Rush song based on it I think. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 12/02/2008, 9:38pm PST 
The Trees? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2008, 10:31pm PST 
No. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 12/02/2008, 11:10pm PST 
Tom Sawyer? NT by Jerry Whorebach 12/03/2008, 5:09am PST 
Well, I give up, *I* can't figure out what The Trees is about /flips keyboard NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/03/2008, 11:42am PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Mischief Maker 12/02/2008, 10:15pm PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Bananadine 12/02/2008, 11:20pm PST 
dwarf by dwarf 12/03/2008, 12:30am PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Mischief Maker 12/03/2008, 7:39am PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Bananadine 12/03/2008, 10:24am PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Choson 12/03/2008, 11:36am PST 
semi-colorful characters that behave consistently with their own impossible pers NT by New Caltrops Titlebar 12/03/2008, 9:17am PST 
Oh okay let me help with that. by Zsenitan 12/03/2008, 9:48am PST 
Re: Oh okay let me help with that. by Bananadine 12/03/2008, 10:18am PST 
Re: Personal Ads for Objectivists by Choson 12/03/2008, 11:33am PST 
Global currency crisis pushes price of staples to new highs by Ray of Light 07/08/2008, 2:21am PDT 
We blame the depreciating dollar and the paper clip industry NT by OSEC 07/08/2008, 2:38am PDT 
The malay girl seems like a value by but better get QB's take 07/08/2008, 11:13am PDT 
My GF’s Malaysian! What a steal at $9! by Quétinbec 07/09/2008, 5:30am PDT 
That is clearly a Hong Konger's handwriting by Jack Cafferty 07/09/2008, 6:57am PDT 
You’re the motherfucker who once didn’t answer my questions! by Quétinbec 07/10/2008, 5:49am PDT 
Frankie says relax by Quetinbec works himself up into a f 07/10/2008, 11:05am PDT 
Speaking of (and to) Malaysians! by Quétinbec 07/11/2008, 4:18am PDT 
*wall of text* by Irene Dungsroman 07/11/2008, 4:42am PDT 
So... you didn't kill yourself after getting that e-mail? NT by Fussbett 07/11/2008, 4:51am PDT 
She is such a master storyteller, I can see why you'd seek her out specifically. NT by Last 07/11/2008, 8:10am PDT 
No wonder you hate Asians NT by I need clarification 07/11/2008, 10:26am PDT 
A hatred of Asians - in pictures. by Quétinbec 07/16/2008, 5:26am PDT 
Look, QB has an asian's hand in his pants NT by It's a man, baby! 07/16/2008, 12:36pm PDT 
Remember 2005, when we all hung out with Asians? NT by I need clarification 07/16/2008, 12:52pm PDT 
Yeah, and then the stupid ones married them. NT by Quétinbec 07/17/2008, 6:09am PDT 
AS IF WE NEEDED IT: Even More Proof That New Zealand is Awesome and Great by Jerry Whorebach 04/08/2008, 8:33am PDT 
In related news, Singalargh certainly knows how to treat a female impersonator. by laudablepuss 04/10/2008, 3:35pm PDT 
Please post about Lord of the Rings again. NT by conflictNo 04/08/2008, 7:48pm PDT 
Hey, this guy used to call himself ConflictGnome.Who gives a shit about this guy by Quétinbec 04/09/2008, 8:01pm PDT 
SysOps: In light of recent events please remove "Wall" from forum title. NT by Fussbett 04/08/2008, 11:23am PDT 
Bump for committee approval. NT by evidence on the ground. 04/08/2008, 11:55am PDT 
QB's guide to effective crying by Quétinbec 04/03/2008, 11:21pm PDT 
Nice work TATTERS NT by I remember you 04/04/2008, 12:39am PDT 
Now you'll have to settle for being highly bourgeoisie by Fortinbras 04/04/2008, 2:21am PDT 
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa by Fussbett 04/04/2008, 3:03am PDT 
I bet he never even fucked a whore. :( NT by The (disappointed) QB fan 04/04/2008, 10:02am PDT 
New Zealand is better than Canada in many ways. by Quétinbec 04/04/2008, 6:01pm PDT 
I got the Fanatical Completionist award in Guitar Hero II. Me 1, You 0. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/04/2008, 8:12pm PDT 
Alright, I'm satisfied. by Fussbett 04/05/2008, 2:40am PDT 
Re: Alright, I'm satisfied. by Quétinbec 04/05/2008, 8:24pm PDT 
Sydney by Fullofkittens 04/05/2008, 10:15pm PDT 
Why cry about losing a job? Are you a closeted square? Go fuck impoverished who by Last 04/04/2008, 7:37am PDT 
You can act like a man NT by The Don slaps QB in the face 04/04/2008, 10:30am PDT 
Don't fuck with your Brain, don't think with your Dick. NT by TheDon in that movie with Alan Alda 04/04/2008, 12:47pm PDT 
I can't remember a job ever that even cared about my high school NT by what a loser you are 04/04/2008, 5:26pm PDT 
Keep on whoring, whores. by McMoo the anti-drug cow 04/02/2008, 8:35am PDT 
Hey... when was that posted? NT by UH OH! 04/02/2008, 8:52am PDT 
The joke is PRO GAMING (lol) NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/02/2008, 1:51pm PDT 
Stupid google alerts :( NT by McMoo 04/02/2008, 3:05pm PDT 
HAHA at YOU by Motherhead 04/02/2008, 3:57pm PDT 
I clued in when the US Govt wanted the great biological weapon... DESTROYED. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/02/2008, 4:20pm PDT 
====== NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2007, 6:41pm PST 
. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2007, 6:42pm PST 
. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2007, 6:42pm PST 
. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2007, 6:42pm PST 
(splat) NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/05/2007, 6:42pm PST 
ES lost $1700 NT by Quentin Beck 03/06/2007, 5:52pm PST 
? NT by Entropy Stew 03/06/2007, 10:20pm PST 
You just cost me $6,000. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 03/07/2007, 8:32am PST 
What are you going to do about it, ASSHOLE. NT by Al Pacino's southern accent 03/07/2007, 3:46pm PST 
ES keeps his losses to himself but rubs his winnings in our face. Fuck him. by Quentin Beck 03/07/2007, 9:47pm PST 
Greedo's a man again by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/04/2006, 2:20am PDT 
Re: Greedo's a man again by laudablepuss 05/04/2006, 3:17pm PDT 
Re: Greedo's a man again by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/04/2006, 9:52pm PDT 
Re: Greedo's a man again by Souffle of Pain 05/06/2006, 2:02pm PDT 
Re: Greedo's a man again by Mischief Mogul 05/12/2006, 8:48am PDT 
Re: Greedo's a man again by Mischief Maker 05/07/2006, 5:44pm PDT 
Everybody hates Fussbett by McMoo the Anti-Drug Cow 01/13/2006, 11:33pm PST 
Re: Everybody hates Fussbett by Choson 01/14/2006, 12:09am PST 
Answer your e-mail, fag. NT by Fussbett 01/20/2006, 7:12pm PST 
THE CALLS ARE COMING FROM INSIDE THE E-MAIL NT by Creexul :( 01/20/2006, 10:17pm PST 
Re: Answer your e-mail, fag. by McMoo the Anti-Drug Cow 01/21/2006, 9:36am PST 
Poker adventure. by Fussbett 03/24/2005, 9:01am PST 
AIM reactions. by Fussbett 03/24/2005, 9:31am PST 
Please don't post AIM logs. I deal with that enough from Creex. NT by bink 03/24/2005, 12:02pm PST 
If you don't like AIM logs, what is that you *do* like about Caltrops? NT by Fullofkittens 03/24/2005, 1:03pm PST 
FFAG anger. Obscure recommendations. Otherwise un-noticed news. NT by bink 03/24/2005, 9:19pm PST 
FFAG? NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/24/2005, 11:54pm PST 
Ask Creex about it. He came up with it. NT by bink 03/25/2005, 8:37pm PST 
Well, I certainly want to work for your terrible humor. NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2005, 10:12pm PST 
Fuck, let's shut down AIM, then. NT by I need clarification 03/24/2005, 2:11pm PST 
If it'd stop stupid AIM logs like that, then yes. NT by bink 03/24/2005, 2:22pm PST 
It was like 7 lines long. NT by Creexul :( 03/24/2005, 2:34pm PST 
Creexul says it was only 7 lines long. NT by binkbot 03/24/2005, 2:34pm PST 
If only there had been a warning in the post title that there was an AIM log! NT by I need clarification 03/24/2005, 2:36pm PST 
How about we all add [AIM] tags when posting an AIM log! NT by Creexul :( 03/24/2005, 2:42pm PST 
Putting AIM right in the title? That's fucking ridiculous. [bink-friendly] by Fussbett 03/24/2005, 2:47pm PST 
[AIM] would be great, thanks. NT by bink 03/25/2005, 8:37pm PST 
What else do you hate, so that we could do like 5000 times more of it? NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/24/2005, 2:49pm PST 
Bill Dungsroman: also carries a bink grudge. NT by binkbot 03/24/2005, 2:55pm PST 
I carry an everybody grudge, you stupid boring fuck. NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/24/2005, 3:29pm PST 
Bill Dungsroman thinks I'm a stupid boring fuck. NT by binkbot 03/24/2005, 4:03pm PST 
Things I hate. by bink 03/24/2005, 3:41pm PST 
bink learned to ctrl-c, ctrl-v. NT by binkbot 03/24/2005, 4:17pm PST 
Re: AIM reactions. by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/25/2005, 3:37am PST 
Zseni is an impertinent bitch. NT by binkbot 03/25/2005, 11:32am PST 
fold pre-flop NT by Monty Cantsin 03/25/2005, 12:06pm PST 
Soliciting Midtown tour guide by creativepig 10/21/2004, 12:46pm PDT 
Re: Soliciting Midtown tour guide by Chairman Mao 10/21/2004, 2:23pm PDT 
Re: Soliciting Midtown tour guide by Mysterio 10/21/2004, 4:38pm PDT 
Re: Soliciting Midtown tour guide by Chairman Mao 10/21/2004, 11:35pm PDT 
So, wait, you're planning to blow New York down? NT by Entropy Stew 10/21/2004, 10:32pm PDT 