HEY FRIENDS, 13th Floor in Denver promo code. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2021, 3:19pm PDT 
Let's have a Halloween costume photo thread. NT by A FRIEND 10/25/2014, 9:44pm PDT 
Re: Let's have a Halloween costume photo thread. by re: 10/26/2014, 10:00pm PDT 
Who are we going as for Halloween? NT by Shredder 10/20/2013, 8:33pm PDT 
Johann Schmidt you schweinhund by Last 10/20/2013, 8:52pm PDT 
Now I have a machine gun ho ho ho guy NT by name withheld 10/20/2013, 10:56pm PDT 
I like this one. NT by Grebble 10/30/2013, 5:34pm PDT 
I was going to do Marty McFly, but nobody under 27 I've asked knows who he is NT by re: 10/30/2013, 3:38pm PDT 
Get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown! NT by Today's Youth 10/30/2013, 5:02pm PDT 
Worst response: "Oh, the old guy from the Michael J. Fox show?" NT by re: 10/31/2013, 1:08am PDT 
that never happened. NT by liar 10/31/2013, 4:20am PDT 
I think your desider to play grand inquisitor is greater than by re: 10/31/2013, 3:11pm PDT 
October could last 8 weeks as far as I am concerned. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/06/2013, 12:16pm PST 
Brian NT by <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vampire 11/06/2013, 8:56pm PST 
This is the <----Vampire sign-up thread by Shredder 03/19/2008, 1:49pm PDT 
I'll be Count Gothy McDark! by Mischief Maker 03/19/2008, 2:02pm PDT 
Is this a game where not all vampires drink blood? Like some manipulate energy? by Mischief Maker 03/19/2008, 2:15pm PDT 
Re: I'll be Count Gothy McDark! by Shredder 03/19/2008, 2:24pm PDT 
Oh, this is that Werewolf icebreaker game, not V: the Masquerade? NT by Mischief Maker 03/19/2008, 2:30pm PDT 
If I can't be antitribu True Brujah then FUCK THIS IMPOSTER SHIT NT by Last 03/19/2008, 2:38pm PDT 
The good news: you can be NT by Shredder 03/19/2008, 2:50pm PDT 
I'm going to suck your fat dick and then make you plow my ass NT by Count Fucking Faggot 03/19/2008, 2:54pm PDT 
This really went to a place I'm not comfortable. NT by Shredder 03/19/2008, 4:14pm PDT 
At least you are the plowER NT by and not the plowEE. 03/19/2008, 4:44pm PDT 
I vote that Motherhead is a vampire and that I am not a vampire. NT by Quétinbec 03/19/2008, 5:00pm PDT 
I am winning the game now, BTW. NT by Quétinbec 03/19/2008, 5:01pm PDT 
Fuck! NT by Motherhead 03/19/2008, 5:17pm PDT 
Tips for vampire spotting. by Motherhead 03/20/2008, 3:07pm PDT 
Just shorten it to Cunty McDark. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/20/2008, 5:31am PDT 
You're just jealous because math MAKES ME STRONGER! by Count Gothy McDark 03/20/2008, 6:04am PDT 
MATH SHIRT NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/20/2008, 6:22am PDT 
1 god = 3 gods, pi is a lie perpetrated by the devil, 9/11 changed everything NT by Jerry the Vampire Slayer 03/20/2008, 6:55am PDT 
More like Cunty McDORK, am I right? (I should get bonus dice for that one) by Jerry the Vampire Slayer 03/20/2008, 7:05am PDT 
So what's the update on this game? by Fussbett 03/20/2008, 10:35am PDT 
Vampire game, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... by Count Gothy McDark 03/20/2008, 10:55am PDT 
Re: Vampire game, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... by Quétinbec 03/20/2008, 5:11pm PDT 
Re: So what's the update on this game? by Count Fucking Faggot 03/20/2008, 12:10pm PDT 
Now we wait for Jerry to roll his dice (this could take all day) NT by Dungeon Master (S&M, not D&D) 03/20/2008, 12:26pm PDT 
Re: So what's the update on this game? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/20/2008, 12:33pm PDT 
The BEAR HAS KILLED ME! Now I am both GAY and DEAD! Is this erotic for you?! NT by Count Fucking Faggot 03/20/2008, 1:36pm PDT 
Was it a catholic bear or something? by laudablepuss 03/20/2008, 1:46pm PDT 
Bear Form Druid by Fortinbras 03/20/2008, 2:58pm PDT 
I Count! Vun Bear! Two Bear! Ah! Ah! Ah! NT by Count Gothy McDark 03/20/2008, 12:46pm PDT 
Someone should swab for epithelials. Someone who finished highschool, I mean. NT by Jerry the Vampire Slayer 03/20/2008, 1:27pm PDT 
Vampire the Maquerade? More like Vampire....The Hunted by Undead but bi-curious David Caruso 03/20/2008, 1:40pm PDT 
David Caruso was a vampire in Jade. (An emotional vampire.) NT by Jerry the Vampire Slayer 03/20/2008, 1:57pm PDT 
Vampires in town? I guess it's time *sunglasses* for a stakeout NT by YEEAAAAAH! 03/20/2008, 1:57pm PDT 
Normally WE'RE the ones... *sunglasses* ...who take a blood sample. NT by YEEAAAAAAHHHHHH! 03/22/2008, 12:44am PDT 
Let's take in the nightlife *sunglasses* for questioning. NT by YEEEEAAAAAHHH! 03/22/2008, 7:04am PDT 
This is a mystery *sunglasses* we can sink our teeth into. NT by YEEEEAAAAAHHH!!! 03/22/2008, 7:39am PDT 
Fangs... *sunglasses* ...but no fangs. NT by YEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH 2009 resurrection 09/11/2009, 1:08am PDT 
Fangs... *sunglasses* ...for the MEMORIES NT by Count Thread Ressurection 09/11/2009, 1:21am PDT 
Fangs, wyrm. :( NT by Even I don't get this. 09/11/2009, 3:22am PDT 
This one was best. NT by Last 02/10/2011, 9:01am PST 
Bumping. For Halloween! by Zsenitan 10/18/2009, 11:10pm PDT 
just gave a dramatic reading by up with pod people 10/18/2009, 11:11pm PDT 
Finally someone thinks something I did here was funny and it was an ATOR =( NT by Fortinbras 10/19/2009, 1:20pm PDT 
Least funny poster also biggest unnecessary liar NT by Barbertown 10/19/2009, 2:16pm PDT 
Also he tried to GRIP my GRAIN. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/19/2009, 3:13pm PDT 
Who runs Barbertown, anyway? NT by Fortinbras 10/19/2009, 3:52pm PDT 
Masber Blasber. NT by Bina Burner 10/19/2009, 3:58pm PDT 
QT3 starts up a new game set in DUNGSROMANIA by QT3 Reporter 07/14/2010, 6:27pm PDT 
Exciting new vampire opportunities by Qt3 historian 12/08/2011, 7:04pm PST 
Re: Exciting new vampire opportunities by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/08/2011, 8:49pm PST 
A christmas gift the whole family can enjoy by Qt3 Historian 12/08/2011, 9:39pm PST 
OK, how did Patton Oswalt get a BRAINSCAN or whatev of his dead wife? NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/20/2009, 9:52pm PDT 
Haven't heard about this one. Which album was that on? NT by Gentleman Jim Browser 02/09/2011, 10:34pm PST 
Why doesn't anyone ever reply to your posts? NT by col.schickn 02/09/2011, 10:39pm PST 
Hey, I'm replying! by Jerry Whorebach 02/11/2011, 6:49pm PST 
she only needed to be loaded with the reaction he wanted for one afternoon by bombMexico 02/10/2011, 12:22am PST 
The "5-minute rule" as it applies to spilled human brains. Excellent. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/12/2011, 12:47pm PST 
There was a throwaway line of dialogue in there about how she got scanned NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 02/10/2011, 8:18am PST 
This question is a swirling black vortex of nerdiness by Mischief Maker 07/08/2009, 5:35pm PDT 
if anyone doubted that mischief maker was male NT by this answers the questions 07/08/2009, 7:37pm PDT 
Re: This question is a swirling black vortex of nerdiness by Mysterious Stranger 07/08/2009, 8:47pm PDT 
Re: This question is a swirling black vortex of nerdiness by Jerry Whorebach 07/08/2009, 9:09pm PDT 
Oh, I see they mentioned that in your tutorial, only about fifteen paragraphs in by Jerry Whorebach 07/08/2009, 9:24pm PDT 
Hell, this was me by the way. :( NT by laudablepuss 07/10/2009, 8:49am PDT 
Dracula Origins by Worm 09/01/2008, 10:56am PDT 
First Annual Caltrops Community Dance Marathon by Jerry Whorebach 05/02/2008, 3:25pm PDT 
*shoots you* 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/02/2008, 3:27pm PDT 
Ladies and gentlemen, our first contestant! Let's give him a big hand! NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/02/2008, 3:28pm PDT 
*gives you a big hand, right across your fuckin mowt* NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/02/2008, 3:40pm PDT 
*serves you* NT by Mischief Maker 05/02/2008, 4:44pm PDT 
A challenger steps forth! This is shaping up to be one HELL of a contest! NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/02/2008, 9:44pm PDT 
Continued from the music forum for some reason. :( New qt3 roleplay. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 2:00pm PDT 
Re: Continued from the music forum for some reason. :( New qt3 roleplay. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 2:02pm PDT 
Re: Continued from the music forum for some reason. :( New qt3 roleplay. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 2:07pm PDT 
Re: Continued from the music forum for some reason. :( New qt3 roleplay. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 2:09pm PDT 
Gettin' hit with spitballs, insulted on their own property by Richard Simmons by Imogen Shitheap 04/21/2008, 2:31pm PDT 
Shredder and Count Fucking Faggot should GM that game here for us. NT by Fussbett 04/21/2008, 2:43pm PDT 
YOU'LL WISH....... YOU'LL WISH I NEVER DID THIS NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 2:48pm PDT 
C'mon Shredder, you can read the rules today and be DMing tomorrow by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/21/2008, 3:26pm PDT 
OKAY NOW WE HAVE TO GO HERE by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/21/2008, 11:48pm PDT 
Ain't no'ne of yous can handle dis by oh my fucking eyes 04/09/2008, 12:22am PDT 
FUUUUUUUUUUCK by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/09/2008, 2:01am PDT 
*wink* you know...*licks lips lasciviously* by oh my fucking eyes 04/09/2008, 7:40am PDT 
How DID he handle the females in his game. :( by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/09/2008, 1:41pm PDT 
Maybe someone who did could give us the gist of it? by Jerry Whorebach 04/09/2008, 2:30pm PDT 
ONE THING I KNOW FOR SURE IS I WANT TO THROW UP NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/09/2008, 6:36pm PDT 
I'm glad you asked by oh my fucking eyes 04/09/2008, 8:05pm PDT 
O god, THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/09/2008, 10:04pm PDT 
But look what Bill has to work with by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/09/2008, 11:17pm PDT 
Force my hand. by oh my fucking eyes 04/10/2008, 12:02am PDT 
Re: Force my hand. by Ice Cream Jonsey (not really) 04/10/2008, 1:09am PDT 
Exhibit C by oh my fucking eyes 04/10/2008, 3:13pm PDT 
Re: Exhibit C by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/10/2008, 3:36pm PDT 
Jerry Whorebach = Eddie Murphy? NT by Nancy Chick = lady w/o a ride home 04/10/2008, 3:58pm PDT 
This is probably a bad time, but fucking eyes isn't me. by Zsenitan 04/10/2008, 4:06pm PDT 
Oh. Well, that's embarrassing. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/10/2008, 4:32pm PDT 
Please don't follow the normal Caltrops protocol for hiding your shame. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/10/2008, 4:37pm PDT 
I'll be posting as the Circus Fun Clown until this blows over NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/10/2008, 5:13pm PDT 
It's never blowing over. by oh my fucking eyes 04/10/2008, 9:44pm PDT 
PISS GUZZLING NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/10/2008, 10:00pm PDT 
Is he taking the piss (lol) out of Japs or Native Americans? I can't EVEN tell. NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/10/2008, 10:04pm PDT 
Whoever it's coming out of, we know what he's going to do with it. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/10/2008, 10:07pm PDT 
It's hard to remember that he once came up with one of the best angryman rants by Fortinbras 04/10/2008, 10:21pm PDT 
I wasn't talking about BDR, but maybe I should have been? NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/10/2008, 10:34pm PDT 
Look at him using ^______________________^ like some sort of retard NT by I need clarification 04/10/2008, 10:09pm PDT 
It's retarded and not funny. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/10/2008, 10:11pm PDT 
Re: But look what Bill has to work with by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/10/2008, 1:04am PDT 
Re: But look what Bill has to work with by Quétinbec 04/11/2008, 12:23am PDT 
COOTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Mischief Maker 04/11/2008, 10:22am PDT 
Resolve this shit or we'll never properly come to terms with BDR's departure! NT by Quétinbec 03/25/2008, 9:17pm PDT 
It's not long before we're all screaming with guns in our mouths AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/26/2008, 2:49am PDT 
Gunshot to the head is not a cure for vampirism NT by Fortinbras 03/26/2008, 10:57am PDT 
Well this whole thing petered out fast after I got de-vampired }:[ --> :) NT by Jerry Whorebach 04/04/2008, 4:38pm PDT 
I was killed in the game, so we'll never know the ending NT by Shredder 04/04/2008, 4:45pm PDT 
BDR's pirate vampire epic ends. Everyone wins ^___^ by Post-game breakdown on Monday! 04/06/2008, 2:43pm PDT 
Re: BDR's pirate vampire epic ends. Everyone wins ^___^ by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/06/2008, 4:22pm PDT 
and a Fag NT tag, and Bill Dungsroman should be the new Quentin Beck, hard Nippl NT by JOE BREVIL SWITCH CLUTCHER 04/06/2008, 4:48pm PDT 
BDR is "too awesome" (for us). by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/06/2008, 4:49pm PDT 
Anyone have THE BALLS to read this? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/06/2008, 5:18pm PDT 
"t'day" - onset voicelessing? by Vested Id 04/06/2008, 5:22pm PDT 
Re: "t'day" - onset voicelessing? by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/06/2008, 5:30pm PDT 
That's how pirates type. NT by Pirate Expert 04/06/2008, 7:33pm PDT 
Day One Has Passed. It is Now Evening. by Shredder 03/20/2008, 11:22pm PDT 
Thanks for turning this into yet another game I can get picked last for :( NT by Jerry the Vampire Slayer 03/21/2008, 12:41am PDT 
PS: I pick Fussbett (duh) NT by Jerry the... Vampire? 03/21/2008, 12:43am PDT 
I pick to never pick jry. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/21/2008, 7:25am PDT 
I PICK YOUR ASS WITH BROKEN GLASS AFGGOT!!! >:( NT by Jerry the FUCKING Vampire 03/21/2008, 7:56am PDT 
*rolls dice* NT by Jerry the Vampire 03/21/2008, 8:13am PDT 
*shoots you* NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/21/2008, 8:26am PDT 
*Counts* NT by Count Gothy McDark 03/21/2008, 8:49am PDT 
*Gonks* NT by Power Droid 03/21/2008, 3:32pm PDT 
*Bonks* NT by Shemp 03/21/2008, 3:58pm PDT 
*Gooks* NT by Quétinbec 03/21/2008, 11:25pm PDT 
Also, garbage day. O_O NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/21/2008, 8:55am PDT 
NO NT by This still has legs, right? 03/21/2008, 1:38pm PDT 
Less stalking, more staking! NT by Fussbett 03/22/2008, 12:01am PDT 
I vote that Jerry is not a vampire and that Fussbett is a shit vampire. NT by Quétinbec 03/21/2008, 9:55pm PDT 
I vote that QB's blood is AIDS flavored NT by Double Dracula 03/21/2008, 11:24pm PDT 
Someone should alert the front page to this game in progress! by laudablepuss 03/21/2008, 11:44am PDT 
Re: Someone should alert the front page to this game in progress! by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/21/2008, 11:48am PDT 
Re: Someone should alert the front page to this game in progress! by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/21/2008, 1:38pm PDT 
Our traffic'll go through the ROOF NT by Fortinbras 03/22/2008, 12:09am PDT 
I want in, I've been studying Bill's Vampire Game and think I have a handle on t by Motherhead 03/21/2008, 3:31pm PDT 
You'll all succumb to me one by one, each dropping from the sight of the sun! by The Dark Embrace of the Blooderhood 03/22/2008, 12:29am PDT 
hahaha NT by YEEEEAAAAAHHH!!! 03/22/2008, 10:59am PDT 
Do emotional vampires count? NT by FABIO 03/22/2008, 8:14pm PDT 
Please provide a little flavor. I'm having trouble getting interested. by Role player 03/23/2008, 6:25pm PDT 
Zurich, 1916 NT by Double Dracula 03/23/2008, 6:46pm PDT 
I'm searching for the Spear of Destiny... oh, here it is. Nevermind guys, I foun NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/23/2008, 7:05pm PDT 
Goddamnit the storyteller screwed us again. NT by Fortinbras 03/23/2008, 7:38pm PDT 
Re: Zurich, 1916 by Zsenitan 03/23/2008, 8:52pm PDT 
Can you somehow shoehorn this into it? by Steampunk always helps, never hurts 03/23/2008, 9:24pm PDT 
Fuck by Fuck Fuck 03/23/2008, 9:25pm PDT 
There is always room for exploding cocks. by Caltrops distancing generator 03/23/2008, 11:43pm PDT 
update: Zseni votes to stake Jerry Whorebach (with FABIO) NT by Fussbett 03/23/2008, 10:02pm PDT 
Yes, romantically but roughly please. by Zsenitan 03/24/2008, 9:33am PDT 
Zürich by Swiss Emoticon ü ü ü 03/23/2008, 10:09pm PDT 
The 8th bit of ASCII was made inaccessible to those of my cursed lineage NT by Double Dracula 03/23/2008, 10:24pm PDT 
I give that Klaus Nomi out of a possible David Bowie by Double Dracula 03/23/2008, 10:45pm PDT 
ShinZanmato is nailed to the wall NT by Kishi Yuuji 03/24/2008, 1:18pm PDT 
By the way, Ray! is obviously the vampire. Kill him NT by FABIO 03/23/2008, 7:02pm PDT 
We have so many vampire forums, Shred couldn't EVEN find the right one for this. NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/23/2008, 1:56pm PDT 