E.L. Koba Fights For Us
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Koba called this one by Lizard_King 06/16/2010, 8:35pm PDT NEW

IED removal by QT3/War Reporter 08/10/2009, 7:54pm PDT NEW
    That ruled. 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/10/2009, 8:06pm PDT NEW
    Re: IED removal by Rudyard Kipling 08/10/2009, 11:07pm PDT NEW

Btrentray doesn't even get his own forum. O_O by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/22/2009, 6:03pm PDT NEW

Army gals more likely to be raped by friendlies than shot by enemy, say Rep Harm by Ray of Light Presents 04/01/2008, 3:59pm PDT NEW
    That reminds me of this newsflash from the Pentagon just today by Fortinbras 04/01/2008, 4:07pm PDT NEW
        I guess it's about time the army legitimized heterosexual activity. I guess :( NT by A.J. Squared-Away 04/01/2008, 10:42pm PDT NEW
    not enough bad news out of Iraq, let's make up a scandal (RAEP) NT by Grumah 04/01/2008, 4:25pm PDT NEW
        What do CRAP and RAPE have in common by RAP also crap rhymes with rape 04/01/2008, 4:31pm PDT NEW
            also this by hurf 04/01/2008, 7:13pm PDT NEW
                (Looks into the camera) What's in your rape kit, America? NT by Fortinbras 04/01/2008, 8:07pm PDT NEW
                A button! This is the best claptrso post ever. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/02/2008, 2:37am PDT NEW
            the MSM NT by Grumah 04/01/2008, 10:14pm PDT NEW
            Shit I meant crap rhymes with by you know what I meant 04/02/2008, 12:39am PDT NEW
                That doesn't rhyme at all. :( NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/02/2008, 3:20am PDT NEW
    What, they couldn't think of anything else to do with Saddam's old rape rooms? by Jerry Whorebach 04/01/2008, 10:29pm PDT NEW
    You can tell it's true because it's in the "opinion" section. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/02/2008, 2:52am PDT NEW
        Imminent Iraq victory NT by Always just 6 months away 04/02/2008, 5:50am PDT NEW
            We're losing, and army evil. NT by Ted Rall 04/02/2008, 6:21am PDT NEW
        It took me a while to realize that "babies" meant fetuses. by That comic tackles TWO ISSUES 04/02/2008, 9:02am PDT NEW
            Re: It took me a while to realize that "babies" meant fetuses. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 04/02/2008, 9:35am PDT NEW
            Also they're having trouble "getting it up." NT by I need clarification 04/02/2008, 11:21am PDT NEW

Firing a gun irl is haaaaard by Grumah 08/26/2007, 12:42am PDT NEW
    Brothers in Arms calls it a BASE OF FIRE, who you gunna believe? NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/26/2007, 12:58am PDT NEW
        Actually BiA is probably the most correct of all, it's TOO realistic NT by Grumah 08/26/2007, 2:07am PDT NEW
    At least everyone is having some fun with the story by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2007, 1:20am PDT NEW
        I like Joshua's post better. by Fussbett 08/26/2007, 1:24am PDT NEW
            Penny Arcade fans think they are shakespear, but misspell simple words anyway NT by Grumah 08/26/2007, 2:11am PDT NEW
    Many high points by Lizard_King 08/26/2007, 7:37am PDT NEW
        Re: Many high points by I need clarification 08/26/2007, 4:52pm PDT NEW
            Paintball by Lizard_King 08/28/2007, 12:07am PDT NEW

Can you change the name of this forum to 'E.L. Koba is a War Profiteer for Us'? NT by E. L. Koba 08/03/2007, 11:53am PDT NEW
    Why you son of a bitch by laudablepuss 08/03/2007, 11:58am PDT NEW
        From the title I was expecting a Predator reference in that post :( by Johnny Merzbow 08/03/2007, 4:25pm PDT NEW
        Hawt? NT by E. L. Koba 08/03/2007, 7:32pm PDT NEW

War Update by MC Such and Such 11/18/2005, 11:05am PST NEW
    ha ha by Vietnam 11/18/2005, 11:51am PST NEW
        Eh, the insurgents'll try to have their own Tet offensive. Doubt it'll work. NT by casual observer 11/18/2005, 11:55am PST NEW
            Why won't you stay gone? NT by Kabuke 11/18/2005, 4:11pm PST NEW
                Because you, YOU, hate me. God hates you too, soo... I'm here. So there. NT by casual observer 11/18/2005, 7:27pm PST NEW
                    You tell her worm. NT by Slappy 11/18/2005, 9:49pm PST NEW
                        I'm pretty sure I've been here because I'm here. by Worm 11/19/2005, 2:17am PST NEW
                            Oh you're a legend alright. by Slappy 11/19/2005, 5:18am PST NEW
                                Shit, at least Worm can claim he's the worst at something. by Mysterio 11/19/2005, 5:17pm PST NEW
                                    Apparently, a fan club. NT by casual observer 11/19/2005, 5:23pm PST NEW
                                        Touché. NT by Mysterio 11/19/2005, 6:09pm PST NEW
                                I'm just saying people wanting to leave is a reason I come back. by Worm 11/20/2005, 12:16am PST NEW
                                    er, that it's not a reason I mean NT by Worm 11/20/2005, 12:30am PST NEW
                                        Okay, fine, whatever. NT by I need clarification 11/20/2005, 10:49am PST NEW
                                            psh whatev. NT by Worm 11/20/2005, 3:32pm PST NEW
                                Hey, can I get the bronze? NT by bink 11/20/2005, 6:28pm PST NEW
            They probably already had it NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/18/2005, 4:57pm PST NEW
        Weren't the Vietcong well-trained though? by Creexul :( 11/18/2005, 12:23pm PST NEW
    Very Informative. Thanks. NT by Mysterio 11/18/2005, 1:23pm PST NEW
        It seems this info has been proven inaccurate. Thanks... FOR NOTHING. NT by Mysterio 11/18/2005, 11:41pm PST NEW
    Surefire by Ray of Light 11/18/2005, 1:53pm PST NEW
    Re: War Update by Guido Jones 11/18/2005, 2:56pm PST NEW
        I'm shocked that I have something to add! by Fussbett 11/18/2005, 3:32pm PST NEW
            Re: I'm shocked that I have something to add! by Guido Jones 11/18/2005, 3:38pm PST NEW
        Debunking some debunking by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/18/2005, 5:04pm PST NEW
            Re: Debunking some debunking by corax 11/18/2005, 7:41pm PST NEW
                Re: Debunking some debunking by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/19/2005, 11:14am PST NEW
        Re: War Update by E. L. Koba 11/18/2005, 7:40pm PST NEW
    If this doesn't lure out SB, nothing will NT by Fisherman 11/18/2005, 3:17pm PST NEW
    Hilarious! NT by E. L. Koba 11/18/2005, 5:25pm PST NEW
    ...more by E. L. Koba 11/18/2005, 8:07pm PST NEW
        Wow. by MC Such and Such 11/18/2005, 9:04pm PST NEW
            Re: Wow. by FA-BI-OH! 11/18/2005, 10:29pm PST NEW
            At least the revisions are interesting AND informative as well. NT by Creexul :( 11/19/2005, 1:08am PST NEW
                Agreed! Great thread, no one feel ashamed. Lets all high five. NT by Fussbett 11/19/2005, 10:52am PST NEW
                    Except MC who is a Rovian plant. O_O NT by Creexul :( 11/19/2005, 11:20am PST NEW
                        Besides, aren't war guys like sword guys anyway? by Souffle of Pain 11/19/2005, 2:54pm PST NEW
                            Yes, there is no truth. NT by laudablepuss 11/19/2005, 5:59pm PST NEW
                            That was a great skit. NT by I need clarification 11/19/2005, 6:17pm PST NEW
                            Dumbest analogy, EVAR NT by You fucking idiot 11/20/2005, 2:22pm PST NEW
                            Sword analogies? NT by YOU'RE ZSENI! 11/20/2005, 2:22pm PST NEW
    Re: War Update by Worm 11/19/2005, 2:22am PST NEW
    Re: War Update by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/19/2005, 10:37am PST NEW

The House will be in order! (x5) by Wow! 11/19/2005, 12:16pm PST NEW
    Re: The House will be in order! (x5) by Wow! 11/19/2005, 12:17pm PST NEW
    claimed to be relaying the words of a Marine COL who had phoned her NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/19/2005, 1:33pm PST NEW
        Flame war version: "I get a lot of e-mail and PMs supporting me..." NT by Fussbett 11/19/2005, 1:59pm PST NEW

Hey Koba, ever run into FACE HUGGERS in Iraq? by The voice of reason 09/28/2005, 4:53pm PDT NEW
    Fuck, why didn't anyone link to this before?? by I need clarification 09/28/2005, 6:25pm PDT NEW
        Don't laugh. Those are fucking nasty. NT by Alex Chiu 09/30/2005, 12:05am PDT NEW
    Re: Hey Koba, ever run into FACE HUGGERS in Iraq? by E. L. Koba 09/28/2005, 9:05pm PDT NEW
        Picture broke by E. L. Koba 09/28/2005, 9:12pm PDT NEW
        Dammit they are ugly!!!!!!! NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/28/2005, 9:16pm PDT NEW
            still, they're army chicks so they'll do what they're told and call you sir. NT by Fullofkittens 09/28/2005, 9:19pm PDT NEW
                Not you, specifically. NT by Fullofkittens 09/28/2005, 9:19pm PDT NEW
        Re: Hey Koba, ever run into FACE HUGGERS in Iraq? by The voice of reason 09/29/2005, 6:00am PDT NEW

Hey FABIO, how's that new C&C Generals: Zero Hour patch? NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 04/14/2005, 10:00pm PDT NEW
    which one? by FABIO 04/14/2005, 11:05pm PDT NEW

My favorite part of the State of the Union Address by Mischief Maker 02/03/2005, 6:08pm PST NEW
    Re: My favorite part of the State of the Union Address by laudablepuss 02/04/2005, 2:32pm PST NEW

(NWS) Photos from Iraq by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/02/2005, 11:21am PST NEW

Terrorists now capturing action figures by Fussbett 02/02/2005, 9:29am PST NEW

Crazy Arab Kid Writes Crazier Essay by Kab(uke) Seme 01/09/2005, 11:27am PST NEW
    The main point is that his professor was mean to him about it. NT by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 11:39am PST NEW
        You're kind of soft pedaling it aren't you? by Lizard_King 01/09/2005, 12:52pm PST NEW
            You're so trying to coin "soft pedaling" as some hip new thing. by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 1:30pm PST NEW
                Re: You're so trying to coin "soft pedaling" as some hip new thing. by Bill Dungsroman 01/09/2005, 1:42pm PST NEW
                    Re: You're so trying to coin "soft pedaling" as some hip new thing. by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 1:43pm PST NEW
    A 17-year-old wrote this? by Mysterio 01/09/2005, 1:35pm PST NEW
        Re: A 17-year-old wrote this? by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 1:42pm PST NEW
        Re: A 17-year-old wrote this? by chemdem 01/09/2005, 2:23pm PST NEW
    Notes on surviving college. by Senor Barborito 01/09/2005, 2:20pm PST NEW
        Re: Notes on surviving college. by Bill Dungsroman 01/09/2005, 3:34pm PST NEW
            I think you're both forgetting something. by Fussbett 01/09/2005, 3:57pm PST NEW
            You weren't lazy enough to finish medical school. NT by I need clarification 01/09/2005, 4:26pm PST NEW
                While you were industrious enough to finish I-82. by Bill Dungsroman 01/09/2005, 6:50pm PST NEW
                    Re: While you were industrious enough to finish I-82. by I need clarification 01/09/2005, 7:05pm PST NEW
                        Re: While you were industrious enough to finish I-82. by I need clarification 01/09/2005, 7:06pm PST NEW
                            Recovery: Fumbled by Bill Dungsroman 01/09/2005, 8:43pm PST NEW
                                Re: Recovery: Fumbled by I need clarification 01/09/2005, 8:53pm PST NEW
                            I'm smothered in rich creamy fat. NT by Creexul :( 01/10/2005, 8:22am PST NEW
        Great post. by Mysterio 01/09/2005, 5:44pm PST NEW
            Bill is 33. NT by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 5:54pm PST NEW
                33 in February. NT by Bill Dungsroman 01/09/2005, 6:46pm PST NEW
        My limited LAS experience has been contrary NT by William H. Hayt, Jr. 01/09/2005, 6:57pm PST NEW
    He broke his little ships. :( by Creexul :( 01/09/2005, 4:32pm PST NEW

VEETNAM vs IRAQAFALUJA by laudablepuss 12/28/2004, 2:27pm PST NEW

Uparmor by Fussbett 12/08/2004, 5:47pm PST NEW
    AIM LOG by Fussbett 12/08/2004, 5:51pm PST NEW
        Re: AIM LOG by laudablepuss 12/08/2004, 6:06pm PST NEW
            Re: AIM LOG by E. L. Koba 12/11/2004, 1:31am PST NEW
                Re: AIM LOG by Creexul :( 12/11/2004, 1:37am PST NEW
                    Re: AIM LOG by Mysterio 12/11/2004, 5:37pm PST NEW
    The Army: Be All You Can Be Given the Limited Budget of the Only Superpower by whydirt 12/08/2004, 6:34pm PST NEW
        I see they're putting the $87 billion to good use. NT by Mischief Maker 12/08/2004, 6:52pm PST NEW
            It's a physics problem, not a money problem. by laudablepuss 12/08/2004, 7:05pm PST NEW
                Armor manufacturer reportedly capable of defying the laws of physics by Rafiki 12/10/2004, 10:38am PST NEW
        Re: The Army: Be All You Can Be Given the Limited Budget of the Only Superpower by The Joosh 12/10/2004, 5:37am PST NEW
            Nice try NT by Mysterio 12/10/2004, 6:28am PST NEW
                You are untrollable, G! NT by Vertical slits, not horizontal 12/10/2004, 11:39am PST NEW
                    Re: You are untrollable, G! by Dave Kelly 12/11/2004, 4:16am PST NEW
                        :( NT by Fairy in the last panel 12/11/2004, 1:30pm PST NEW
            Is it still "fielding questions" when you don't answer them? NT by Fullofkittens 12/10/2004, 7:23am PST NEW
            Re: The Army: Be All You Can Be Given the Limited Budget of the Only Superpower by Maxime Faget 12/10/2004, 7:25am PST NEW
            everybody shut up and get lots more APCs in there stat NT by Adopt a Bradley 12/10/2004, 7:42am PST NEW
                Re: everybody shut up and get lots more APCs in there stat by E. L. Koba 12/11/2004, 1:28am PST NEW
                    Donald Rumsfeld is Mel Gibson, you are all Tina Turner NT by whydirt 12/11/2004, 1:40am PST NEW
            Hey! by The Liberal Media 12/10/2004, 10:23am PST NEW
            Re: The Army: Be All You Can Be Given the Limited Budget of the Only Superpower by whydirt 12/10/2004, 12:23pm PST NEW
            clarfication for those who need it by fellow retarded 12/10/2004, 12:56pm PST NEW
                Re: clarfication for those who need it by Creexul :( 12/10/2004, 3:17pm PST NEW
            Now lets count the number of replies made by uninformed people by The Joosh 12/14/2004, 5:56pm PST NEW
                Cutting off toes before I get drafted. NT by Worm 12/14/2004, 6:06pm PST NEW
                    That's because Joosh bathes daily in a pool of absolute truth or something. NT by so he'd know by Worm 12/14/2004, 6:07pm PST NEW
                Just one teensy little question by laudablepuss 12/14/2004, 6:35pm PST NEW
                    That's easy by Lizard_King 12/15/2004, 10:35pm PST NEW
                        Re: That's easy by Mysterio 12/16/2004, 2:55am PST NEW
                            Re: That's easy by Mysterio 12/16/2004, 4:49pm PST NEW
                        Re: That's easy by laudablepuss 12/16/2004, 10:33am PST NEW
                            "dumbass"? Please, stop twisting the knife. by Lizard_King 12/16/2004, 3:50pm PST NEW
                                No. NT by laudablepuss 12/16/2004, 3:53pm PST NEW
                                    Damn you're retarded. by WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? 12/16/2004, 5:28pm PST NEW
                                        Hi, I'm laudablepuss. How are you? by laudablepuss 12/16/2004, 6:15pm PST NEW
                                            Laterz? NT by FAGGORT 12/16/2004, 7:45pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Hi, I'm laudablepuss. How are you? by Lizard_King 12/17/2004, 5:37am PST NEW
                                                Uh huh. Sure. NT by laudablepuss 12/17/2004, 3:59pm PST NEW
                                        Re: Damn you're retarded. by Bill Dungsroman 12/17/2004, 6:10pm PST NEW
                Stop posting about politics. by whydirt 12/14/2004, 6:38pm PST NEW
                    Re: Stop posting about politics. by Creexul :( 12/14/2004, 7:12pm PST NEW
                I remember Rafiki's post! by Fussbett 12/14/2004, 10:52pm PST NEW
                    Re: I remember Rafiki's post! by Creexul :( 12/15/2004, 12:14am PST NEW
                        What the fuck is that supposed to mean? NT by Really? 12/15/2004, 8:08am PST NEW
                            Re: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? by Creexul :( 12/15/2004, 5:50pm PST NEW
                            People are now rushing in here for this. In a way, it's great. Plus: L_K! NT by I need clarification 12/16/2004, 9:49pm PST NEW
                IT BE KLINTON FAULT by godamit 12/16/2004, 11:00pm PST NEW
    Re: Uparmor by E. L. Koba 12/11/2004, 1:25am PST NEW
        Re: Uparmor by Creexul :( 12/11/2004, 1:41am PST NEW
            Re: Uparmor by Mysterio 12/11/2004, 4:18am PST NEW
            Re: Uparmor by Maxime Faget 12/11/2004, 7:31am PST NEW
                Re: Uparmor by Creexul :( 12/11/2004, 1:33pm PST NEW
            Re: Uparmor by whydirt 12/11/2004, 9:45am PST NEW
        Re: Uparmor by FABIO 12/11/2004, 11:20am PST NEW
            Re: Uparmor by Maxime Faget 12/15/2004, 2:31am PST NEW
        Fuckin' pogue. Why doesn't get off the goddamned wire already? NT by I need clarification 12/11/2004, 2:45pm PST NEW
            You're just jealous because Koba has cool lingo. NT by Bill Dungsroman 12/11/2004, 7:37pm PST NEW
        One good guess proved right by Lizard_King 12/15/2004, 10:51pm PST NEW
            Spoken like a true, dogma fed and brain-warshed MORINE NT by Zseni-chan 12/16/2004, 10:57am PST NEW
                I would have thought as little of him before the Marines. by Lizard_King 12/16/2004, 3:54pm PST NEW
            Re: One good guess proved right by Gen. Richard S. VanPatton 12/16/2004, 12:18pm PST NEW
                Re: One good guess proved right by Lizard_King 12/16/2004, 4:52pm PST NEW
                    Re: One good guess proved right by Gen. Richard S. VanPatton 12/16/2004, 4:58pm PST NEW
                        Re: One good guess proved right by Lizard_King 12/16/2004, 5:43pm PST NEW
                            Re: One good guess proved right by Gen. Richard S. VanPatton 12/16/2004, 8:45pm PST NEW
                    Re: One good guess proved right by I need clarification 12/16/2004, 9:52pm PST NEW
                        Re: One good guess proved right by L.A. hipster 12/17/2004, 12:46am PST NEW
                        Re: One good guess proved right by Lizard_King 12/17/2004, 7:41am PST NEW
            Re: One good guess proved right by Mischief Maker 12/16/2004, 4:06pm PST NEW
                Re: One good guess proved right by Lizard_King 12/16/2004, 4:53pm PST NEW
            Airplane pilots probably appreciate the deployment of airplane mechanics. NT by conflictNo 12/16/2004, 6:42pm PST NEW
                There is nothing wrong with being a pogue. by Lizard_King 12/17/2004, 7:45am PST NEW
                    Re: There is nothing wrong with being a pogue. by Rafiki 12/17/2004, 9:21am PST NEW
                        Re: There is nothing wrong with being a pogue. by Bodybag 12/17/2004, 6:44pm PST NEW
                        Re: There is nothing wrong with being a pogue. by I need clarification 12/17/2004, 9:05pm PST NEW
                            Re: There is nothing wrong with being a pogue. by Lizard_King 12/19/2004, 2:10pm PST NEW

Terrific war journal/article by laudablepuss 11/12/2004, 5:25pm PST NEW
    Re: Terrific war journal/article by Souffle of Pain 11/12/2004, 5:42pm PST NEW

Email by I need clarification 11/06/2004, 6:01pm PST NEW
    Last I checked... by Unger had it. 11/06/2004, 6:10pm PST NEW
        Who's Unger, and do I care. NT by Creexul :( 11/06/2004, 6:19pm PST NEW
            He's the guy responsible for the official nadir of this site NT by jeep 11/07/2004, 7:47am PST NEW
                At least he didn't die for nothing :( NT by E. L. Koba 11/07/2004, 6:31pm PST NEW
    Re: Email by E. L. Koba 11/06/2004, 11:24pm PST NEW
    Hey your email address sucks by E. L. Koba 11/11/2004, 10:56pm PST NEW
        And here I thought you were just being rude. Or dead. NT by I need clarification 11/12/2004, 2:51am PST NEW

Celebrating Veteran's day by FABIO 11/11/2004, 11:51pm PST NEW

Yo, I'm dead! NT by Unger "The Hunger" Dead Sold-juh 10/28/2004, 11:04pm PDT NEW
    LollerSON! NT by Mr. Spacely 10/28/2004, 11:53pm PDT NEW
    Re: Yo, you're a fucking faggot! by E. L. Koba 10/29/2004, 5:23pm PDT NEW
        GOT ANY PEACHES? NT by Unger "The Hunger" Dead Sold-juh 10/30/2004, 2:15pm PDT NEW
            You are the saddest troll ever NT by E. L. Koba 10/30/2004, 6:09pm PDT NEW
                Indeed. NT by Creexul :( 10/31/2004, 1:02pm PST NEW
    HA HA HA, yeah! High five! NT by Brawl Hall 10/30/2004, 10:04pm PDT NEW

Is Koba still over there? by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/14/2004, 5:06pm PDT NEW
    He was on vacation a couple weeks ago, then went back. NT by Creexul :( 10/14/2004, 8:15pm PDT NEW

Weirdly banal Iraq photos by air force girl by Choson 10/08/2004, 12:03am PDT NEW

Democracy comes to Wynot, Iraq by Souffle of Pain 09/24/2004, 1:33pm PDT NEW
    Re: Democracy comes to Wynot, Iraq by E. L. Koba 09/26/2004, 5:05am PDT NEW

so how about that Iraqi soccer team? by whydirt 08/16/2004, 3:50pm PDT NEW
    Re: so how about that Iraqi soccer team? by E. L. Koba 08/18/2004, 3:43pm PDT NEW
        Re: so how about that Iraqi soccer team? by Creexul :( 08/18/2004, 3:55pm PDT NEW
        Here's a thought, KOBA by I need clarification 08/22/2004, 2:38pm PDT NEW
            Re: Here's a thought, KOBA by E. L. Koba 08/23/2004, 3:18pm PDT NEW
                Re: Here's a thought, KOBA by Creexul :( 08/23/2004, 5:46pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Here's a thought, KOBA by Chairman Mao, USAF 08/24/2004, 12:33am PDT NEW
                        Get back behind your desk, REMF by E. L. Koba 08/25/2004, 6:07am PDT NEW
                            What DON'T you sandbag? by Fussbett 08/25/2004, 9:34am PDT NEW
                                Tres sheik. LITERALLY LORF NT by Entropy Stew 08/25/2004, 11:53am PDT NEW
                                L33t stax0rs by E. L. Koba 08/26/2004, 3:31pm PDT NEW
                                    Am I right, people? by I need clarification 08/26/2004, 3:53pm PDT NEW
                                        ROFL by SHECKY 08/26/2004, 3:56pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: ROFL by Bill Dungsroman 08/26/2004, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Am I right, people? by laudablepuss 08/26/2004, 5:02pm PDT NEW
                                        Seriously, though... by Pieter 08/26/2004, 7:51pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: Seriously, though... by FABIO 08/27/2004, 10:06am PDT NEW
                                        Uncontained low explosives just burn; Uncontained high explosives still blow up NT by SB's soul imprisoned in these fora 08/26/2004, 8:20pm PDT NEW
    The Iraqi team has a tortured past, LITERALLY! NT by Katie Couric 08/21/2004, 4:10pm PDT NEW
        The Iraqi team has gone to hell and back, LITERALLY! NT by Doom 3 writeup 08/22/2004, 4:45pm PDT NEW

Since nobody asked about those prison riots by McMoo the Anti-Drug Cow 08/27/2004, 7:45am PDT NEW

I can't think of anything snarky to say. by Chairman Mao 08/23/2004, 12:02am PDT NEW
    God kids are so sadly hilarious. by Fussbett 08/23/2004, 12:48am PDT NEW
    He realizes his mistake when she serves up the first plate of cooked sand. NT by Creexul :( 08/23/2004, 11:51am PDT NEW
        Or wipes her ass with her bare hand by E. L. Koba 08/23/2004, 3:30pm PDT NEW
    Re: I can't think of anything snarky to say. by E. L. Koba 08/23/2004, 3:28pm PDT NEW
        Re: I can't think of anything snarky to say. by Bill Dungsroman 08/23/2004, 4:46pm PDT NEW
        Re: I can't think of anything snarky to say. by Rightbug 08/23/2004, 5:03pm PDT NEW

Koba's still with us, right? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2004, 12:57pm PDT NEW
    I don't know about Caltrops, but I think he's still with the living. by Worm 08/13/2004, 1:48pm PDT NEW
        Yes that's him. NT by Creexul :( 08/13/2004, 3:58pm PDT NEW
            Yes it is. by E. L. Koba 08/13/2004, 9:06pm PDT NEW
                Re: Yes it is. by Creexul :( 08/14/2004, 2:37am PDT NEW
                What About Posters of Rita Hayworth? NT by Andy Dufresne 08/14/2004, 1:17pm PDT NEW
                Re: Yes it is. by Chairman Mao 08/14/2004, 1:46pm PDT NEW
                    It gets worse by jeep 08/14/2004, 6:22pm PDT NEW
                        Re: It gets worse by Chairman Mao 08/14/2004, 7:04pm PDT NEW
                            Re: It gets worse by jeep 08/14/2004, 7:33pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes it is. by E. L. Koba 08/17/2004, 1:27pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yes it is. by FABIO 08/17/2004, 1:44pm PDT NEW
                            Ok, that was creepy. NT by Chairman Mao 08/17/2004, 2:00pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Yes it is. by E. L. Koba 08/17/2004, 2:03pm PDT NEW

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