-=|DEViANCE|=- presents FarCry
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Metafilter comments for this one are too good by OG 05/27/2017, 4:16am PDT NEW

Huh, people seem to have great opinions about the cover to the newest one. NT by Jacob Freeman 05/25/2017, 8:00am PDT NEW
    That is just because it is riling up the right wing types. NT by Oom Shnibble 05/25/2017, 1:38pm PDT NEW
        I'm just riled up because I live there. by Mr. Kool 05/25/2017, 7:19pm PDT NEW
            As much as I like the setting change a bunch of paramilitary Christians NT by with APC's in Montana is implausibl 05/25/2017, 7:32pm PDT NEW
    Re: Huh, people seem to have great opinions about the cover to the newest one. by Kjio Hrndury 05/26/2017, 1:34pm PDT NEW

They're all on sale over Steam right now. NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/21/2016, 10:46am PDT NEW

Finally: AAA first person fuck sequences NT by 8========D 01/08/2013, 3:48pm PST NEW
    Good job citing your sources, there. NT by CattleHumper 01/08/2013, 5:53pm PST NEW

Apparently I shot this african fellow so hard, a black CTHULHU came out his rect by Eurotrash 08/21/2009, 2:36am PDT NEW
    nice boots, and also he's got two guns which he never got to use NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/21/2009, 2:41am PDT NEW

anyway, I beat farcry again, let's see if I can remember some other things also by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/04/2008, 7:20pm PDT NEW
    Crysis continues to remain an infinitely better game than FarCry. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/04/2008, 7:53pm PDT NEW
    fag NT by Worm 10/04/2008, 8:07pm PDT NEW
    binocular system by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/04/2008, 8:11pm PDT NEW
    and another thing (bazookas) by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/04/2008, 8:20pm PDT NEW
    You guys are awfully cute when you're all sincere. by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/04/2008, 9:10pm PDT NEW
        Thanks bdr. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/04/2008, 9:36pm PDT NEW
        fag NT by Worm 10/04/2008, 9:40pm PDT NEW
        you are awfully trolled when you're a little girl NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/04/2008, 10:12pm PDT NEW
    *taping off the area* LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT SERIAL TROLLING HERE... NT by TSI (TROLL SCENE INVESTIGATOR) 10/04/2008, 9:42pm PDT NEW
        Next Time on TSI: "Well I've played Far Cry through a third time" - Jsoh NT by Worm 10/04/2008, 9:49pm PDT NEW
            That'll be a two parter, followed by renewing WOW again. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/04/2008, 9:50pm PDT NEW
                ...but not before re-watching the entire Michael Moore catalog. NT by Ebert 10/05/2008, 2:47am PDT NEW
            looks like the worm... by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/04/2008, 10:11pm PDT NEW

Here's a sum up of the posts that went missing. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 1:04pm PDT NEW
    UNADDRESSED by Fussbett 10/02/2008, 1:53pm PDT NEW
        at least the crysis aliens still used ranged weapons NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 1:55pm PDT NEW
            Why is that a point in their favour? NT by Fussbett 10/02/2008, 2:33pm PDT NEW
                Trigen monster closeting? NT by Entropy Stew 10/02/2008, 4:18pm PDT NEW
                    Also no quicksaving. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 4:39pm PDT NEW
    Are you ladies still whining about this? by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/02/2008, 2:44pm PDT NEW
        Stings don't it. 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 2:47pm PDT NEW
            no by no 10/02/2008, 3:18pm PDT NEW
                NO IN EVERY FIELD NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 4:00pm PDT NEW
                    SAGE BOMB THIS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITUH NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 4:00pm PDT NEW
        you only posted a teary-eyed response to every single post I made NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 4:01pm PDT NEW
        The more days/weeks/months/years you repeat something, the bigger the victory. by Worm 10/02/2008, 4:41pm PDT NEW
            Re: The more days/weeks/months/years you repeat something, the bigger the vict by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 5:52pm PDT NEW
                uh, yeah, okay ... fag NT by Worm 10/02/2008, 6:16pm PDT NEW
                    uh by uh 10/03/2008, 2:56pm PDT NEW

well now we know why caltrops was down NT by foodeater-bot 10/02/2008, 11:55am PDT NEW
    Suspect #1 by Worm 10/02/2008, 12:23pm PDT NEW
        It's the guy in the shirt! NT by Entropy Stew 10/02/2008, 1:03pm PDT NEW
        it's too bad wrom and friends feel the need to take a shit under every thread by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 1:06pm PDT NEW
            Diagnosis: Butthurt NT by Dr. Worm 10/02/2008, 1:13pm PDT NEW
                oh yeah, wrom is also butthurt as well as being a whiny bitch pantshitter bad po NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 1:56pm PDT NEW
                    Someone didn't contribute to my thread, too bad their posts weren't deleted. NT by YOU, A MASSIVE FUCKING FAGGOT 10/02/2008, 4:37pm PDT NEW
                        it's like a post meant for a completely different topic by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 6:02pm PDT NEW
                            The author field is pretty spot on. You're a fag. NT by Worm 10/02/2008, 6:14pm PDT NEW
            Wasn't one of them the bdr who gaptoofed out about Mercenaries 3 being better th by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 1:29pm PDT NEW
                mechwarrior by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/02/2008, 2:07pm PDT NEW
                    Yes Milkwarrior. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/02/2008, 2:23pm PDT NEW
                    TROLLED LOL NT by Entropy Stew 10/02/2008, 2:55pm PDT NEW

tons of new farcry 2 trailers on gametrailers right now by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/17/2008, 10:57pm PDT NEW
    Well fuck this fag. NT by Worm 09/17/2008, 11:03pm PDT NEW
        haha holy shit wromg is the most bitter fucking crybaby on clatrops all day NT by triumph insult comic dog 09/17/2008, 11:14pm PDT NEW
            If we had avatars his should be of a crying baby ($10 TO CHANGE OTHER PEOPLE'S A NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/17/2008, 11:15pm PDT NEW
                Well hey, fuck this guy too! NT by Worm 09/17/2008, 11:16pm PDT NEW

Far Cry 2 knows how to make a trailer by Fussbett 08/16/2008, 3:05am PDT NEW
    Black Hawk Down soundtrack :( NT by Ray of Light 08/16/2008, 4:43am PDT NEW
        So YOU'RE the guy who didn't like everything in Blackhawk Down >:( NT by Fussbett 08/16/2008, 5:01am PDT NEW
            NO But is Barra Barra that the only rocking sound in the whole Islamic world? by Ray of Light 08/16/2008, 8:12am PDT NEW
            "You Delta boys are a bunch of undisciplined cowboys." *cigar chowmp* NT by What's not to like??!! =( 08/16/2008, 10:19am PDT NEW
                My favorite part by Ray of Light 08/16/2008, 11:15am PDT NEW
    I just hope the PC version doesn't suffer from being developed along side the co NT by the first useful gametrailer commen 08/16/2008, 5:06am PDT NEW
    Blowing shit up and choo kooking guns, what any action trailer should be. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/16/2008, 11:23am PDT NEW
    After the shocking disappointment of Crysis my fingers are crossed. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/16/2008, 1:52pm PDT NEW
        the shocking disappointment of what turned out to be a decent game NT by Grumah 08/16/2008, 8:30pm PDT NEW
            Yes. That the followup to Far Cry was merely decent was a shock. by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/16/2008, 9:25pm PDT NEW
                It was better than Far Cry. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/16/2008, 11:04pm PDT NEW
                    It's nicer when your trolling is at least a little subtle. NT by Worm 08/16/2008, 11:20pm PDT NEW
                        Thanks wrom. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/16/2008, 11:56pm PDT NEW
                    Your mom is better than far cry! by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/17/2008, 2:35am PDT NEW
                        You need to stop fixating on the second half by Arbit 09/05/2008, 3:55pm PDT NEW
                            I don't buy this. by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/07/2008, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                                Re: I don't buy this. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/08/2008, 12:38am PDT NEW
                it was certainly a way better game than gaylo 2 by Grumah 08/17/2008, 2:41am PDT NEW

QQ from Crytek about piracy by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/04/2008, 2:40pm PDT NEW
    QQing QQers QQingly QQ NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/04/2008, 2:57pm PDT NEW

Here's another sequel besides BGE they want to ruin by FABIO 05/28/2008, 7:52pm PDT NEW
    we don't want people to be afraid of us, that won't get us any of their goods by Grumah 05/28/2008, 9:38pm PDT NEW
    You're stronger from the lack of malaria, or from humanist super powers? by Worm 05/28/2008, 9:44pm PDT NEW
    I like it. by Fussbett 05/28/2008, 10:29pm PDT NEW

Crysis so far. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/15/2007, 10:16pm PST NEW
    It's even better than ever now. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/17/2007, 12:05am PST NEW
        Should this be prioritized above or below CoD4 in uTorrent? NT by Worm 11/17/2007, 12:31am PST NEW
            Come on man, Crytek would be crushed to hear you pirating the game by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/17/2007, 1:08am PST NEW
            Psh like you can run it. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/17/2007, 1:36am PST NEW
                Do you have a fucking clue what a cyberpowersystem is capable of? by Worm 11/17/2007, 8:23am PST NEW
                    You die at the end, there the game is ruined for you. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/17/2007, 8:36am PST NEW
                        Yeah, but that didn't work. by Worm 11/17/2007, 8:40am PST NEW
    I finished the game by the way, it's great but "to be continued" ending. :( by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/17/2007, 8:55am PST NEW

Reinstalled Far Cry and... it's still decent by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/01/2007, 6:02pm PDT NEW
    Replayed the Crysis demo on a harder difficulty and it's still better than Far C NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/02/2007, 12:06am PDT NEW
        After your first post I was gonna do it but your second post talked me out of it by I need clarification 11/02/2007, 12:51pm PDT NEW
            No wait, here it is on the floor, where I keep all my game discs. by I need clarification 11/03/2007, 1:27am PDT NEW
                Not if the disc in question is Interstate '82 ^_^ NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/03/2007, 4:14am PDT NEW
                I usually just throw them away when I am done playing them. NT by I need clarification 11/03/2007, 11:11am PDT NEW
                    ... 5 minutes later :( by Bodybag 11/03/2007, 5:54pm PDT NEW
                        Bodybag, in charge of not getting things :( by I need clarification 11/03/2007, 10:49pm PDT NEW
                            Oh, I see where you went wrong by I need clarification 11/03/2007, 11:33pm PDT NEW
                                discs come in a case NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/04/2007, 1:00am PST NEW
                                    I guess he keeps the cases but throws away the games. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/04/2007, 2:17am PST NEW
                                        I throw away the case before even playing the game. by I need clarification 11/04/2007, 11:12am PST NEW
                                            What about games without cases such as Orange Box? by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/04/2007, 11:49am PST NEW
                                                I ignore it. NT by I need clarification 11/04/2007, 6:47pm PST NEW
                                Re: Oh, I see where you went wrong by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/04/2007, 11:50am PST NEW

Apparently the 1.3 patch didn't put in a quicksave command by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/26/2005, 6:41pm PDT NEW
    You have to include -devmode in the game shortcut. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/03/2007, 7:23am PDT NEW

Crysis Demo by Fussbett 10/27/2007, 3:04pm PDT NEW
    It turned mine up to high, I turned it down to medium. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 10/27/2007, 4:34pm PDT NEW
    7 days later by Rafiki 10/27/2007, 8:31pm PDT NEW
    Here is what I think of the Crysis SP demo. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/01/2007, 12:34pm PDT NEW
        Re: Here is what I think of the Crysis SP demo. by I need clarification 11/01/2007, 12:42pm PDT NEW
            That's a joke or something right? :( NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/01/2007, 12:48pm PDT NEW
                thats gotta be some kinda fuckin sick JOKE NT by diet Coke/Grumah forever 11/01/2007, 3:26pm PDT NEW
            You can double-tap keys as shortcuts by Fussbett 11/02/2007, 10:52pm PDT NEW
                Actually if you hit ctrl and forward or back it does those things too. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/03/2007, 1:25am PDT NEW

Will the follow-up to FarCry be awesome? by Fussbett 03/28/2006, 5:48pm PST NEW
    Re: Will the follow-up to FarCry be awesome? by Green Beret 03/29/2006, 2:06pm PST NEW
        Re: Will the follow-up to FarCry be awesome? by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/29/2006, 2:18pm PST NEW
        Re: Will the follow-up to FarCry be awesome? by Fussbett 03/29/2006, 3:38pm PST NEW
            I think maybe he was trying to start us all saying our favorite way to play. NT by Fullofkittens 03/29/2006, 5:06pm PST NEW
                Oh, then my answer is "I AGREE!" NT by Fussbett 03/29/2006, 5:34pm PST NEW
    Farcry improvement by Flavio 03/29/2006, 8:48pm PST NEW
        I can get behind that. NT by Fussbett 03/29/2006, 11:32pm PST NEW
    Re: Will the follow-up to FarCry be awesome? by Fussbett 06/07/2006, 5:49pm PDT NEW
        JESUS FUCK NT by Entropy Stew 06/07/2006, 5:53pm PDT NEW
        JESUS CRYST NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/07/2006, 8:21pm PDT NEW
        Sweet Dan Brown's Descendant of The Baby Jesus NT by Fullofkittens 06/07/2006, 9:15pm PDT NEW
        The grass :( NT by Johnny Merzbow 06/07/2006, 9:20pm PDT NEW
            The blocks of wood are too blocky NT by Quentin Beck 06/07/2006, 10:34pm PDT NEW
                Yeah, and now think about how that shack is going to look by motherfuckerfoodeater 06/08/2006, 1:13am PDT NEW
        Here's a version where the bandwidth isn't busted. by Fussbett 06/08/2006, 6:12pm PDT NEW
        If this game were a human being by Someone Vaguely Mean 06/08/2006, 11:06pm PDT NEW
            Re: If this game were a human being by Someone Vaguely Helpful 06/08/2006, 11:32pm PDT NEW
                That is some nice detail work by Someone Vaguely Mean 06/09/2006, 3:19am PDT NEW
    I have concerns. by Fussbett 09/04/2006, 6:39pm PDT NEW
        Maybe the plot is from "Cat's Cradle." NT by Fullofkittens 09/04/2006, 9:30pm PDT NEW
        The aliens use freeze beam attacks. NT by Creexul :( 09/04/2006, 9:32pm PDT NEW
        Most of the ways you will kill those soldiers will be in slide-show presentation by I need clarification 09/05/2006, 12:57am PDT NEW
            Bad news. I guess I'll just have to play GoW2 instead. by Fussbett 09/05/2006, 1:08am PDT NEW
    GAMEPLAY VIDEO (uh oh) by Fussbett 01/12/2007, 10:25pm PST NEW
        You're going to need a DirectX 50 card for this by Bodybag 03/09/2007, 4:43am PST NEW
            Also: "Predator" tree-shooting technology. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/09/2007, 8:57am PST NEW
            I need a towel NT by Entropy Stew 03/09/2007, 9:08am PST NEW
            After the nuke shockwave, I liked the character animation mixing the best. NT by Fussbett 03/09/2007, 10:30am PST NEW
            Also: why is "volumetric lighting" now called "lightbeams"? NT by Fussbett 03/09/2007, 10:33am PST NEW
                Because (PSH) nowadays every 3D engine does volumetric lighting. by Bodybag 03/09/2007, 2:08pm PST NEW
                    Also they are beams of light. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 03/09/2007, 2:40pm PST NEW
            I'm not looking forward to playing this. by Jhoh Cable o_O 03/09/2007, 11:39am PST NEW
                Re: I'm not looking forward to playing this. by laudablepuss 03/09/2007, 3:51pm PST NEW
    Editor demo video by Fussbett 03/12/2007, 3:09am PDT NEW
    The follow-up to FarCry WILL be awesome. But it will be Far Cry 2 ?!?!? by Fussbett 09/16/2007, 5:49am PDT NEW
        Whatever of Africa is left after RE5, you can burn to the ground in Farcry 2. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 09/16/2007, 6:33am PDT NEW
        Re: The follow-up to FarCry WILL be awesome. But it will be Far Cry 2 ?!?!? by Grumah 09/16/2007, 3:29pm PDT NEW
        This trailer is an OUTRAGE by PC Gamer Staffer 09/16/2007, 3:41pm PDT NEW

help me by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2004, 4:15pm PDT NEW
    Re: help me by wherever 08/10/2004, 4:21pm PDT NEW
        Re: help me by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2004, 4:30pm PDT NEW
            Re: help me by wherever 08/10/2004, 4:38pm PDT NEW
    Re: help me by Mysterio 08/10/2004, 4:32pm PDT NEW
    Re: help me by Motherhead 08/10/2004, 4:45pm PDT NEW
    Important note: you have to kill everything first. Then get the boat. NT by Creexul :( 08/10/2004, 4:48pm PDT NEW
        By shooting the chains. NT by Creexul :( 08/10/2004, 4:48pm PDT NEW
            SHOOT THE CHAINS NT by Entropy Stew 08/11/2004, 12:24am PDT NEW
    Re: help me by Rafiki 08/10/2004, 5:38pm PDT NEW
        Thanks, everyone by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2004, 5:54pm PDT NEW
    quit now by FABIO 08/10/2004, 7:17pm PDT NEW
    Re: help me by diALMan 05/21/2006, 8:59am PDT NEW
        Look, someone more retarded than Creexul. NT by Duh Gay Ball Bruddas 05/21/2006, 11:31am PDT NEW
        WAY TO GO YOU FUCKING MORON NT by Someone Vaguely Mean 05/21/2006, 12:21pm PDT NEW

Sniping by Fussbett 07/12/2005, 2:17am PDT NEW
    fags :( NT by E. L. Koba 07/12/2005, 2:22am PDT NEW

FYI by I need clarification 12/31/2004, 1:10am PST NEW
    Far Cry is a great game. by Fussbett 12/31/2004, 4:16am PST NEW
        Gravity gun. NT by Creexul :( 12/31/2004, 11:57am PST NEW
            jungle [nt] by rock thudson 01/01/2005, 8:42am PST NEW
        Re: Far Cry is a great game. by Mysterio 01/11/2005, 11:42pm PST NEW
            that's me above. NT by Motherhead 01/11/2005, 11:43pm PST NEW

Farcry SDK and 1.3 Patch released. by Strangelove 10/25/2004, 7:18pm PDT NEW

I got to thinking. by Worm 10/23/2004, 2:33pm PDT NEW
    Is this the Caltrops of the future? by Weeping Man 10/23/2004, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        It is now that you have coupled it with anonymous bellyaching. NT by Worm 10/23/2004, 2:50pm PDT NEW
            OH SNAP NT by The Oh Snap Guy 10/23/2004, 2:52pm PDT NEW
    Re: I got to thinking. by The Striked Outer! 10/23/2004, 2:47pm PDT NEW
    They've already finished the models of guns!?! It'll be out in DAYS. by uh 10/23/2004, 4:19pm PDT NEW
        I know, I just really wanted to have a reason to show the board with nails. NT by Worm 10/23/2004, 5:17pm PDT NEW

copyWRONG by Entropy Stew 08/12/2004, 3:26pm PDT NEW
    That's even worse than the "Don't Copy that Floppy" video. by Worm 08/12/2004, 3:55pm PDT NEW
        I saw that dude's tongue ring... by Willdog 08/16/2004, 12:56pm PDT NEW

1.2 patch out now by Black Hitler 07/21/2004, 1:45pm PDT NEW
    Could Crytek's QA and customer service get any worse? by Bodybag 07/23/2004, 2:03pm PDT NEW
        Better answer by Black Hitler 07/23/2004, 10:54pm PDT NEW

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